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Injection recovery time with 70% contracture
11/13/2017 23:22
11/13/2017 23:22
Injection recovery time with 70% contracture

I am new to the forum. My contracture is 70% in little finger and 35% in my ring finger--both in my left hand. I am left-handed and handwrite and use a keyboard most of my workday. I just saw a dr today who offered Xiafkex injection as an alternative to surgery. I am thinking of doing this because I have too much work right now to deal with the recovery time that surgery will require. (The dr does not think I should wait very long to do something.). The Dr said I should expect about 6 days of downtime and swelling. I'm interested in knowing if others have found this to be the case? I am thinking of scheduling this right before Christmas time in hopes that I would be healed and able to work after the New Year. Any real experiences that could help me make my decision would really be appreciated. Thanks for your insights!!!

11/14/2017 04:32
11/14/2017 04:32
Re: Injection recovery time with 70% contracture

I had xiaflex injection 2 1/2 years ago. I had about 35% contraction on two fingers (ring and index), 2 nodules in my palm and cords in my middle finger with no contraction. My Dr. gave me 4 injections at the same time and I had an intense reaction with my arm turning black, blue and purple. I had the reaction possibly due to 4 injections at the same time in the same hand. My fingers were swollen for months. I was disheartened to say the least. That being said, I did get a flattening of both fingers and one of the nodules went down.

I am now facing a more difficult situation because my dupetryns has spread further in my left hand, with my ring finger at a 50% contracture and a build up of growth in my other fingers and more nodules on my tendons in the palm of my hand. Two Drs. have said that the hand has too much scar tissue for a NA procedure and I need surgery. (Wondering if anyone else got scar tissue from xiaflex)

2 things I would have done differently. I would have tried the NA procedure before xiaflex. If I were to do Xiaflex, I would make sure my Dr. has had a a lot of experience with it and follows the protocol of focusing on one area at a time. Four injection sites may have been what triggered the reaction and caused swelling and a long recovery.

I have gotten excellent references for Dr. Hanel in Seattle and Dr. Ross Nathan in Long Beach California from hand therapists who have seen the results of their work. I have not had work done by them.

Additionally, I am starting a ketogenic diet which I read was helpful in reducing growths. I am trying many tinctures, supplements etc to see if I get my body in balance to slow the current growth spurt I had.

Good luck in making your decision. I remember when I was trying to decide and not sure which way to go.

11/14/2017 05:57
11/14/2017 05:57

Re: Injection recovery time with 70% contracture

Welcome to the forum, Ppipes.

From what I have seen reported, reactions to Xiaflex vary a lot from one person to another and cannot be predicted, but in general they are mild. With an NA procedure (needle method) you would avoid that limited risk, but now that you have a doctor who proposes Xiaflex, and if he is experience and you are covered, I would go for it.

Intuit, also from what I have seen reported Collagenase tends to dissolve scar tissue (e.g. from surgery) rather than cause it. Is there another possible cause for your scar tissue? There is a least one doctor in Germany who does an excellent NA job on scarred tissue, but if you cannot find an experienced doctor for that within your reach and you react so badly to Xiaflex surgery may be your only treatment option. But even then I'd try to keep it as limited as possible if you don't want to take the risk with Xiaflex again.


[55, Dupuytren diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and PNF/NA 2014, radiotherapy RH 2015, LH 2017, night splint glove]

11/18/2017 16:16
11/18/2017 16:16
Re: Injection recovery time with 70% contracture

Hello: I had the xiaflex injection last Tuesday November 14th in Seattle Wa. My pinky was about 40% contracted at the PIP joint, with nodules in my palm. The surgeon gave me 4 shots-3 in the pinky and one in the palm. In terms of pain level, I would rate it mid level. he said they do not use local anesthesia because they don't know how it would react with the xiaflex. I had to grab my wife's knee a few times, but no shrieking !! It took maybe 3-4 minutes. As he warned me would happen, my pinky swelled and bruised. My whole hand swelled up, and I had soreness and bruising in my elbow and soreness in my armpit. I was back at work (a desk job) the next day, and worked a full day. I had limited use of my right hand and had to type with my index finger and my second finger. I have been taking Advil every 4-6 hours and that has controlled the pain nicely. My hand swelling is down to the point where the top of the hand is only slightly swollen. My pinky is still a bit bruised and swollen, but I am able to use it to type. It is a bit sore, but I am now taking Advil only every 6-8 hours. I have not yet had the manipulation, but my finger is now only 15-20% contracted and less puffy than it was. I return to the surgeon Tuesday to have the manipulation. Overall, the pain of the procedure and the amount of swelling and pain post injection has been a pleasant surprise so far. The only work I missed was the day of the procedure and travel time to Seattle. The surgeon I went to has done approximately 400 injections and also does NA and surgery, so I felt he was well qualified to give me unbiased advice on which procedure to try and was experienced at all of them. It sounds like reactions to Xiaflex can vary greatly. Best of luck.

11/19/2017 16:05
11/19/2017 16:05
Re: Injection recovery time with 70% contracture

I had surgery on my little finger with about 40degree contracture. The surgery healed up quickly and the surgeon did a good job I believe. The cast was on my hand for two weeks. It took me months to overcome the impact of the cast. I would learn to bend it and then had to relearn to straighten it and then relearn bending... Two years later, the contracture came back. This time I had Xiaflex injections (at the Seattle Hand Clinic) for a 50 degree contracture. While the numbing injections were painful briefly, there was no pain for the rest of the procedure or thereafter. I had 2 numbing injections, probably 4 Xiaflex injections. I waited 2-3 days (finger turned colors and turned a little numb), came back and he essentially leaned on my hand and I heard a cracking. That was it. No incision to heal. And most importantly, no cast. I began physical therapy within days and had an excellent experience with it. I have inflammatory arthritis and autoimmune issues so that could have exacerbated the cast immobilization issue for me. It also finally impacted the Xiaflex treatment. After awhile, my knuckle (proximal) would get irritated and swell with manipulation and that has become a problem. But I was very happy with the Xiaflex outcome. I've read that some people react badly to the injected material, but that wasn't a problem with me.

11/21/2017 20:15
11/21/2017 20:15
Re: Injection recovery time with 70% contracture

I had xilafex injection about a month ago on my ring and middle left fingers. Both ring and middle past 90%. Had NA on my left thumb. Yep the injections are like bee stings. 6 minutes worth of bee stings. Two days later was the minupulation. My hand swelled up bad after the manipulation. Hurt like hell. Ibprofan and a a bit of vodka for two days.

26 days today later.... I can lay my hand flat and I can’t close it all the way. Knuckles are still swollen a bit....bruising is gone.

I’m going Dec 4th to get my right hand done. Will have to where not splints for 4 to 6 months.

My Doc told me no novicane due to he needed to make sure he did not hit the tendon. He blocked my hand up with novicane for the manipulation.

Would I do it again.. YES. I’m getting rt hand down in two weeks.

Go to the Xiaflex website. Search for a trained Dr. I love my Dr. ... he has done hundreds of injections.

I do believe that Xiaflex is not selling the medacation to untrained doctors now.

Find I good hand surgeon that has done this many times.

I’m overly happy.

contracture   inflammatory   experienced   procedure   experience   finger--both   injections   xiaflex   supplements   surgery   Additionally   manipulation   contraction   radiotherapy   recovery   immobilization   minupulation   Injection   disheartened   approximately