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Dupuytren's & age
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07/13/2008 03:38
07/13/2008 03:38
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Many people with DC say they feel itchy and/or burning sensations and tend to think it is when DC is active or trying to progress. I know I had those sensations in both my hands until quite recently. I woke up one morning about 4 months ago to an almost painful burning sensation in one hand and found a lump. I now have 4 lumps and a cord in one hand and 1 lump in the other hand - and it itched and burned the whole time. I am hoping the DC is inactive now that those sensations have stopped.

07/13/2008 06:55
07/13/2008 06:55

Re: Dupuytren's & age

Hi Australia Calling.
The symptons you refer to I have also experienced and it is when the nodules are forming. As soon as I have had surgery or recently RT. The symptons stopped. I agree exercise and stretching are important as long as it is not aggressive. I stretch both hands placing the palm on a table top and apply the downward pressure for a few minutes every day. I then form a fist forcing the fingers into the palm and then relax.
I would urge you to read the article written by LUCK . Although it is 50 yrs old it is relevant today.(It is located under Literature -Dupuytren disease.) Alan I too had a road accident at 35 yr of age and the Dups. appeared within 6 months. It took 15 yrs before I had Surgery. I 've since had 15 operations including 4 skin grafts.

Edited at 07/13/08 11:43

07/21/2008 17:34
07/21/2008 17:34
Re: Dupuytren's & age

I finally had my appointment today with Dr. Goode at Poole Hospital, and to my surprise he did not recommend radiotherapy for me at this stage. I'm 33, and the first thing he said when he walked in the room was, "You really are so young to be having Dupuytren's."

At present I have two very visible nodules in the right foot, a smaller one in the left and a knuckle pad on my right hand. He and another doctor both felt my palms and could feel nothing except for a mild thickening of the fascia in the right hand, but Dr. Goode said that it was not necessarily related to DC--could be my rowing . I have no nodules. Their opinion: watch it and come back in the new year. He also recommended I have the knuckle pad removed as it could lead to arthritis. I was really hoping to just get the RT done and not have to go down the surgical route, but the doctors explained that given my age it is better to put off treatment for now. He emphasized that he was not unsympathetic but that each case must be weighed individually, and I can appreciate that. So I guess I'm back to wait and see.

07/30/2008 12:19

not registered

07/30/2008 12:19

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age


My Dr also was very suprised when I walked in for my app, saying very unusual in young females (well I'm youngish!).
I also have burning, very itchy sensations and my Dr said Dupuytrens should not hurt only when active/growing. I literally find knew lumps/nodules on a weekly basis. V worrying but I try not to let it affect me day to day. I can still do everything (apart from push ups!) so until it stops me doing things I will carry on.
I don't think the Dr's in the UK take it seriously enough, but I think that is because they know so littel and can offer so little.

08/01/2008 04:26
08/01/2008 04:26
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Personally, I was in my late 30's when my my doctor lanced what he thought was some sort of boil on my palm. Right after that, the DC took off. It's been 11 years now. No surgery, but plenty of pain and inconvenience - since I'm pianst and do that for a living. I can almost put my right palm on the flat of the table now. Scary.

08/25/2008 22:06

not registered

08/25/2008 22:06

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age

I guess im writing to join all that are suffering from this very unusual desease.
In my case im also very young (31) and kind of surprise after reading about how is supose to affect you after 40 or so...
Im a very attletic person, practice rock climbing, and im feeling scared, this may lead me to stop doing what i love so much doing.
I have just one lump on my right hand, and i just found it a month and 1/2 ago.. not sure if it has grown, but i think it has.... from what i read the radiotherapy may not be recomende for me, and there are a little discrepancies on how activities may affect the growth of the bump.

Anyway, i'm hoping it will not grow too fast, and i can continue to rckclimb and do everything i like to do with my hands as before for some yeasr to come.

Best of luck,


08/25/2008 22:10
08/25/2008 22:10
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Just a word of warning. Beware of things that create stress and pressure on your palm. I've noticed that those things really get it going. Even clutching the steering wheel too tight. Also, use the gel-filled bike gloves when you lift weights. :)

08/27/2008 12:35

not registered

08/27/2008 12:35

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age

I'm from Romania, I'm 19 years old and I have this disease. At the beginning, the doctors refuse to believe that this is Dupuytren, but after the surgery, when the results came (6 months ago), they convinced them selfs. The surgery didn't succeed and now I'm waiting. I don't know in what stage the disease is (something between 1 and 2). It's very annoying, because it's my right hand and it hurts a lot. But I guess, everyone from this forum knows how it is to have Dupuytren :-)

08/27/2008 14:46

not registered

08/27/2008 14:46

not registered

Re: Dupuytren's & age


I just want to say that I feel your fear about what is going to happen if and to what extent it progresses. I am also young in DC terms (34) and am really looking into what can be done. I think one of the toughest things is coming to terms with something that is changing. Its one thing to have something happen and it being at an end because then you can draw a line in the sand and begin dealing with it. Time heals most things and although it does not heal particular injuries, it heals the inital 'wound' to your spirit and belief in yourself. You can come to terms with most things in life as long as there is sufficient time after the event has happened. That is what is troubling about DC. You never know when it is finished.

I am trying to take comfort in knowing that at worst, I will have to have NA or some type of surgery in the future and at best, some of the new techniques such as enzyme injections etc may stop it.

I know this does not change anything but I always feel that in times like these one should do the comparison. There are heaps more serious diseases to be diagnosed with and although this is an irritating and frustrating condition, I am not going to let it ruin my life. If anything, this shock has taught me how fragile life is and how we must take advantage of every day and enjoy what we can. Unfortunately we often take life for granted.

Keep living and remember, one never knows what miracle cure could be around the corner so don't give up on enjoying life.

08/27/2008 18:41
08/27/2008 18:41
Re: Dupuytren's & age

Well said, Steve!

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