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Dups (or Ledderhose) in DC/Baltimore area
07/24/2013 15:55
07/24/2013 15:55
Dups (or Ledderhose) in DC/Baltimore area

I live in the DC metropolitan area but have traveled to other states and countries to pursue treatment for my aggressive Dups (so far, RT and NA).

But thankfully more and more doctors are becoming familiar with some of the newer techniques for treating this disease, like RT, NA, and Xiaflex - thereby increasing the chances of actually finding skilled doctors without getting on a plane.

Since it looks like I am going to need to continue to treat this disease in one way or other for most of my life, I thought it would make sense to put together a list of people with Dups/Ledderhose who live in the greater DC/Baltimore metropolitan area, so that we could exchange information about local resources such as doctors and hand therapists. (Local or at least within reasonable distance.)

If you are interested in this, please reply to this thread or send me a private message. My plan is to set up a listserve on Yahoo groups or a similar site so we can communicate amongst ourselves. There is no commitment involved of any kind other than sharing an email address with me and other group members. Most of the listserves even allow you to just read posts on the site rather than have emails sent if that is your preference, in case you're concerns about getting too many emails.

To the Moderators: I don't know if there is any simple way to set up regional mini-forums or listserves through this site, but if so that would be ideal! For example, maybe it would be possible to do it as a subgroup of this forum? Obviously this couldn't include every possible location in the world, but it might be feasible for selected major areas if people were interested in that - e.g Australia/New Zealand, U.S. west coast, etc. But it this isn't feasible, I will do it as a separate effort.

Thanks everyone - Maddie

therapists   metropolitan   increasing   resources   information   techniques   mini-forums   communicate   feasible   doctors   aggressive   reasonable   commitment   listserves   Moderators   preference   Baltimore   interested   thankfully   Ledderhose