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Going out of my mind!
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04/27/2014 21:49
04/27/2014 21:49
Going out of my mind!

Hey, I'm pretty sure I have the early stages of Dupuytren's disease, I have to nodules in both hands under the ring finger and pinky finger and I can feel a cord coming through on my left palm, I'm 24, male, nobody in my family has this condition and after spending my entire weekend googling the disease, I am filled with fear and dread. I really don't want to lose the ability to use my hands, I suffer from anxiety and I can't stop thinking about this condition, the only time I'm happy is when I go to sleep as I'm not worrying or panicking about it.

On top of this, I have now read up on Peyronie's disease, and I'm worried this means what I'll ultimately develop that too. I already suffer from ED (dating back to 2010) I was sent to a specialist by my GP and had an ultrasound test, blood test and a few other tests and they determined that there isn't a physiological reason as to why I shouldn't be able to get an erection, and yet still to this day I can get a full erection, they pinned it down to being psychological reasons.

I have booked an appointment to see my GP tomorrow to be referred to a hand specialist, I'm just worried my ED might be due to Petronie's disease because I might have Dupuytrens Disease..

I should be in bed now but I literally cannot stop googling this, I'm really worried, all I can think about now is never being able to be happy later on in life, not being able to use my hands or even satisfy my future wife.

Any help or advice would be great, thank you for reading.

04/27/2014 22:13
04/27/2014 22:13
Re: Going out of my mind!

Hey, I'm pretty sure I have the early stages of Dupuytren's disease, I have to nodules in both hands under the ring finger and pinky finger and I can feel a cord coming through on my left palm, I'm 24, male, nobody in my family has this condition and after spending my entire weekend googling the disease, I am filled with fear and dread. I really don't want to lose the ability to use my hands, I suffer from anxiety and I can't stop thinking about this condition, the only time I'm happy is when I go to sleep as I'm not worrying or panicking about it.

On top of this, I have now read up on Peyronie's disease, and I'm worried this means what I'll ultimately develop that too. I already suffer from ED (dating back to 2010) I was sent to a specialist by my GP and had an ultrasound test, blood test and a few other tests and they determined that there isn't a physiological reason as to why I shouldn't be able to get an erection, and yet still to this day I can get a full erection, they pinned it down to being psychological reasons.

I have booked an appointment to see my GP tomorrow to be referred to a hand specialist, I'm just worried my ED might be due to Petronie's disease because I might have Dupuytrens Disease..

I should be in bed now but I literally cannot stop googling this, I'm really worried, all I can think about now is never being able to be happy later on in life, not being able to use my hands or even satisfy my future wife.

Any help or advice would be great, thank you for reading

Hi Jesse

Please try and relax. I am not a doctor but as a Dups patient I have researched many things regarding this condition and the related disorders. You have found a great resource in finding this site. Please read the many articles in the forum of people's real life experiences and do nt Imagine the worst outcomes.

Peyronieis is indeed linked to DD but it is not common that DD patients inevitably end up with it.....my understanding is that just 1 in 10 patients with DD get peyronies. This is a ballpark number that I extracted from a highly regarded and experienced DD physician. The cause of your condition is unlikely to be Peyronies and even if it is .....treatment options seem to be more favourable than they were in the past....

DD is not the end of the world for most patients....it is a condition that needs to be managed...

All the best


04/28/2014 09:31
04/28/2014 09:31
Re: Going out of my mind!

Hey, I'm pretty sure I have the early stages of Dupuytren's disease, I have to nodules in both hands under the ring finger and pinky finger and I can feel a cord coming through on my left palm, I'm 24, male, nobody in my family has this condition and after spending my entire weekend googling the disease, I am filled with fear and dread. I really don't want to lose the ability to use my hands, I suffer from anxiety and I can't stop thinking about this condition, the only time I'm happy is when I go to sleep as I'm not worrying or panicking about it.

On top of this, I have now read up on Peyronie's disease, and I'm worried this means what I'll ultimately develop that too. I already suffer from ED (dating back to 2010) I was sent to a specialist by my GP and had an ultrasound test, blood test and a few other tests and they determined that there isn't a physiological reason as to why I shouldn't be able to get an erection, and yet still to this day I can get a full erection, they pinned it down to being psychological reasons.

I have booked an appointment to see my GP tomorrow to be referred to a hand specialist, I'm just worried my ED might be due to Petronie's disease because I might have Dupuytrens Disease..

I should be in bed now but I literally cannot stop googling this, I'm really worried, all I can think about now is never being able to be happy later on in life, not being able to use my hands or even satisfy my future wife.

Any help or advice would be great, thank you for reading

Hi Jesse

Please try and relax. I am not a doctor but as a Dups patient I have researched many things regarding this condition and the related disorders. You have found a great resource in finding this site. Please read the many articles in the forum of people's real life experiences and do nt Imagine the worst outcomes.

Peyronieis is indeed linked to DD but it is not common that DD patients inevitably end up with it.....my understanding is that just 1 in 10 patients with DD get peyronies. This is a ballpark number that I extracted from a highly regarded and experienced DD physician. The cause of your condition is unlikely to be Peyronies and even if it is .....treatment options seem to be more favourable than they were in the past....

DD is not the end of the world for most patients....it is a condition that needs to be managed...

All the best


Thanks for the informative response Gary, I've just got in from my Doc appointment, can't say it was a pleasant experience, he had a look and feel at my nodules and said that it could be Dupuytrens as he could feel cords beginning to form, though he mentioned that he wasn't completely sure as I'm only 24, but I don't think age is much of an issue considering there are much younger people on this forum that have it.

I told him what I thought may have brought on the condition quicker, prior to the lumps developing in my hand I was following a peaking program for my deadlift (powerlifting), with the weight increasing up to 95% of my predicted max. My hands took a battering, this alongside a lot of accessory pulling movements really tore my hands up. He then proceeded to tell me that it might not be Dupuytrens and that I could have just damaged the tendons or something.

He has sent me away to have a blood test to check if I have Diabetes and HIV, apparently there's some connection between them Now I'm worrying not only that I have Dupuytrens, but also HIV?!

04/28/2014 18:30
04/28/2014 18:30
Re: Going out of my mind!

Also, how do I go about getting referred to a hand specialist? My GP today sent me for two blood tests and that was it? I'm worried leaving it too long is going to make the disease get worse to the point where I'll need some form of surgery

04/28/2014 19:06
04/28/2014 19:06
Re: Going out of my mind!

The weights could easily stimulate Dupuytren's. Any stress/activity that is out of the ordinary can activate Dupuytren's.

04/28/2014 19:33


04/28/2014 19:33


Re: Going out of my mind!

Welcome Jesse

Your hand 'injury' could be Dupuytren's or as your GP suggested another problem, such as tendon or joint inflammation, or something else. You don't say where you are, and referral processes are different in differing countries, but when you get the results of your blood test you have the opportunity to discuss with your GP a course of action, which could include a referral to a consultant if deemed necessary if only to put your angst at rest. Dupuytren's, if that's what it is usually progresses quite slowly, so it's not that urgent.

One thing I hope you have learned, you should look after your hands! Actually that applies to all of 'you'.

Best wishes


05/11/2014 00:36
05/11/2014 00:36
Re: Going out of my mind!

Do not panic ,I have had this for 25 years .I just went in for an NA last week and I am now 60 .That was my first treatment .It seems to move slowly . My Mum has it and she is 85 .It has not slowed her down and she has had no treatment .So relax and start doing the exercises they recommend if it is Dupuytren.There is also a strong chance that it could be a hand injury from your weights . Hope all goes well .

Edited 05/11/14 03:42

05/12/2014 10:15
05/12/2014 10:15
Re: Going out of my mind!

A friend of mine has Dupuytrens, has had it for years, with all kinds of nodules and cords in both hands. She's had them for years and years, but she never developed contractures, and she has always been very active and athletic. She's so lucky. My sister has nodules, but no contractures. After my left hand surgery 12 years ago, I developed additional cords and nodules, but no contractions. No contractions means to me NO PROBLEMA. I don't care about the nodules in my hand. But, then again, I am 63 yo right now. If I was 24, I'd maybe worry..... but not panic.

My point is, if you're just noticing nodules, no need to panic. Pay attention to what people tell you here about what stressors can aggravate it, and do the wait-see thing. It could be nothing. Good luck!! And, I mean that. :-)

~~ Diane

05/12/2014 17:09
05/12/2014 17:09
Re: Going out of my mind!

Hello Jesse,

Please try not to panic. I know this disease can be scary. It’s a hard thing to accept. It can be life altering but not life threatening. I understand all of the emotions you are experiencing. I too, went through all of this. Thank God I am not a man and do not have to concern myself with peronies. I was extremely freaked out that I would get the frozen shoulder. I Researched like crazy. Went to tons of doctors. I had a binder with all my research information in it. I took it with me to each doctors consultation. One doctor even asked me if I had seen a shrink over this. Of course this angered me. I thought how dare him. He has no clue what it is like to face the fact that I may never walk or have use of my hands. At first all I could do was focus on all the negative. I was making myself miserable, going crazy with worry. I stop living. Thought I would never be able to use my hands and feet again. Yet, although painful at times, I was still able to walk and use my hands. Bottom line: I finally had to stop reading all the negative and find the positive. I began to focus on what I can do today. I had to reprogram my mind. It was hard. But I have finally found peace.

I did opt for radiation. It’s been 8 months since the foot and 6 months since the hands. Although I have not received the results I had hoped for I learned to stop inspecting my limbs. I stop obsessing. I needed peace. Little by little I began to get better. I realized my mind is very powerful. There is much power in the tongue. When I speak the problem it seemed to worsen. When I speak the positive it seem to get better. My condition is much the same but I have found peace. I am sorry my words are probably not much of any comfort. If back when I first was diagnosed someone said these things to me I would have probably wished I could have slap them. For me I learned I had to find peace of mind. I don’t know what my future will hold. Will the condition worsen? Will I have to stay single because I cannot wear the cute shoes to go on dates? All of the crazy thoughts that use to plague me I had to learn to push them out. All we have is today. No one knows what tomorrow holds. I hope you will be able to calm your thoughts down and enjoy the day and do what you are capable of doing each day you wake.

I do hope it’s okay if I keep you in my prayers

05/29/2014 17:09
05/29/2014 17:09
Re: Going out of my mind!

I have DD, LD, and Peyronies, I'm 47.

I got RT on my right hand and had Dr. T in La Jolla CA perform RT, two rounds, and it basically went away. I had LD first, started at 40, caused two nodules in the std location on the bottom of my feet, it hurt for years, then over time it stopped hurting and I think broke down a little due to walking I guess.

So DD can be stopped, Dr. T waited until just the right time to zap it, and again it worked! So that was taken care of. I tried vit E and all the supliments, but RT was key...so I wouldn't panic, just get that done, DO NOT wait until the later stages, by the time the fibroblasts are gone it is too late, RT will not work once you finger is bent, or starts bending....they know all this, so find a good doctor.

The LD I just live with. My foot doctor told me that it is not a huge deal for 90% who get it, so whatever.

Peyronies......I was kinda OK with DD and LD, but when I realized I had PD it crushed me, big time. I went to the Uro and he told me this:

1.) Take vit E, ALC, Pentox, and L-Arginine, very very small dose of Viagra, and heat treatment, so I have and it has never gotton worse, in fact my wife says I'm back to new..., but truth is it is still bent up and to one side a little, but no big deal at this point.

2.) Most people never know they have it, Clinton has PD.

3.) The most important thing....do not hurt or be rough with your penis, this will cause an extreme self healing reaction that can bend the heck out of you dong. He was adament that the real problem is that...people with DD are at very serious risk of that, so be careful

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peyronies   physiological   condition   understanding   treatment   disease   specialist   appointment   Dupuytrens   contractions   psychological   patients   worried   Dupuytren   googling   inflammation   nodules   erection   contractures   experienced