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Hands are extremely painful, need help please...
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03/27/2013 20:02


03/27/2013 20:02


Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

Radiation-induced nerve damage is one of the risks of radiotherapy.

It's hard to find much info about the risk of cancer, and even harder to find info about the risk of nerve damage, for radiotherapy of Dupuytren's. But for cancer treatment I think there's some info out there. The nerve damage appears months or years after the treatment. I've read that in general, neuropathic pain is usually sharp or burning in character, although I don't know if that's so for the radiation-induced kind.

Other treatments like surgery and those that involve sticking needles in your hand can also damage nerves, but they do so more immediately.

Cindy, I'm not saying that the discomfort you are experiencing is definitely due to the radiation-induced nerve damage, but there is a small possibility of it. My radiologist told me that this risk is comparable to that of cancer -- tenths of a percent, for the typical 30 Gy treatment of a man in his 50's.
This is one of the reasons for using a bolus during the treatment (to limit the depth of radiation and areas affected). More here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolus_%28radiation_therapy%29

03/27/2013 20:53
03/27/2013 20:53
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

Its been 3 years since i had RT and everything is good except about a month ago my hands started to ache once and in awhile. Never thought much about it but then the aching turned to pain. And now where the aching and pain was its now cramping. No nodules or contracture and no weird feelings. Can't figure it out really but want my hands to quit aching and cramping. Anyone else have this problem.

Only one month after having very unsuccessful RT treatment I had aching and stiffness in my hands too. It is worse when I first wake up and gradually eases off after about 10 minutes or so. I am so worried that it will eventually lead to arthritis and very much regret having RT treatment now.

I have been having specialized massage therapy with Stephen Jeffrey, who is very interested in treating Dupuytrens with massage. This is reducing and softening my Dups nodules and is also helping to alleviate the aching and stiffness in my hands.

Why not try some gentle massage Cindy? I find it very soothing.


03/27/2013 21:58
03/27/2013 21:58
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

I have always had tight hands after RT in the summer. I live in Missouri and in hot and humid heat it made hands feel like i was wearing boxing gloves. My hands felt huge and swollen and very tight but know they feel like this and we still have cold weather and snow on the ground. I 'm very glad to this day i had RT and my doctor used bolus on my hands. And i'm very glad i have no nodules and no contractors but i'm getting tired of the aching and swelling and tightness and cramps. My cramps are on the same place of both hands. Very painful. I do not work and do not do any repetitive motions. I was feeling so good about my hands and still do but for 3 years i didn't really think about it unless i did something i shouldn't have. I do have osteoarthritis but that isn't it because have had that for years. Sometimes i feel like there is a catch between my thumb index finger and middle finger and yes i still have cords that are visible. Confused.

03/29/2013 19:13
03/29/2013 19:13
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

"Does anyone else feel this pain and tightness?"

Julie, I had one nodule and tight cord in one hand for many years that was very tender. My hand felt as if it was bruised and grabbing anything was painful. About 9 months ago, I had NA which severed the cord in five places. I can now straighten my finger, the nodule is mostly gone, and there is only a remnant of a cord that I can feel. One of the most appreciated improvements is that the pain and tenderness is all but gone.

03/29/2013 19:26
03/29/2013 19:26
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

I fell pain and tightness and reading what you wrote i'm wondering if i need to do a coupe NA in my palm.

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%28radiation   osteoarthritis   treatment   Dupuytren   experiencing   Fibromyalgia   everything   radiologist   extremely   possibility   Radiation-induced   radiotherapy   immediately   unsuccessful   nodules   tightness   neuropathic   relationship   painful   contracture