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Newly Diagnosed, 22yr old Female showing symptoms since 13yrs old. Need advice.
01/31/2012 08:23
01/31/2012 08:23
Newly Diagnosed, 22yr old Female showing symptoms since 13yrs old. Need advice.

First of all, I want to say I am so glad I stumbled upon this forum because I was feeling totally lost in the dark. I'm a 22 (almost 23) year old woman who has been DX'd with Dupuytrens and most likely foot involvement. I say most likely because I'm waiting to see a foot specialist, but my Orthopedist (hand specialist) took a look and said I was symptomatic.

Both hands and feet are affected. I've had three prior surgeries on my right hand that up until a month ago, were assumed to be simply cyst removals/trigger finger releases. Turns out no one really knew (or bothered to check into) what they had cut out of me. Seemed a little hard for me to believe that- this being the 21st century- I could go well over a decade and 3+ surgeries without being diagnosed with this, but alas it is possible. I guess my age and gender put me into such a low risk group, it was a horse over zebra diagnosis situation.

The catalyst for the diagnosis was my recent surgery. I had a lump removed (again!) from the base of my right ring finger (have had them under my middle on the same hand as well). Low and behold, it returned less than a month later and the tendon was extremely tight. This time my surgeon (who performed the third surgery-different dr for the the first two) took a look at the left hand (which- to me- seemed asymptomatic) and lowered the boom on me.

Needless to say, from what both he and the research tell me: the younger you are when the symptoms first occur, the tougher the road is. I've had one injection so far, which seems to be making matters worse (not to mention WORST PAIN OF MY LIFE. )

I've already dealt with a baseball size bone tumor in my femur and now my hands and feet? It's sort of like a big, universal middle finger at this point. But, it could be so much worse, so I count my lucky stars.

SO, here's where I could use the help. Given my background:
1. 22 years old. symptomatic since 13.
2. Positive family history (Dad has one finger affected and we're very, very Irish).
3. All extremities involved, however right hand is most effected.
4. 3 prior surgeries
5. Injection seemed ineffective
6. Live in a small town on the central coast of California

What are my options? Radiation seems to be something worth looking into, but I also want to try splints.
Mostly, I'm looking for a young perspective on this as well (although, seasoned perspective is much appreciated too!). When I let my mind go to dark places, or worse...google images I can only imagine what I've got in store for me in the next 10, 15 or 20 years. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

01/31/2012 13:45


01/31/2012 13:45


Re: Newly Diagnosed, 22yr old Female showing symptoms since 13yrs old. Need advice.

Welcome to our forum! You found a could place and community to answer your questions and share experience with you. Just keep asking!

Dupuytren's with your early onset is probably a little more aggressive than when it starts with 60+. I myself am in between: I had my first symptoms with about 35. The good news is: I am still doing well after nearly 30 years! So don't be too concerned, there are treatment options to make this disease managable.

In your case I would try to avoid, or postpone, further surgeries because the disease might come back quickly and aggressively. If you have bent fingers try first minimal invasive options, like needle fasciotomy or enzyme injection. Because you are still very young I would also try to postpone radiotherapy as well. The risk to devlelop cancer or fibromatosis due to the RT is low for hand and foot but it is higher when you are still young.

Should your foot nodules start to affect your walking ability I would go for radiotherapy rather than surgery. Unfortunately, for the foot neither needle fasciotomy nor enzyme injection seem to work, the only - fairly minimal invasive - option is cryosurgery.

You can find more information on the various therapy options on this web site. Just go through the top menu "Treatment". And keep asking questions.


appreciated   symptoms   injection   Unfortunately   aggressively   information   perspective   asymptomatic   ineffective   Orthopedist   Diagnosed   cryosurgery   surgery-different   fibromatosis   involvement   symptomatic   radiotherapy   surgeries   fasciotomy   extremities