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Xiaflex Treatment
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11/11/2014 02:29
11/11/2014 02:29
Re: Xiaflex Treatment

You guys are all great! Thank you so much for your posts. I am more and more convinced that Xiaflex with an experienced doctor is the way to go. Only problem, in this land of the free, is changing my medicare advantage plan that is acceptable to one of those doctors. The plan I have now is absolutely useless. So, I have to wait until the new year to have it done. Will keep you posted.

    11/11/2014 02:59
    11/11/2014 02:59
    Re: Xiaflex Treatment

    My Medicare Advantage only covered about 1/3 of the cost of the Xiaflex so I applied to the Healthwell Foundation and they provided me with a grant that covered all but about $90 of the total cost for the entire procedure. I would have found a way somehow to pay for the cost regardless but I am grateful for the grant.

      11/13/2014 17:13
      11/13/2014 17:13
      Re: Xiaflex Treatment

      Once you have your financial situation in place make sure to get the treatment as soon as possible. I have had it done in both hands and it did not work in the second hand. The cord was too thick and we ended up having to do conventional surgery.
      Best of luck

        11/26/2014 17:40
        11/26/2014 17:40
        Re: Xiaflex Treatment

        I had my treatment this week. I've had two,prior surgeries , right hand and it always came back . Had Xiaflex done in Medford Oregon. I was concerned about the pain related to the procedure after watching YouTube videos . The injections into the cord ( mine was very pronounced and visible,middle finger ) were very painful, ( no anesthetic can be used )
        The following day ( yesterday) I went in for the breaking procedure. I had heard a couple of minor pops in the night but no tearing as others have described.

        The injections into the nodule of lidocaine were very painful, for me much painful than I had read for some reason. It took the Doctor an extra couple of injections to get me numb. Once I was numb she started the hard part, I had no pain from it but felt tremendous pressure of her really using force to break the cord. I was laying down and could not see what was happening but she told me it had , in fact broken,and straightened as planned ! It has also torn the skin at the base of the finger to the point it took four stitches .

        But....as planned ... My finger IS STRAIGHT after many years ! Yes, the pain was excruciating for a few seconds at a time,
        But today, the day after ...hardly any pain. Slight bleeding but not much. Now doing my exercises to keep the fingers moving. Going back in for an adjustment to the splint as it is straighter than right afterwards. Will now wear the splint for a month or so, taking it off several times a day to exercise the hand and fingers.

        I must say, being able to compare to the surgery, the pain of that, the long recovery, scarring AND IT CAME BACK ! I would strongly suggest Xiaflex. Do some homework as I did and find a Doctor experienced with it. Mine did a great job.

          11/26/2014 20:00
          11/26/2014 20:00
          Re: Xiaflex Treatment

          Congrats on a successful Xiaflex procedure! My left hand was done in July of this year in Salem, OR and results are amazing! I may have to have it done on my right hand some time if the nodules start to grow cords. Also good to know there are other docs in Oregon who are using this procedure.

            11/29/2014 00:22
            11/29/2014 00:22
            Re: Xiaflex Treatment

            Thanks Econn
            It's surprisingly good today. There is a good sharp pain if I stretch it too far caused by the tearing and stitches, but I'm impressed ! My Doc said wear the Splint 24/7 other than exercising it...this is difficult for me. It impedes so much.
            Am trying....


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              MelioraDockery   performed   applications   successfully   procedure   injections   results   surprisingly   conventional   centraljerseyhand   straightened   experience   manipulation   procrastinated   recommended   Xiaflex   Treatment   experiences   non-surgical   practitioner