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Do I really have Dupuytren's?
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06/02/2009 17:11

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06/02/2009 17:11

not registered

Do I really have Dupuytren's?

Hi all--

I have been researching my problem and found this site-- it's fantastic.

Here's my story: Male, 49, and I have carpal tunnel in both hands; I just had surgery on the right wrist and feel much better. However, 2 weeks prior to the surgery I developed a sudden inability to straighten my ring and middle fingers. Pinky appears to be OK-- can go at least 95% straight if not 100%. The surgeon was shocked when he saw me in pre-op b/c these symptoms aren't carpal-tunnel related. They won't see me until Friday so I have been researching and concluded that I might have Dupuytren's disease. My blood is negative for diabetes and for rheumatoid arthritis, so those are out. And I have a little bump (size of a pea) under the skin on my middle finger right where it meets the palm. I noticed this a few years ago. However, I can with some difficulty straighten my fingers (I used a C-clamp and a book);this takes several minutes and lasts about 10 minutes before I need to re-stretch. So here's my question:

- Could this be anything besides Dupuytren's? Does anyone know?

06/02/2009 19:26
06/02/2009 19:26
Re: Do I really have Dupuytren's?

I wonder if this is "trigger finger". It sounds like how a friend of mine described her trigger finger, except whenever her finger decided to, it would release with much pain involved.

06/02/2009 19:43
06/02/2009 19:43
Re: Do I really have Dupuytren's?

FYI, I have had a trigger finger and the symptoms are typically unmistakable. The finger will "pop" in both directions when forced to straighten or flex. This is due to a small node or other localized inflammation on the tendon being forced into and out of the tendon sheath....

06/02/2009 22:45

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06/02/2009 22:45

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Re: Do I really have Dupuytren's?

Thanks for responding. I am unable to notice any popping and so tenatively ruled out trigger finger. I also should add that I have since observed two ridges on my palm after stretching out the tendon. running parallel to, but just radial to, the ring and middle fingers. Pain is located in the lower (i.e. proximal) part of the ring finger and in the upper (i.e. distal) part of the palm. Any other observations or tests I should make?

06/03/2009 06:54

not registered

06/03/2009 06:54

not registered

Re: Do I really have Dupuytren's?

Dupuytren's usually develops over years, instant extension deficit is untypical. There is a variety of reasons for nodules in the hand, some even more frequent than Dupuytren's disease http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr..._therapies.html .



... And I have a little bump (size of a pea) under the skin on my middle finger right where it meets the palm. I noticed this a few years ago. However, I can with some difficulty straighten my fingers (I used a C-clamp and a book);this takes several minutes and lasts about 10 minutes before I need to re-stretch. So here's my question:

- Could this be anything besides Dupuytren's? Does anyone know?

06/03/2009 15:35

not registered

06/03/2009 15:35

not registered

Re: Do I really have Dupuytren's?

Thanks Wolfgang--

That was a very useful article. I am now completely baffled . Still, it's given me much to research. Most of those other causes of nodules don't seem to cause problems straightening fingers, but I haven't read everything yet. I do have a history of ganglion cysts (one of the causes listed in the article), and my father (79 yrs old) has nodules on his palms but no contracture. I'll keep looking, and posting when appropriate.


06/09/2009 00:02

not registered

06/09/2009 00:02

not registered

Update: Do I really have Dupuytren's?

Saw the doc's assistant () on Friday. They took blood, thought it might be Dupuytren's or trigger finger. Now the blood ("seds test") says I have something called PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica). This explains my muscle pains in my shoulder and hips, but it doesn't appear to explain my finger issues, nor does it explain my carpal tunnel, so it looks like I have hit the trifecta: PMR, CTS, and one other one, possibly Dupuytren's disease. Does this even seem possible to get all 3 in relatively short time?

I see the actual hand surgeon tomorrow.

Best to all,


06/09/2009 11:05
06/09/2009 11:05
Re: Do I really have Dupuytren's?

Wow, Ubba, sounds almost exactly like me. I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica five months before the first nodule came up on my palm. As far as I know, I havent had Carpal Tunnel. I too, was amazed because I was fine before all this happened. Please email me if you have any questions on the Polymyalgia.

06/09/2009 17:23
06/09/2009 17:23
Re: Do I really have Dupuytren's?

I was diagnosed with DC and Osteoarthritis in the same hand. I developed them within the same time frame. I have the arthritis in my index finger at the dip joint and you can hear it snap when I bend it. I have DC and it is affecting the middle finger. I developed a nodule and cord within 3 months and the arthritis during the same time frame. I was concerned that the node from the arthritis was a nodule from DC. But the doctor said no it is not DC.

My mother started getting DC in her pinky right after having shingles in the same arm. It was about 2 weeks after the shingles disappeared. She does not have a visable nodule or cord but her pinky is contracting, and she can not straighten it.

I developed DC before my mother and it is her side of the family that carries this predisposition. I find that odd. She said she developed sympathic DC for me.

So I know, my mother and I have 2 things that happened at the same time.


06/09/2009 20:12
06/09/2009 20:12
Re: Do I really have Dupuytren's?

Hi Lori,
Interesting observations. I don't know of any other issue going on simultaneously with me. The only possibility I can think of is taking glucosamine/condroitin supplements. There does not seem to be a definitive connection, but I stopped taking it anyway.
I also stopped taking CoQ10. I hope that will be definitively found to be not connected, because I think that has real health benefits.
We need to keep our creative ideas going and share them, because medical research on Dups is not going fast enough for me.

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straightening   observations   definitively   supplements   unmistakable   Dupuytren   predisposition   Osteoarthritis   developed   straighten   contracting   connection   inflammation   simultaneously   polymyalgia   re-stretch   researching   carpal-tunnel   dupuytren-online   arthritis