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Tried NA ....ready for surgery
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01/28/2009 03:12
01/28/2009 03:12

Re: Tried NA ....ready for surgery

Hi jwag4646 Australia Calling,you mention" that the diseased facia tissue has to be removed." Does this mean you will have skin grafting to the area. Ive had 4 large grafts done over the period ,which included many surgeries some repeat surgery. I must say I have never had my hand in plaster for any of the ops.
It must be a surgeon preference as I have seen patients from another surgeon with the arm in plaster.
From my personal experience ,keep you hand elevated ie. with you hand up on the shoulder to stop any clotting .Keep the fingers gently moving (like playing a piano) this pumps the blood back through the viens. .I had the bandage opened and stitches either removed or checked after 10 days . The graft was examined after 7days to check it has taken and the blood supply had promoted the tissue growth in the graft. A graft on the inside of the palm /hand sometimes does not take. After 10 days I could drive a car and silly boy on the farm rode the motor bike to round up cattle. Once you are on the road to recovery I believe excercise and long gentle stretching and forcing the hand to make a fist are all important. I hope you haven't left this surgery too long when you say you have 90 degree contraction. My advice was using the table top test not to wait boyond 50 mm (2ins.) contracture which I believe is about 30 degree. If you are having a graft make sure the surgeon marks out on your hand, the area so you dont get a shock when you first see it. If I can help further let me know.Regards.

Edited 01/28/09 05:14

01/28/2009 04:21
01/28/2009 04:21
Re: Tried NA ....ready for surgery

I did not have a cast, either. My hand was wrapped in bandages. I did not have a skin graft. Just stitched up. I never felt any pain from the surgery.

01/28/2009 14:42
01/28/2009 14:42
Re: Tried NA ....ready for surgery

hey thanks for the comments. I am seeing my Dr today with a long list of questions that were not addressed at the initial consultation. I am real apprehensive in having this done. I'm such a baby! It's just I'm right handed, extremely active and workout 6-7 days a week(no more weight lifting for awhile). I so hope the Dr. will leave the 3 fingers non DC free from the cast or what ever will used. I will post this afternoon or in morning after my Dr appt. today. Again thanks again for all your input and comments. There are just so many things you read on the web do this......no do this......this the best way...it gets a person a little confused. I really think a person has to make his mind up to do what he thinks is best and put it in God's and the surgeons hands. Hope neither of them have DC! ha ha

01/28/2009 17:43

not registered

01/28/2009 17:43

not registered

need help with my ssdi case had surgery in march 2008

hi my name is kevin root and in march i had surgery for dupuytrens in my left hand. I need help with information in regards to the time frame
of the on set of the disese.And the increasing level of disaility. In 2003 i was in a car accident and my hand was broken. In 2004 my hand started closing and became very painfull and i became homeless i had know medicall coverage and started using street drugs for the pain and to help with functionability. by 2006 was in so much pain and the hand was so closed up i could not work. in 2007 i was arrested and went to jail until
january 2008 then i went to a residentual recovery home and they sent me to the hospital to find out what was wrong. That was the first time
i had ever heard of dupuytrens contracture

I live in santa clara county ca and am in need of a lawyer for my ssdi case im schedualed for a hearing but as of yet don't have a date

02/04/2009 13:59
02/04/2009 13:59
Re: Tried NA ....ready for surgery

well i just hand the surgery yesterday afternoon on my R pinkie and ring finger. no skin graft needed. in a splint almost to the elbo with ace bandage. no real pain yet. Dr. told the wife all in all went well. when the pinkie was released he said it hyperextended........not sure how that will affect rehab & PT. was given hydrocodon for pain.....made me feel like bugs were crawling on me.........needless to say not much sleep last night.
hang in there fellow DC'ers..... i'll post again soon

02/05/2009 04:56
02/05/2009 04:56
Re: Tried NA ....ready for surgery

Thank you for the report. Keep us posted. It should be an interesting recovery. Keep the hand elevated.

02/05/2009 16:36
02/05/2009 16:36
Re: Tried NA ....ready for surgery

callie...........thanks for your previous posts. i'm in just a partial bottom cast. not to uncomfortable so far. you posted earlier you were 90 degree contracted prior. are you straight now? my dr said i'd prob be 10 after rehab & PT. that would be a blessing! you know we take so many things for granted..... that things happening like this really wakes a person up and there are others out there that have it alot worse. are you m or f? where from? again thanks for your posts. have a great day!

02/05/2009 20:53
02/05/2009 20:53
Re: Tried NA ....ready for surgery

My hand is as good as it was before I knew what Dupuytren's was. The little finger is totally normal. Even the scar is not noticeable from more than a foot away, no one would ever notice it.

The exercises/therapy that I did after the surgery made all of the difference, I think. I was always flexing the hand and stretching during the day. Also, the messaging of the scar tissue with hand lotion was very important.

When do you get the stitches out?

02/05/2009 23:31
02/05/2009 23:31
Re: Tried NA ....ready for surgery

callie.....i think he is going to take the cast off this coming Mon. and re-dress the hand. mold for a splint and stitches out Fri. i know i will be very deligent in the rehab exercises. this is a major set back for me but i'm willing to work thru it as i have the other hand with the ring finger just starting contracting and the pinkie at 50+ degrees. i hope i can rehab enough in 6 mos to get the left hand done. it seems to be the most aggressive of the two. so we will see how it goes.

02/14/2009 04:46
02/14/2009 04:46
Re: Tried NA ....ready for surgery


How is it going? Bandages off yet?

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