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Collagen as treatment
11/02/2017 06:29
11/02/2017 06:29
Collagen as treatment

I was diagnosed with duputreyns in March 2016.
I have rapidly deteriorated. Both hands are affected : ring fingers more than 90 degrees contracted, all other fingers and thumbs also contracted to various degrees between 20 and 80 degrees.
My foot has also got one fibrotic place, and my other foot has pain at the base of my toes, which can apparently be part of the fibrotic process.

It has been suggested that I use hydrolysed collagen type 2 (a very pure type - chicken collagen from France (Sally Crede)
I know that collagen is somehow related to duputreyns and increase of fibrosis (although it seems something about the ratio between type 1 and type 2) SO question is will it help or worsen symptoms?
Having surgeries in December and then February.

11/02/2017 08:14
11/02/2017 08:14

Re: Collagen as treatment

I was diagnosed with duputreyns in March 2016.
I have rapidly deteriorated. Both hands are affected : ring fingers more than 90 degrees contracted, all other fingers and thumbs also contracted to various degrees between 20 and 80 degrees.
My foot has also got one fibrotic place, and my other foot has pain at the base of my toes, which can apparently be part of the fibrotic process.

It has been suggested that I use hydrolysed collagen type 2 (a very pure type - chicken collagen from France (Sally Crede)
I know that collagen is somehow related to duputreyns and increase of fibrosis (although it seems something about the ratio between type 1 and type 2) SO question is will it help or worsen symptoms?
Having surgeries in December and then February.
Hi Kirsty, sorry to hear. I don't know about the collagen treatment but have you considered getting a minimal invasive NA or Collagenase procedure done to straighten your fingers? An experience doctor should be able to fix the fingers for you and you may be able to keep the straight wearing a night splint, as many of us do.




[55, Dupuytren diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and PNF/NA 2014, radiotherapy RH 2015, LH 2017, night splint glove]

11/02/2017 08:59


11/02/2017 08:59


Re: Collagen as treatment

I could not find any clinical trials using hydrolysed collagen as a treatment for DD or LD. There do appear to be some trials reported for other conditions, but the results are unconvincing or mixed. It is hard to say if this will help you or make things worse. I would be cautious. Probably RT would be the safer option after surgery, or as Stefan suggests exploring the minimally invasive options first.

11/02/2017 11:08
11/02/2017 11:08
Re: Collagen as treatment

Thanks so much. I know after surgery I`ll wear a night splint then have lots of OT.
Not keen on radiation again : doctor disappointed about the scar tissue that`ll make op more complicated :)

I`m also cautious about collagen, but will keep looking for research.

11/02/2017 13:11
11/02/2017 13:11

Re: Collagen as treatment

What we are trying to say is: Try to avoid open surgery and opt for one of the less invasive alternatives with fewer side effects instead. You'll have a much shorter intervention, smaller wound, faster healing and no or almost no need for therapy. Try to find an experienced doctor who is confident he can spare you surgery.

11/03/2017 01:13
11/03/2017 01:13
Re: Collagen as treatment


Just last week I had NA done on my thumb and xialfex on my ring and middle finger. Both center fingers were past 90 and my thumb was.... not sure ... couldn’t wrap it around a beer bottle

I had it since I was 25 yrs old and was told it was brought on from a printing press injury. But it was a slow progression. 30 yrs of it and to the point of being really hindered I decided to get it fixed.

I can’t wait to get my rt hand fixed now.

Go to the xiaflex website. Search for a dr in your area that does that procedure. Call Hand Surgeons but ask them if they do NA or Xialflex. Then ask how many times.

Please. Try NA or Xiaflex first. Getting cut is the last last resort.

Before pic posted.

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11/05/2017 20:52
11/05/2017 20:52
Re: Collagen as treatment

Thanks for the answers. I`m in South Africa and also Xiaflex is very expensive. Read a few scary things as well. Was searching for other alternatives again (I`d given up till you remotivated me!) and found the Duputreyns Contracture Institute. http://dupuytrens-contracture.com/ Not sure if anyone has had any experience of them. They sound pretty thorough.

11/05/2017 21:16
11/05/2017 21:16

Re: Collagen as treatment

That website does indeed sound like a pretty elaborate scam, unfortunately.


[55, Dupuytren diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and PNF/NA 2014, radiotherapy RH 2015, LH 2017, night splint glove]

Edited 11/05/17 23:18

11/06/2017 04:00
11/06/2017 04:00
Re: Collagen as treatment

I`ll let you know what happens.

deteriorated   dupuytren-online   radiotherapy   contracted   contracture   hydrolysed   degrees   treatment   unfortunately   unconvincing   Collagenase   aponeurotomy   disappointed   experience   duputreyns   Collagen   fingers   intervention   alternatives   dupuytrens-contracture