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My experience with surgical intervention so far
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05/15/2012 01:26
05/15/2012 01:26
Re: My experience with surgical intervention so far

Current splint:

may_splint.jpg may_splint.jpg (26x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 35 kB

05/15/2012 10:46
05/15/2012 10:46
Re: My experience with surgical intervention so far

Nice splint...similar to the ones I use...where did you get it and how much ?

05/15/2012 14:16
05/15/2012 14:16
Re: My experience with surgical intervention so far

Nice splint...similar to the ones I use...where did you get it and how much ?

My physical therapist cut it and molded it out of some sort of thermoform plastic. It can be dipped in hot water or exposed to a heat gun to tweak it.

Haven't seen the insurance billing yet -- so can't tell ya what they charged for it.

05/15/2012 18:59
05/15/2012 18:59
Re: My experience with surgical intervention so far

Yep..same as mine....I find wearing very light cotton gloves underneath makes the splints more comfotable..as I wear the splints all night every night... perspiration etc.

05/15/2012 20:53
05/15/2012 20:53
Re: My experience with surgical intervention so far


Looks great !! It has been 10 1/2 years since my surgery and a person couldn't tell that I ever had Dupuytren's. Zero contraction and full strength. I stopped wearing a splint at about 2 1/2 months. A key for me was just getting into the habit of flexing often during the day. I only went to therapy twice and that was to get the splint. I also thought that the hand lotion was critical for my recovery. It made it easy to massage the wound.

05/16/2012 23:29
05/16/2012 23:29
Re: My experience with surgical intervention so far


Looks great !! It has been 10 1/2 years since my surgery and a person couldn't tell that I ever had Dupuytren's. Zero contraction and full strength. I stopped wearing a splint at about 2 1/2 months. A key for me was just getting into the habit of flexing often during the day. I only went to therapy twice and that was to get the splint. I also thought that the hand lotion was critical for my recovery. It made it easy to massage the wound.

Glad to hear it!

I'm really encouraged by how fast I'm regaining range-of-motion in both directions. Ironically enough, I'm having more of a challenge closing my finger than opening it. Surgeon says this is because of how hard she had to crank on the joint to get it to open up. Swelling at the knuckle is still pretty significant, even after 1 month. Going to be 1-2 more months before that's mostly cleared up.

05/16/2012 23:33
05/16/2012 23:33
Re: My experience with surgical intervention so far

New "toy" #1 for physical therapy:

Elastic band.

5 minutes x 5 times a day

elastic_band.jpg elastic_band.jpg (10x)

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05/16/2012 23:35
05/16/2012 23:35
Re: My experience with surgical intervention so far

As threatened... my new extension splint.

5 mins x 5 times a day.

This thing is surprisingly effective. There's an immediately noticeable increase in both extension -- and how "free" the joint feels after each time I wear the splint.

extension_splint_palm.jpg extension_splint_palm.jpg (14x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 25 kB

extension_splint_top.jpg extension_splint_top.jpg (8x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 21 kB

05/17/2012 00:29
05/17/2012 00:29
Re: My experience with surgical intervention so far

I had the same situation. I could open the hand fine almost immediately after surgery. Closing into a fist was the situation that took time. Then I started wrapping the fist with a self-adhesive flexible bandage that worked like a rubber band around the fist. I would make it reasonably tight and leave it on for about 10 minutes at a time, several times a day. It made a tremendous difference and I noticed continuous improvement. After about a month, I had full flexibility and it has been great since then.

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contracture   perspiration   intervention   immediately   experience   incision   contributing   range-of-motion   surgery   Therapy   communicating   anesthesiologist   specifically   spanishbuddha   incisions   uncomfortable   self-adhesive   surgical   extension   easier-to-deal-with