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Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's
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03/14/2012 14:11
03/14/2012 14:11

Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

Hi All

I just wanted to say hello as I'm new to the forum and Dupuytren's.
A brief background, I'm 40 and live in the UK.
I noticed a thin cord in my left hand in the first web space, early last year.
I didn't take much notice, but after a few months it started getting painful and growing towards
my thumb. I also started getting pains in my thumb. So decided to see my GP. He said it was
possibly Dupuytren's. I'd had a trigger thumb when I was 5 so he didn't know if it was connected.
I'd never heard of Dupuytren's before so he wrote it down for me to research and referred me to
a hand specialist. I eventually saw someone in October last year. In the meantime I noticed a thin
cord in the first web space on my right hand too, going towards my thumb! When I spoke to the
hand specialist, he wouldn't confirm it was Dupuyen's because he thought it was on the wrong side of my hand
and usually affects the little finger and ring finger. However when I asked him outright he said it was
in the back of his mind that it was, but I would have to "live with it" as they won't do anything unless it contracts.
And he said I could end up with 3 lots of surgery in my lifetime! When I told him I'd started to get alot
of pain in my palm below my left thumb especially if anything catches it, like using cutlery, he said I'd
just have to adjust and that it could stay dormant for 20 years! I've since started getting a lump and cord in that part of my palm and can be really painful!

I just wondered a couple of things if anyone can help please?:

The lump and cord that are forming at the moment seem to become visible then go down again, is that
normal? Seems to be more visible when it's painful or my hands are sore and cold.

Also I've been getting a weird feeling in my hands, it's like an elastic band being twanged. I've had it a few times in my right
hand over the last year or so. But its now been happening in my left hand and it's like a vibration in my thumb, index and middle finger!
Is this part of Dupuytren's or could it be something else going on as well?

Thank you all!


    03/14/2012 14:40


    03/14/2012 14:40


    Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

    Hi Anna,

    welcome to our forum! When you first hear about Dupuytren's it's normal that many questions pop up because you probably have never heard of this disease before. Once you are familiar with it you will realize that it is actually a fairly frequent disease, that's not a terrible disease because there are a variety of treatment options available, although none of them is a cure. Most importantly, the disease usually develops slowly over years, so no reason to panic. Yozu have time tolearn about it and decide on the best treatment for you. I developed Dupuytren's 30 years ago and I am still doing OK (and have tried a varity of treatments).

    To your questions:
    - when nodules inflame they tend to get bigger. When the inflammation goes away they seem to shrink.
    - I am not sure about the vibration. I never had that but we all react differently on this strange disease. So maybe it's related with Dupuytren's, maybe not. Did your docotor comment on the vibrations?

    Anyway, keep aksing questions. You are welcome!


      03/14/2012 15:35
      03/14/2012 15:35

      Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

      Hi Wolfgang

      Thank you for your response and help. It's a great forum as I don't know anyone else with this
      disease. As far as I know, no-one else in my family has it!

      I didn't mention to my GP or the hand specialist about the vibration in my hands at the
      time because it hadn't happend for a while and didn't know if it was connected. But if
      it keeps happening I will speak to my GP as the hand specialist discharged me as he couldn't
      do anything to help until it gets worse.

      Thank you again and it's good to know there are people on here that
      understand and are so helpful!


        03/14/2012 17:47
        03/14/2012 17:47
        Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

        Hi Anna,

        I have finally figured out that when my nodules have formed, they are a little sore and get larger. After a while, maybe 2 weeks, they are not sore at all but get hard. One on my middle finger was about 1/2 inch in size when it was soft. It is now hard and like a BB shot (Do you know about BB rifles?) down in the tissue. No contracture.

        Your description of the rubber band twanging could be like what I describe as a crawly feeling in my palm. I didn't feel it crawling all the time, but it nagged in my mind all the time until I had RT. Your Dupuytren's sounds like it is active and progressing fast. Read all about RT on this site and consider RT as an option for treatment. You might want to use the "Search forum" in the left column to search others' postings about their RT experiences.

          03/15/2012 08:36
          03/15/2012 08:36

          Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

          H Flojo

          Thank you for your response and advice!
          I know about BB shots. I don't seem to have any nodules that
          I can see or feel! I haven't got any that I know of in my thumb.
          The bottom joint of my left thumb is scarred from when I had a trigger
          thumb as a child. There may well be a lump there but it's hard to tell
          because of the scarring. I also have plumpish hands so I don't know
          whether it just isn't visible!

          The rubber band twanging seems to happen when i'm doing something with my
          hands, it's like it's gone off inside my hand then tingles through my thumbs and then
          goes after a few seconds. But feels very strange!

          Just another couple of questions please if that's ok?

          Does the pain stop if the finger contracts?

          Also does gently stretching the hand and massaging the affected area of the palm help?

          My thumb often feels a bit stiff so I've been gently stretching it out to loosen it a bit but I didn't
          know if that was a good idea or not? And I've been using loads of hand cream as my hands seem alot
          drier now, so I gently massage the affected area.

          Thank you all again for your help!


            03/15/2012 13:54
            03/15/2012 13:54
            Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's


            Welcome, I had a lot of pain with my DD. I can't answer the part about weither the pain goes away after contracture, but I know the only thing that made my pain disappear was RT. I was just beginning to have contracture when I had RT.

            Wolfgang is right, the cord in my hand became more visable with use. When my hand was cold it bcame more apparent. If I did a lot of typing or used my hand for long periods of time, then the cord was more visable. That is true to this day and it has been 2.5 years after RT.

            I had what I would call electrical feeling spasms in my hand that felt like something was crawling around inside my palm. If I used my hand a lot I would get a sharp shooting pain, a tingling feeling. It was weird. Occasionally to this day, I will get a brief moment of that crawling feeling in my hand, and it sends a quiver down my spine that maybe the DD is coming back.

            Ask any questions and we will try to answer.


              03/15/2012 14:07
              03/15/2012 14:07

              Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

              Hi Lori

              Thank you! I will definitely check the forum regarding
              RT. It seems to be the way to go for alot of people!
              I appreciate everyone's help! It's certainly a strange disease
              especially as it seems to be different for everyone!

              Thanks again!


                03/15/2012 14:10
                03/15/2012 14:10
                Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

                Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

                H Flojo

                Thank you for your response and advice!
                I know about BB shots. I don't seem to have any nodules that I can see or feel! I haven't got any that I know of in my thumb.
                The bottom joint of my left thumb is scarred from when I had a trigger thumb as a child. There may well be a lump there but it's hard to tell because of the scarring. I also have plumpish hands so I don't know whether it just isn't visible!

                The rubber band twanging seems to happen when i'm doing something with my
                hands, it's like it's gone off inside my hand then tingles through my thumbs and then goes after a few seconds. But feels very strange!

                Just another couple of questions please if that's ok?

                Does the pain stop if the finger contracts?

                Also does gently stretching the hand and massaging the affected area of the palm help?

                My thumb often feels a bit stiff so I've been gently stretching it out to loosen it a bit but I didn't know if that was a good idea or not? And I've been using loads of hand cream as my hands seem alot drier now, so I gently massage the affected area.

                Hi Anna,

                Your more thorough description of the tingling in your palm doesn't sound like mine. I don't recall anyone describing sensations in their palm quite like yours. Maybe others will post about similar sensations. Here's a guess: maybe a forming nodule or cord is tweaking a nerve when it catches just right. Repeat, that's just a guess. Possibly there is something else going on, too.

                Finger pain after contracture - My pain has been so slight and not what I would normally even call pain. Others have had a great deal of pain. Maybe they can speak to that. My discomfort has mostly been the feeling of tightening and crawly sensations.

                Gently stretching the hand does seem to help. Trauma or hard use of the hand seems to sometimes aggravate it, but the gentle stretching and massaging it especially with the cream has been reported as helping. I use a night splint since I had my second NA. It keeps the hand stretched out over several hours. That has helped.

                You might try the "Search forum" menu on the left column and put in something like stretching the hand or massaging. There have been quite a few who have posted about both. Creams with urea have been reported to be good. My hands and skin has always been VERY dry and it isn't any drier than it ever was even after RT. I always use a quality moisturizing lotion or cream with oil, usually sesame oil, over the cream.

                Don't hesitate to ask any questions.

                  03/15/2012 14:17
                  03/15/2012 14:17

                  Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

                  Hi Flojo

                  Thanks again for the advise.
                  I'm going to see if I keep getting the weird tingling and if so will go back to my GP!
                  I'll have a look on the forum and for the creams you suggest!

                  Thank you again for you help!

                  You've all been great! Thank you!


                    03/15/2012 17:11


                    03/15/2012 17:11


                    Re: Hi I'm New to Forum and Dupuytren's

                    Anna - was the hand specialist who half-heartedly diagnosed possible Dupuytren's, an experienced hand surgeon who specialises in Dupuytren's surgery? Based on what you've written I'm not convinced about anything other than there's something wrong with your hand.

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