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Dr. in Seattle
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12/01/2012 03:55
12/01/2012 03:55
Re: Dr. in Seattle

I want to thank you all so much for responding to me! I actually live in Bellingham so Mount Vernon-Burlington is great--a better option than I could have hoped! I will call on Monday.

I also appreciate each of you being willing to discuss your pain and thankfully relief from pain. I was feeling like maybe I was, ummmm, well, wimpy that these lumps in my hands and feet hurt.

It is good also to hear that someone had a traditional surgery that worked well. I think much of the time when something works the person that had the surgery feels no driving force to say that they had a good surgery, so a person reading a forum gets a lot of one side. Certainly from all I have read, even on the Mayo site, surgery is very discouraged-so it is good to hear another view.

It is also good to hear about responsive doctors because the help I have received from the medical community to this point has left me feeling like crying. Thank you again!

12/09/2012 21:10
12/09/2012 21:10
Re: Dr. in Seattle

Amy & others,
I had surgery from Dr. Huang 10 days ago for DD on my right hand. This is my 2nd surgery (1st was 10 years ago) & I've since had NA on the same finger 3 times from Dr. Kline in Boise. The 4th attempt by Dr. Kline didn't resolve anything, too much scar tissue. I had Xiaflex injected once as well--which worked, but offered a very brief reprieve. After visiting Dr. Huang, he saw my only option as surgery (which Dr. Kline said was probably the only option as well). Though my case is different, take it as a lesson in dealing with this condition. I'm 48 & have been battling DD since 35-36, so I'm looking at a life of this. I joke about just chipping the finger off...not so much of a joke any more!

Surgery went well, finger is straight as its been as long as I can remember--straighter than my 1st surgery, any of the NA procedures & the Xiaflex. Way too early to tell how rehab will go, but Dr. Huang thinks my age will help as will my generally good health & active lifestyle. Still numbness of the finger & a little on my palm--stitches run from palm up to my last knuckle as the DD had moved way up my finger.

I visit Dr. Huang on the 11th to get stitches out & have post-op visit. I'll post more after that.

Good luck to you & everyone else dealing with DD.

12/09/2012 21:34
12/09/2012 21:34
Re: Dr. in Seattle

wish you the best....hang in there...Maybe Dr. Eaton will come up with a cure..at least I hope so ..for all of us..

I recently came to the conclusion...that driving a car..for long periods of time...gets the Dups going...you see ..the steering wheel has a very slight vibration....and can stir things up...just wanted to pass this along..if driving...wear gloves..

12/10/2012 06:14
12/10/2012 06:14
Re: Dr. in Seattle


Thank you for sharing your information. I would love to ask questions...

Dr. Huang is listed as a hand surgeon, does he look at feet also?
Does he consider radiation as an option early on?

I wish you a speedy and successful recovery.


12/10/2012 10:25


12/10/2012 10:25


Re: Dr. in Seattle

Surgery continues to be an important option for Dupuytren's. As your example shows, it's sometimes the last resort and then can still yield good results. Wishing you a quick recovery and a long lasting success!


Amy & others,
I had surgery from Dr. Huang 10 days ago for DD on my right hand. This is my 2nd surgery (1st was 10 years ago) & I've since had NA on the same finger 3 times from Dr. Kline in Boise. The 4th attempt by Dr. Kline didn't resolve anything, too much scar tissue. I had Xiaflex injected once as well--which worked, but offered a very brief reprieve. After visiting Dr. Huang, he saw my only option as surgery (which Dr. Kline said was probably the only option as well). Though my case is different, take it as a lesson in dealing with this condition. I'm 48 & have been battling DD since 35-36, so I'm looking at a life of this. I joke about just chipping the finger off...not so much of a joke any more!

Surgery went well, finger is straight as its been as long as I can remember--straighter than my 1st surgery, any of the NA procedures & the Xiaflex. Way too early to tell how rehab will go, but Dr. Huang thinks my age will help as will my generally good health & active lifestyle. Still numbness of the finger & a little on my palm--stitches run from palm up to my last knuckle as the DD had moved way up my finger.

I visit Dr. Huang on the 11th to get stitches out & have post-op visit. I'll post more after that.

Good luck to you & everyone else dealing with DD.

12/11/2012 09:25
12/11/2012 09:25
Re: Dr. in Seattle


Traditional surgery with the right doctor seems to have very good results. My father had close to complete success with a surgeon in Windsor,UK. He did have repeated operations on some fingers though.

If the track record and skill of the surgeon isn't so good there seem to be complications.

This is quite a interesting web page about how it can go wrong sometimes:


12/13/2012 00:53
12/13/2012 00:53
Re: Dr. in Seattle

Reply to AmyD--
Not sure Dr. Huang does feet. He works in the "Hand Center" at UW Medical Center. I don't think he recommends RT, as one of his staff seemed a little surprised when I told her I had RT on my other hand. BUT, I'm not really sure & it is something you could ask him if you went to see him.

I will say this, though...
My experience with Dr. Huang has been nothing but fantastic. He took a great deal of time with me from my first appointment through my surgery. Very professional, thorough & understanding of this condition & how it affects us mentally. His desire was to get my finger straight & he recognized surgery was my final option. To quote, "I almost guarantee I'll get your finger straight." He mentioned that it will depend on my ability rehab & the ability of my body to heal.

Having been to Dr. Kline in Boise, I feel Dr. Huang was just as supportive & thorough in his recommendations for treatment. Once this hand is mended up pretty well, he's ready to Xiaflex the other hand. My call at that point. The last Xiaflex on my other hand was brutally painful & didn't get the job done as well as I'd hoped. My first Xiaflex treatment was done by an ortho, not a hand specialist. My gut tells me Dr. Huang will do a better job. Who knows, time will tell.

12/13/2012 01:29
12/13/2012 01:29
Re: Dr. in Seattle

coachG, has Dr. Huang considered surgery for your other hand? I am not convinced that oft repeated NA and Xiaflex is better than surgery. I had surgery (90 degrees contracture of little finger) 11 years ago and my hand still shows no indication that I ever had Dupuytren's. Zero contracture and no noticeable scar tissue. I do think it depends on the person. On my other hand, I will have surgery if it ever needs it.

Edited 12/13/12 03:30

12/13/2012 01:45
12/13/2012 01:45
Re: Dr. in Seattle

Yes, Dr. Huang & I discussed surgery for my other hand. He feels that at this time Xiaflex would be the better option, with surgery sure to come later. Only had NA twice on that hand with 1 attempt at Xiaflex. Finger still has contracted nearly as much as my other hand, but there is a large nodule on the pinky, with another good side nodule just below the knuckle--as well as 2 nodules forming on the palm up towards the pinky. The RT seems to have stopped (knock on wood) the nodules below the middle & ring fingers.

Fun stuff...

12/13/2012 04:21
12/13/2012 04:21
Re: Dr. in Seattle


Thank you for the answers--that really was exactly the information I was needing.

When I first realized I had Ledderhose, I did see Dr Huang's name come up but since he was listed as a hand surgeon I was reluctant to contact him. Since then I realized I do have some Dupuytren's in my hands, so I would feel comfortable just getting an evaluation of my hands and then could ask him where to go for my feet.

I have no contractures of my hands except slightly in my pinky, so I am early in this and interested in RT. I know that you mentioned that you did have some RT. What was your experience? Did it help at all?

Thanks again for the information. I have become so doctor...reluctant. I am finding that it really is only worth going to one that has a positive referral.

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procedures   Seattle   remember--straighter   radiation   surgery   Dupuytren   Sedro-Woolley   appointment   Ledderhose   recommendations   palm--stitches   answers--that   inappropriate   dupuytrenscenter   discouraged-so   Xiaflex   Vernon-Burlington   unpredictable   information   understanding