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knuckle pads- questions
07/18/2008 16:15
07/18/2008 16:15
knuckle pads- questions


I have a couple of questions about knuckle pads. I have several nodules in both palms (came on after breaking a finger in each hand playing rugby) although still have no contraction (although as i'm 30 i'm sure thats to come). I also have lumps on the PIP joint of 3 fingers. However these are quite painful and result in stiffness/limitation of finger flexion until they are warmed up/ mobilised. I've had a look at these and the dupuytren's nodules under ultrasound and while the dupuytrens presented as a seperate mass distinct from the tendon the 'knuckle pads' appear as part of the tendon and look like inflamination of the tendon. if this is the case i'm curious how people have had them removed. I've found it difficult to find any real info on knuckle pads and am curious if anyone can tell me more about them and if my experences are normal. I've had a look at them in google images and while they look similar to some of the pictures they look very different to others. excellent website by the way.

Many thanks


07/18/2008 20:36
07/18/2008 20:36
Re: knuckle pads- questions

Hi, Michael. I'm 33 and have one knuckle pad -- it went through a period of painful inflammation and I was really self conscious about it, but now it has settled down a bit. If you search on "knuckle pads" on the site you will come across some interesting posts, including some from people saying they disappeared over time. I have a hard time believing that; but hey, anything's possible. I take 1000IUs of Vit E every day and three tablespoons of soy lecithin about every other day; this seems to have coincided with the de-inflammation. I too have a hard time understanding how they can be removed.
I also have Ledderhose on both feet -- this started about four years ago. No nodules or contractures on my hands.

07/19/2008 05:13
07/19/2008 05:13

Re: knuckle pads- questions

Australia Calling, Welcome to the forum:-
Knuckle pads are an indication that the disease may be aggressive and that fact that your both in your 30's is not good. They can appear on the back of the pip joint(centre) or on the mcp joint (bottom). I was diagnosed at 35yr and the pads appeared over the next 15 or so years. I think you just have to learn to live with them. They do rub if you wear gloves doing manual work ,so i find it is a good idea to use a moisturising creme . I alway wear gloves to protect the back of my hands as it is very painful when the pads are impacted or knocked.. I find that cotton gloves with rubber facing on both sides are excellent and easy to wear. I certainly would not go down the road of surgery to have them removed. Statistically - Morbus Ledderhose is much rarer than Morbus Dupuytren. Knuckle pads occur in up to 40 % of patients with ML. I would investigate RT. before the contraction occurs. Regards

Edited at 07/19/08 12:39

07/19/2008 21:33
07/19/2008 21:33
Re: knuckle pads- questions

Thanks, Newman. I have my consultation with the oncologist regarding RT this coming week, so I'll keep the forum posted.

knuckle   dupuytren   Ledderhose   disappeared   de-inflammation   understanding   inflamination   Statistically   oncologist   tablespoons   interesting   inflammation   consultation   questions   contractures   contraction   moisturising   excellent   experences   investigate