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Xiaflex or surgery for PIP joint
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09/09/2013 14:23
09/09/2013 14:23
Xiaflex or surgery for PIP joint

Hi All.
I have a little finger PIP contracture in my right hand which is over 90 degrees; left is rapidly approaching the same.
I had RT several years ago.
I NA on right finger 18 months ago - within months the contracture fully returned to 90 degrees, even though I was still wearing a splint much of the day.
I am trying to decide between Xiaflax or surgery.
A physician already told me Xiaflex cannot be injected into the finger, just the palm, so any straightening of the finger will be limited.
He said surgery will get the finger straighter.
Can anyone confirm this one way or another?
Also, I would rather not try Xiaflax if the contracture will return as radpidly as after NA.
Has anyone tried both and had better results with Xiaflex?
Thank you all!

09/09/2013 15:41
09/09/2013 15:41
Re: Xiaflax or Sugery for PIP joint

You asked, "Can anyone confirm this one way or another?"

I doubt it. I had surgery for little finger (over 90 degrees and PIP) in January of 2002. My little finger is still perfect (zero degrees) after all this time. A person could not tell I ever had Dupuytren's in that finger. If you choose surgery make sure you use a HAND surgeon with experience with Dupuytren's. I had very little pain with the whole procedure and recovery.

09/12/2013 06:22


09/12/2013 06:22


Re: Xiaflex or sugery for PIP joint

My PIP joint was bent 45 degree and both NA and Xiaflex were not good options because I had a thick nodule close to the PIP Joint and no prominent cord. I was advised to have surgery but then opted for Xiaflex nevertheless. It did not fully correct my finger (about 50% of the contracture was left after manipulation) and after 1.5 years the contracture was back where it was initially. That's just anecdotal and cannot be generalized because the cord was thin and hidden deeply, so it was very difficult to inject and probably didn't really break. I would think that surgery is the most effective way to get a PIP joint straight but it comes with a lot of side effects and risk, including early recurrence, and can probably only be repeated once. I still would like to avoid surgery of my finger as Long as I can.


09/12/2013 10:53
09/12/2013 10:53
Re: Xiaflex or sugery for PIP joint

I also had a nodule near the pip joint and pip contracture of 95 degrees , all on little finger . And I have rather small fingers.
There was no vizable cord at all . Doctor Eaton worked his magic ...took his time and correcred my finger. Six weeks prior to the NA Dr. Eaton gave injections into the nodule too soften and shrink. NA was in 2009 ...all still great ...wear splint each night.

09/12/2013 10:57


09/12/2013 10:57


Re: Xiaflex or sugery for PIP joint

That might be the reason. I stopped wearing a splint half a year ago and my contracture increased quickly.


...wear splint each night.

09/12/2013 13:21
09/12/2013 13:21
Re: Xiaflex or sugery for PIP joint

So ya know ..I wear the splints EVERY NIGHt. Wear very light glove under the splint much bore confortable that way ..

Hey as the saying goes { whatever works }

09/12/2013 15:36
09/12/2013 15:36
Re: Xiaflex or sugery for PIP joint

Had 90 degree small finger PIP NA with Dr. Denkler in Nov 2006. Correction to 15-20 degrees. Seems to be even better now! Faithfully wore night splint for 3-4 years before the finger's "desire" to re-contract finally seemed to abate. Have other DD-related issues now though but thus far not severe enough to "force" me to secure treatment (highly averse to all medical interventions).

09/13/2013 02:51
09/13/2013 02:51
Re: Xiaflex or sugery for PIP joint

I also had a nodule near the pip joint and pip contracture of 95 degrees , all on little finger . And I have rather small fingers.
There was no vizable cord at all . Doctor Eaton worked his magic ...took his time and correcred my finger. Six weeks prior to the NA Dr. Eaton gave injections into the nodule too soften and shrink. NA was in 2009 ...all still great ...wear splint each night.
There is no one like Dr. Eaton! Yes, he always took his time- I believe that is the secret - and worked his magic. There is no one to compare to Dr. Eaton. If anyone can discover a cure for this disease it's Charlie Eaton.


09/13/2013 10:52
09/13/2013 10:52
Re: Xiaflex or surgery for PIP joint

So ya know ..I wear the splints EVERY NIGHt.

A little off topic, anyone know of a thumb splint for MCP joint and web space?

09/14/2013 00:16
09/14/2013 00:16
Re: Xiaflex or surgery for PIP joint

So ya know ..I wear the splints EVERY NIGHt.

A little off topic, anyone know of a thumb splint for MCP joint and web space?

Fixx Glove has a version that splints the index finger and thumb.

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Xiaflex   degrees   surgery   straightening   experience   contracture   contracting   recurrence   re-contract   correcred   Correction   approaching   generalized   manipulation   injections   nevertheless   splints   confortable   because   interventions