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My xiaflex experience
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04/05/2012 15:57
04/05/2012 15:57
Re: My xiaflex experience

I'm just curious why you would go to "5 Ortho surgeons" to get the exact same information?

I didn't go to 5 Ortho surgeons to specifically get the same information. I had no idea they would all tell me the same thing. The 1st one i went to was in the beginning when i didn't even know what was wrong with my hand. On my first visit (Dr #1) explained my condition and options. I then began to research the Disease and went to a 2nd doctor for a 2nd opinion and he recommended NA treatment. However, he was not trained in NA and reccommended Dr. Pess in NJ. So my 3rd doctor (Dr. Pess) performed NA. The contractures returned about 18 months later, so I learned Dr. Eaton was the best and most trained with NA. So I decided to try NA again with Dr Eaton(#4). The contractures again returned and in the meantime I learned of xiaflex and a few years later I decided to give it a try. So just in the last month I went to a doctor(#5) who was trained in xiaflex and began xiaflex treatment. That makes 5 Ortho surgeons. I did not go to 5 surgeons so I could get the same information. Over the years, for the reasons above I went to five Ortho surgeons and it just so happens all 5 said the same thing. All 5 are Ortho surgeons and all have done surgery on patients with Dup. Not one of them said surgery should never be done, but all 5 said it should only be done when other options have not worked.

04/05/2012 16:34
04/05/2012 16:34
Re: My xiaflex experience

I'm just curious why you would go to "5 Ortho surgeons" to get the exact same information?

I didn't go to 5 Ortho surgeons to specifically get the same information. I had no idea they would all tell me the same thing. The 1st one i went to was in the beginning when i didn't even know what was wrong with my hand. On my first visit (Dr #1) explained my condition and options. I then began to research the Disease and went to a 2nd doctor for a 2nd opinion and he recommended NA treatment. However, he was not trained in NA and reccommended Dr. Pess in NJ. So my 3rd doctor (Dr. Pess) performed NA. The contractures returned about 18 months later, so I learned Dr. Eaton was the best and most trained with NA. So I decided to try NA again with Dr Eaton(#4). The contractures again returned and in the meantime I learned of xiaflex and a few years later I decided to give it a try. So just in the last month I went to a doctor(#5) who was trained in xiaflex and began xiaflex treatment. That makes 5 Ortho surgeons. I did not go to 5 surgeons so I could get the same information. Over the years, for the reasons above I went to five Ortho surgeons and it just so happens all 5 said the same thing. All 5 are Ortho surgeons and all have done surgery on patients with Dup. Not one of them said surgery should never be done, but all 5 said it should only be done when other options have not worked.
When my dups began there was very little info and no internet same thing bailey1 says.I belive some of the forum members have gathered most of thier information by sittng at the computer rather than talkin to the docs.Its a smart move this day and age to gather the information from someone who has performed all these tratments face to face rather than sufin the web.Just sayin.Dave

09/23/2012 19:34
09/23/2012 19:34
Re: My xiaflex experience

This is based on very limited data though. But, unfortunately, it doesn't indicate that Xiaflex is better than NA (= percutaneous needle fasciotomy) with respect to recurrence. But there are many factors influncing recurrence and you might be lucky as well.

Wishing you success!


Not only is the data limited, esp. on recurrence, they fudge it in the US as much as possible when they measure your hands and recurrence. Secondly, I get emails all the time and occasionally see them here-- I'm up to a dozen folks who have reported that Xiaflex made their DD-- MUCH, MUCH more aggressive.

Dr. Denkler is using Xiaflex quite aggressively and I'd love to see some reports from him even anecdotal although I don't think he's been using it much longer than a year. I've also read that any intervention on DD-- whether it be surgery, Xiaflex or NA can "stir" up DD. I had DD for almost 20 years in one RH finger with small progress and no DD in other fingers or other hand until Xiaflex.

After Xiaflex in one RH finger only my disease progressed to all four fingers of my RH and my LH-which only had a small lump in the palm-- now has aggressive disease in all four fingers --that hand didn't get stirred up by having Xiaflex injected into it as I only had the injection in one RH finger, nothing in the left. Beware-- it is NOT the panacea folks think it is and why are so many folks reporting their disease got worse after Xiaflex?


02/18/2013 21:54
02/18/2013 21:54
Re: My xiaflex experience

Five years ago, I had NA in NC and it was successful for four years. Now my LH pinkie finger is bent and the cord in my hand has lengthened. My nephew, who has extensive Dupuytrens, had Xiaflex in both hands about 6 months ago and the treatment is still successful. My orthopedic surgeon in DC suggested surgery. In my research, I have found that surgery may cause another cord to form and the recovery time is prohibitive for me. So, I went to my nephew's doctor in MD, who was included in the trials of Xiaflex, but he informed me that Medicare may not cover the cost; however, I have supplemental BCBS which may cover the cost. I told him that I would appeal if Xiaflex was denied.

I would be interested to know how many of you who have had Xiaflex have had a reoccurrence of or a new cord form, and after what period of time.

02/19/2013 02:49
02/19/2013 02:49
Re: My xiaflex experience

You said, "In my research, I have found that surgery may cause another cord to form and the recovery time is prohibitive for me."

I don't know what research you have found to verify that statement. Of course, "may cause" is a wide open statement that has very little meaning. It is different for every person. I had surgery on my little finger eleven years ago and the finger is still perfect. No other cord developed and zero contracture.

02/20/2013 13:56
02/20/2013 13:56
Re: My xiaflex experience

My ring finger has been getting worse over the past 6 months and got to 45 degrees. I decided to go get a xiaflex injection on Monday of this week.

They injected me in three different spots with each injection getting more painful (not sure why). The third really hurt. The dr told me not to do anything strenuous until Tuesday.

I have an appointment for next Monday (1 week later for the manipulation)

On Tuesday evening, I decided to try and straiten my finger myself. After 3-5 attempts and a few pops (yea it hurt pretty bad) I was able to do it. I would say my finger is probable at 5 degrees vs 45 degrees. Amazing to me. I can get my hand flat on a table which I haven't been able to do in almost a year.

My hand, around the area that was injected and now broken, is a bit swollen so I expect it to get better.

I will still go see the dr (despite the 2 hour drive) and see what he wants to do. I don't think there's any thing else but who knows.

I'll keep you posted along with progress.

Given what I went through, I'd absolutely recommend Xiaflex even if it only lasts a year.


04/10/2013 18:28
04/10/2013 18:28
Re: My xiaflex experience

I'll keep you posted along with progress.

I'm considering a treatment. It's been two months for you -- I'd like to know how you're progressing...

Thanks for responding.

Edited 04/10/13 21:29

11/30/2013 23:00
11/30/2013 23:00
Re: My xiaflex experience

It's been about 9 months since my xiaflex treatment. Right now my PIP joint is contracted at least 50 degrees and I'm worse than I was prior to the treatment.

I am considering options including surgery.

Has anyone done xiaflex and then surgery with positive results?

Not sure what other options I have at this point.


05/28/2015 12:25
05/28/2015 12:25
Re: My xiaflex experience

I'm just curious why you would go to "5 Ortho surgeons" to get the exact same information?

CALLE, I'm just curious as to how one would know the opinions of each of the five doctors before they'd been asked. What is your question?

05/28/2015 12:55
05/28/2015 12:55
Re: My xiaflex experience

Update on my Conditionin.

Since xiaflex "fix" only lasted a few months I've had two NA procedures. The first one went very well but lasted about 1yr. When I went back for the second NA procedure, I was it 45 degrees and the release tore open my skin right where my finger bent. It's been about 6 months since that happened and my finger is bending in st the PIP. Because of the tear it took several months to recover. Probably as much as if I had surgery.

I believe my best shot now is surgery.

Can anyone recommend a surgeon on the west coast they have experience with?


Edited 05/28/15 15:56

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