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09/02/2011 03:22
09/02/2011 03:22
Re: idea

Definitely interested...but it would depend where in the U.S. the conference would take place...

09/04/2011 00:15
09/04/2011 00:15
Re: idea

a few concepts:
NAME: NADA--National Association for Dupuytrens Awareness

goals: to get together with other sufferers and share information.

to hear authoritative guest speakers

to learn more about insurance matters

to attempt to spread the word that dupuytrens doesn't have to necessarily be left alone, but can be preemptively treated.

Just a few thoughts...Any more people showing an interest?

09/04/2011 05:50
09/04/2011 05:50
Re: idea

I would be interested in this conference too. I have been diagnosed with both DD and Ledderhose. I have some contraction on both pinkys and also my right index finger, so from what I understand it is probably too late for RA on my hands.

This website has been extremely helpful and I appreciate all the information that everyone contributes. I'll be checking in to see what develops with this idea.

09/04/2011 06:38


09/04/2011 06:38


Re: idea

Hi cureall,

instead of starting a new initiative why not use the existing one and get this moving through the US Dupuytren Foundation http://www.dupuytrenfoundation.org/ ? The Foundation works patient oriented, is well connected with physicians and is not restricted to just one cure but is dedicated to help patients with Dupuytren's.


a few concepts:
NAME: NADA--National Association for Dupuytrens Awareness

goals: to get together with other sufferers and share information.

to hear authoritative guest speakers

to learn more about insurance matters

to attempt to spread the word that dupuytrens doesn't have to necessarily be left alone, but can be preemptively treated.

Just a few thoughts...Any more people showing an interest?

09/04/2011 21:04
09/04/2011 21:04
Re: idea

When there was the Dupuytren's conference in Florida, I wanted to go as a patient, but there were no patient meetings/workshops. Was there any discussion about having something for patients?
Is there another Dups conference planned? This would be the setting that I would like to see something set up for patients. I'd be glad to volunteer to work at such an event, but I'm not the organizer type.
I am interested in getting together with others. So far, I have gotten together with individuals I met on this site who live close enough for us to meet. I also have met 2 people in my town and one, I'm happy to say, I was a conduit for her to have NA instead of surgery!


09/05/2011 04:59


09/05/2011 04:59


Re: idea


we had discussed inviting patients to the Miami conference, at least those being members of the Society or the Foundation. But there were legal concerns to expose patients to treatments that are in research and experimental. By common sense I had thought that it would have been sufficient to warn interested patients about this and have them sign their agreement to it. But obviously that's not that easy. Therefore I was the only patient there and I could only attend because I was co-organizing it.

We are planning to have this conference every 5 years, thus the next one will be in 2015. It will be in Europe at a location still to be determined. We will certainly try to include a special session for patients but I am pessimistic whether patients will be able to attend the whole conference. That's a shame because afterwards they can buy the proceedings anyway but that seems to be the way it is. There will be a Dupuytren symposium in Europe this year, in November, but that will be organized by Pfizer and Pfizer told me that I will not be able to attend for the same reason.

In Germany we have started patients' meetings in several cities. So far the responses are OK but not overhelming (15 participants at the July meeting in Munich, 3 in Berlin). But we are on the learning curve. "'The only magic is brute consistence, persistence, and attention to detail" (Tom Peters, "In Search of Excellence"). We are also in the process of setting up a British Dupuytren's Society. In the US the Dupuytren Foundation could maybe help organizing such meetings and get doctors to participate, especially when you are considering a country-wide event. For local meetings the easiest way is probably to start something yourself in your neighborhood and see what happens.


When there was the Dupuytren's conference in Florida, I wanted to go as a patient, but there were no patient meetings/workshops. Was there any discussion about having something for patients?
Is there another Dups conference planned? This would be the setting that I would like to see something set up for patients. I'd be glad to volunteer to work at such an event, but I'm not the organizer type.
I am interested in getting together with others. So far, I have gotten together with individuals I met on this site who live close enough for us to meet. I also have met 2 people in my town and one, I'm happy to say, I was a conduit for her to have NA instead of surgery!


09/05/2011 06:36
09/05/2011 06:36
Re: idea

We are planning to have this conference every 5 years, thus the next one will be in 2015. It will be in Europe at a location still to be determined. We will certainly try to include a special session for patients but I am pessimistic whether patients will be able to attend the whole conference. That's a shame because afterwards they can buy the proceedings anyway but that seems to be the way it is. There will be a Dupuytren symposium in Europe this year, in November, but that will be organized by Pfizer and Pfizer told me that I will not be able to attend for the same reason.

In Germany we have started patients' meetings in several cities. So far the responses are OK but not overhelming (15 participants at the July meeting in Munich, 3 in Berlin). But we are on the learning curve. "'The only magic is brute consistence, persistence, and attention to detail" (Tom Peters, "In Search of Excellence"). We are also in the process of setting up a British Dupuytren's Society. In the US the Dupuytren Foundation could maybe help organizing such meetings and get doctors to participate, especially when you are considering a country-wide event. For local meetings the easiest way is probably to start something yourself in your neighborhood and see what happens.[/b]

Hi Wolfgang and Flora,

Even if such an event would be possible, the problem is that people with DD are all over the world and therefore, its hard to get a location that is convenient for all. I like your idea, Wolfgang, of "patients' meetings in several cities". I have met people with DD who don't even know they have it, if it is at an early stage. Most people don't go to a doctor just for nodules on their hands...and that is the time to begin treatment. When I talk about my DD and show them my hands, they say "I think I have it too"...

It would be great if those of us who are fortunate to be informed, thanks to this forum, spread our knowledge of this disease and its treatments, not only to the public, but to many doctors who are resistent or unaware about how to treat the disease in the early stages.

In the US, for example it would be great if we could organize a west coast and east coast meeting. I would be interested in attending and would help in any way I could.


09/07/2011 18:37
09/07/2011 18:37
Re: idea

Count me in! I like the idea of piggybacking it with the doctor's conference, but different cities is interesting also. I'm just VERY interested in swapping notes with everyone in person!

Can you count me twice????

09/08/2011 01:16
09/08/2011 01:16
Re: idea

Looks like we're getting some conversation going about this concept! Does the foundation have a meeting for lay sufferers? I couldn't find any such notice on the site...

09/08/2011 03:26
09/08/2011 03:26
Re: idea

If there is any way possible, I'll be at a West Coast meeting for patients. Like the idea of one on each coast to start. Then maybe we could have regional ones and from there determine smaller regions or cities.

In California, we'd need a Northern Calif and a Southern Calif group at some point. There are doctors that I believe would try to schedule to meet with us. Although I haven't mentioned it to him, I believe Dr. Denkler would try to meet with us. He is in NorCal.

Where I live, an Inland Empire meeting would be a location, however we are between San Diego and Los Angeles. To begin with, I'd drive.

Maybe it is one of those things where they say, "If you set it up, they'll come." I'm sure most people would need several months to make plans. I'll see if I can get a free place to meet in the San Diego/Escondido area. I'm not one to do organizing of the event however.


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