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Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection
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10/16/2008 14:04
10/16/2008 14:04
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

I am not seeing a local doc for my Dupuytren's since I went to an orthopedic hand specialist once thinking I would just get an injection but they refused. So I see a local dermatologist for my Kenalog injections and they have no experience with Dupuytren's per say. But since it was in the skin, I guess they felt it OK to Kenalog it per the instructions in which I brought with me.

So far, mine has not changed and I watch it closely. I plan on getting Kenalog injections in it and the others soon, but I am waiting to see if possibly it is a bruise and goes away. Wishful thinking.

I am still not certain but the Naproxen connection has me wondering. Like I said previously, the periods of growth of Dupuytren's has coincided with my periods of taking Naproxen. So coincidentally it is, I can't bring my self to take it ever again.

I know this may be totally coincidental, but it has me spooked.

My nodule in my finger feels like it is not on the bone or bone itself, not in the skin, but just under the skin. It does not follow the skin when the skin is moved. I can pinch the skin up and the nodule stays just on top of the bone. There is no pain and it is not real hard but firm. Docs report that it is difficult to get a needle in it the first time with Kenalog but after several months, the second injection is easier because the nodule is softer.

Let us know what happens.


10/16/2008 16:33
10/16/2008 16:33
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Thanks Joe, sounds just like my nodules on the two fingers. I have an appt with hand doc again on 10/24, am going to ask him again now that I have two and they are larger. Thanks again


10/16/2008 16:35
10/16/2008 16:35
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Are those the only two you have? If you get the Kenalog, remember my suggestions on the injections! ouch!!!

10/16/2008 22:55
10/16/2008 22:55
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Joe, I have two nodules and what looks like cords starting on each palm, and then two nodules on two of my fingers on left hand. SO six in all so far.... Yes I will sure remember, Im going to ask him about that for sure. Paula

10/16/2008 23:14
10/16/2008 23:14
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

OK, good luck. Do note that the paper recommends the nodules to be injected from the side at several locations. I think the reason for injecting the sides is that if the needle goes to far it does not hit any important parts. And the multiple locations gives it a good soaking. Let us know how it works out. It does seem that the Kenalog did stop the progression for me.

10/31/2008 11:48
Linda B

not registered

10/31/2008 11:48
Linda B

not registered

Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Thank you for the time you have spent on this information.. I have saved your site to favorites and will be following it..Thanks for the help..
Linda B

04/22/2009 20:28
04/22/2009 20:28
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Hey Joe, if youre out there, did the doc inject your little finger (the one that was getting the nodule) with Kenalog and did it help? The nodule on my little finger PIP joint is now causing my finger to contract and I was wondering what you did about yours? Let me know if you can.

04/23/2009 14:21
04/23/2009 14:21
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Hi everyone. No not yet. But all my Dupy bits seem to be very stable. I'm not sure why but I'm not complaining. I do work my hands a lot. Planting trees, shoveling manure, working in my shop, lifting 80 pound parts, etc. But I have not been taking anything but Lisinopril for slightly high BP and aspirin for aches and sore parts. No Naproxen.

I have not yet had my new nodule injected. Mainly because of my work load right now. Big project with my business and a house re-model. But I plan to soon. I also need to update my web page about my hands as it has been a while.

Were you taking any anti-inflammatory drugs when your nodule grew? Anything related?

04/23/2009 15:33
04/23/2009 15:33
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Joe, I wasnt taking anything when my pinkie nodule appeared. But I am glad to hear you are doing better. Did the nodule on your pinkie grow at all from your last pic? Do the nodules in your hands look better? Thanks for replying


05/04/2009 14:28
05/04/2009 14:28
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

My pinkie nodule has gained in volume only a tiny bit. About 1.3 in volume over what it is in the picture. The nodules on my left hand are the same as when the pictures were taken just over a year ago.

I can still open up my hand past flat on a flat surface.

I'll probably get my pinkie zapped with Kenalog soon. Since it is in a small finger, I'll ask for a volume of Kenalog about 1.5 times the volume of the nodule. I think too much was injected in my left hand last time as it took longer to recover and I had that weird shiny skin for 6 months. It also still feels slightly weaker and a bit stiff in the finger joints. Not bad though and since I use my hands so much, I'm keen to anything unusual.

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coincidentally   coincidental   Kenalog   Naproxen   pictures   injections   nodules   indications   connection   Lidocaine   possible   wondering   determining   dermatologist   instructions   interesting   Dupuytren   injection   periodically   anti-inflammatory