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Bummed in Dallas
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05/31/2009 21:01
05/31/2009 21:01
Bummed in Dallas

Greetings friends,

A newbie here with a unique problem. I am (or was I should say) an avid guitar player and builder and am getting extremely desperate. I am a 50 year old male in generally excellent health.

My problem is pain and stiffness in all PIP and DIP finger joints on my left hand (4 years now). The PIPs also exhibit pads. Recently (two weeks ago), I awoke with similar pain and stiffness in 3 fingers on my right hand (that's right, you read it correctly; the right hand was fine when I went to bed and a mess when I woke up!) and now the PIP pads also appear to be spreading to this hand.

I've seen 8 specialists for this problem so far, to no avail, and have been completely unable to play the guitar for almost 1 year. Recently, a skin biopsy taken from the back of my left index PIP joint confirmed the presence of Dupuytren's tissue (knuckle pads). My pads are painful to the touch, very painful when I try to flex my fingers (both uncommon I'm told), and my PIP range of motion is severely limited in the FLEX direction (this is what prevents me playing guitar). I have no sign of nodules or chords in the palm and full extension is no problem.

Anyone with Dups have or seen similar symptoms? I own 9 guitars and I miss them dearly....


Oh by the way for those who may wonder; yes I've been tested 4 times in the past 12 months for RA, Scleraderma, lupis, gout, etc. etc.....

05/31/2009 22:11
05/31/2009 22:11
Re: Bummed in Dallas

You have my sympathy!!! Although I have a different problem I feel your pain - I'm a serious classical pianist and my Dups is really affecting my playing. My thread is here:


I'm documenting my experience and upcoming surgery on my website:


Lots of good info on this site and great contributions in the forums. Keep in touch, keep searching and don't give up!

06/01/2009 00:35
06/01/2009 00:35
Re: Bummed in Dallas

Thank you for the encouragement.

I have been following your thread with great interest. I stumbled upon it last week since words like "PIP" and "musician" are common keywords I've been using in my desperate attempt to find someone out there with similar problems!!

I wish you luck with your NA.....

I have an appointment with yet another hand guy on June 10th; he'll be my 9th specialist in less than 4 years.

06/01/2009 00:52
06/01/2009 00:52
Re: Bummed in Dallas

Dear Scion,

I just looked at the photos of your left hand on your web diary. It's a little difficult to see all the fingers but in the photo with your hand on the piano keyboard, it appears that you have large pads on the back of the PIP joint of your left ring finger..... even larger than mine!!!!

These are not painful?? They do not severely limit your ability to flex that finger all the way into your palm?

06/01/2009 12:48
06/01/2009 12:48
Re: Bummed in Dallas

No pad on my left ring finger - I thinks it's just a photo peculiarity. My surgery date has changed to 6/8 but I'm trying to get in this week if possible. I'll update my website as things progress.

06/01/2009 14:42
06/01/2009 14:42
Re: Bummed in Dallas

Wow... it sure does look in the photo like the skin over your ring finger PIP is abnormally thick !!!!

07/07/2009 18:47

not registered

07/07/2009 18:47

not registered

Re: Bummed in Dallas

Hey I've been having problems with my left hand for a couple years since I started taking music classes at our local commuinity college. Guitar was my only passion after high school. I had lofty goals to attend a full four year music school, but constant discomfort made it hard to want to practice. I had one surgery in my left(fret) hand index finger when I was 21, they said it was to remove an "extra sesimoid bone" that was causing pain and contraction. I am 24 now and just went back to a doctor last week, who said that a new lump on my right hands ring finger is actually the presence of dupuytrens. Hearing this now in my life I dont know what to make of it. When was the last time you could play a guitar? Are you depressed? I have no career, I have been working as a short order cook for the last 5 years and it looks like "DUP's" could even get in the way of keeping a job in this entirely unregulated field of labor. The idea of one day playing guitar with no problems had kept me going for the last 3 or 4 years, I have even chosen to keep playing music as an option over lengthy relationships. I've been searching for similar experiences and Im sorry for the long reply to this thread but your story is all I've been able to find. Thank you for putting it out there, I know theres probably not much that can be done for my hands at this point (still early stages) but just to know that I'm not the only one in this kind of position is somehow helps immensely.

07/08/2009 14:34
07/08/2009 14:34
Re: Bummed in Dallas

This August will mark 1 year since I was last able to play guitar and yes, this definitely affects my outlook on life. My guitar collection hangs on the wall in my (climate controlled) home office and like you, faith that someday I will again be able to instantly grab one when an idea for song strikes and I will play without pain, somehow keeps me going.

For me, first position chord shapes like Am, C, Dm, etc. are impossible due to pain and stiffness in my fretting index finger PIP and DIP joints. Imagine not being able to make a tight fist with your left index finger. This essentially renders your entire hand useless for guitar playing. Over the past 6 weeks or so, the problem has been rapidly spreading to my right hand as well. I also build custom guitars in addition to being an avid player and pain is now affecting my ability to grasp and control hand tools.

The lump on your right hand is on the palm side? Did the doctor biopsy the site or just examine it? All of my "Dups consistent tissue" is on the back (knuckle side) of my finger joints and my diagnosis came from the pathologist (i.e. biopsy results). I am getting some relief from cortisone shots but I usually relapse within about 4 weeks.

I tell you Kid. I'm not really a big believer in most modern psycho babble but I am convinced that being constantly down in the dumps can be generally bad for you physically. You must find something else that interests you and do your best to draw positive energy from it. My own dream has now changed from being a respected player to experiencing the thrill of seeing a beautiful guitar, crafted by my own pain ridden hands, being played on stage by some other lucky and impressive player. It's a stretch I know, but it keeps me alive. Hang in there....

07/10/2009 17:36

not registered

07/10/2009 17:36

not registered

Re: Bummed in Dallas

Yea its on the palm side of my right hand at the base of the ring finger, typical I guess. The doctors removed tissue from the palm side of my left hand just below my index finger though in 2006 that they sent out for testing. I never went back for a followup on the surgery because the doctor who did it was out on medical leave himself and the recovery seemed fine.

I had seen two doctors at the same clinic. The second, older doc was the one who did the surgery on my hand and wasnt around afterwards. The first was younger and this time the other week I went to him just because I knew he was there. As soon as he walked into the room he took one look at my hand and told me I have dupuytrens. He then told me that he performed surgery on the older doc for dupuytrens after I had surgery done. I was kind of stupefied and I didnt ask all the questions I should have.

I don't know what the results were from the tissue taken from the first surgery I had but my index finger was definately contracting down and there was definately a lump on the palm. It seems like the doc on the recent visit knew something before he came in the room, but again, I didnt ask.

Are the pads painful? I havnt noticed anything anywhere but on my palm. Its great that you were able to adapt seemingly well to the lifestyle change. Also you are right about being down, definately helpful. I'll definatlely be interested to come back and hear any updates..

07/13/2009 19:23
07/13/2009 19:23
Re: Bummed in Dallas


Difficult to say that the pads themselves are painful but the joints that exhibit pads certainly are. However, some joints that do not exhibit pads are also painful, so it appears to me that one of two scenarios is affecting my joints.

One, the "dups tissue" that shows cosmetically as a knuckle pad, may be spreading internally around my tendons and joints and this causes my pain and stiffness (I've heard this theory).

Or, the knuckle pads themselves aren't really causing any major issues and some form of poly-arthritis is the cause of my joint problems (i.e. the pads are coincidental to the joint problems and not causal). I test negative for RA and x-rays do not show osteoarthritis.

One reason I'm on this forum is to help me in determining which of these scenarios is the most likely and since nobody else with Dupuytren's seems to exhibit similar symptoms, I'm leaning more and more towards the second.

Honestly, it's fast becoming an exercise in futility however, because not much can be done for me in either case....

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