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Misdiagnosed as Dupytren's , surgery may have made hand pain worse
02/05/2013 15:28
02/05/2013 15:28
Misdiagnosed as Dupytren's , surgery may have made hand pain worse

Hello, I injured my left hand many years ago and had surgery for Dupytren's ten years later.

in 1992 I was on Prozac and had an incidence of intentional self-harm
while working out with a spring set apparatus.

I was drinking loads of Diet Coke with Aspartame , taking testosterone , abusing chlonazepam sleeping pills, getting loads of vaccines etc. and taking Prozac at the time.
I was on a terrible low fat diet and the the Prozac made me gain weight and abuse alcohol. The combination of all these together made me feel terrible. I felt weak, irritable , completely frustrated and miserable.
One day while exercising with the springs I became furious that my left arm was weaker than my right arm and started

overextending my left hand/arm while pulling hard on the spring exerciser. I felst something snap and the pain was
so intense, like an electric shock , so intense that that I could not even feel which part of my body had been injured.
I knew that I had severely injured myself, and then flew into some sort of rage at myself for hurting myself.. I then did this injurious motion repeatedly in a sort of a rage over the next thirty seconds and kept ripping nerves and snapping tendons
on the left side of my body. The prozac made me feel indestructible anyway and some combination of poisonings from all the vaccines, aspartame, steroids, antidepressants etc. triggered this psychotic attack on myself. Afterward, I had no idea
which parts of my body had been injured. The pain afterward was so intense that I could only sleep with
pills. When I ran out of pills, I was awake for five days straight until I began hallucinating. I was in such rough shape that it took me weeks just to regain my regular cycle of lying awake all night with insomnia and dragging myself through the next day.
I became so accustomed to the chronic pain while waiting for myself to heal that I nearly completely forgot the spring rage incident. I was doped on SSRI drugs, ritalin, etc. for years afterward, and the pain never healed ,while I had no idea where it was originating from . I repeatedly reinjured myself over the next few years just in the course of daily living and trying to work out. In hindsight , I have deduced that in the original spring rage incident I had managed to tear the hell out of my left hand, injure the main nerve in my left elbow , and tear my left pectoral muscle .
Around 1999 I became aware that some of the the pain was coming from bumps in the palm of my left hand and took to regularly massaging it. I asked a doctor about it, who said it might be dupytren's and that surgery would heal the pain.
The specialist he sent me to was eager to operate on me and so I had the operation where I felt flesh being crudely cut and torn from my frozen left palm.

I was in intense pain for months afterward ,and addicted to typing on my home computer, which in hindsight made my left hand pain much worse and prevented it from ever healing. The reason I could not identify the source of my pain was because the pain was coming from multiple nerve injuries at different spots on the left side of my upper body .
So one day, for example, typing would irritate the left hand, while the next day a fall while skiing or cycling would re-injure the elbow, a week later I would lift something too heavy and injure both the left hand the left pectoral etc. The daily grind of trying to lead an active life meant that I never stood a chance of completely healing, while constantly tearing at my injured nerves and re-injuring myself.
So here I am twenty years after injuring myself , forced to type this with an injured left hand,
wondering what the hell to do short of mummifying the left side of my body for a year and allowing it all to heal.

02/05/2013 19:38
02/05/2013 19:38
Re: Misdiagnosed as Dupytren's , surgery may have made hand pain worse

So, are you still on Prozac? How is the Dupuytren's doing?

02/06/2013 04:47
02/06/2013 04:47
Re: Misdiagnosed as Dupytren's , surgery may have made hand pain worse

So, are you still on Prozac? How is the Dupuytren's doing?

I am thankfully off antidepressants. The side - effects of SSRI drugs are known
to include things like over-eating resulting in weight gain , dissociative violent
behavior, an increased susceptibility to alcoholism, and self-injurious behaviors
up to and including full-fledged suicide. When I was on Prozac I ballooned up
in weight to 286 lbs. and had raging blood sugar highs where I would become
loud and violent after consuming huge meals. Something about the blood sugar thing got me
addicted to the added calories of beer and sweet wine . The combination of the Prozac,
the surge in energy that I was getting from all of the overeating , the wacked-out blood sugar
levels and the drunkenness made me extremely unbalanced. I felt that I had no fear of anything
and even took to shoplifting anything that I wanted to stuff my face with. My menacing size
and aggression meant that few shopkeepers wanted to intervene. I was willing to fight any man on the street.
I could have easily decided to jump off of a bridge, jumped, and experienced little fear on the
way down to my death.

There never WAS any Dupytren's disease. WHat it was , actually, was two or three severely torn tendons in the
palm of my left hand . These had been injuries sustained in the springs exercise episode, injuries which
never healed and which I had repeatedly re-injured due to constant keyboard typing and constant over-exertion with my
injured left hand. THe torn tendons had formed sore swollen bands or bumps in my palm, and I had naively trusted
the surgeon who had wanted to be paid handsomely to hack away at the flesh of my left hand. The surgery solved nothing, and did nothing
other than eliminating any chance of the tendon injuries naturally healing and regenerating given adequate rest
and protection from further injury until they healed.
Now what I have is a hollowed - out palm with a pile of ugly scar tissue embedded in it, central tendons stripped
of flesh which rebel painfully at any weight being placed on the palm of the hand, and any pulling motion very
painful. I tried water skiing in 1994 and it was agonizing being yanked over waves by my injured hand clinging
to the tow rope. If I carry heavy plastic grocery bags heavy enough to cut into my soft left fingers, an added
bonus is that the injured tendons of my left hand will throb all night in protest of having been overworked.
Depression and dark thoughts insidiously override any thoughts of well-being or regular sleep or hormonal or sexual
normalcy. The five-minutes-per-visit medical system was useless and damaging throughout this ordeal.

Edited 02/06/13 06:50

full-fledged   repeatedly   combination   injured   over-exertion   regenerating   five-minutes-per-visit   hallucinating   indestructible   dissociative   completely   Misdiagnosed   susceptibility   overextending   testosterone   surgery   Afterward   antidepressants   self-injurious   Dupytren