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newly diagnosed and need advice
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04/06/2009 18:10
04/06/2009 18:10
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

I have only the nodules and no contraction yet. My hand dr. did surgery for what he thought was a cyst and ended up finding DC, almost ten years ago. After the surgery i had a steroid shot in that hand to relieve some pain. It worked well, pain subsided and i have had no other complications in that hand. Although, last august my left hand started to develop dc at a much more aggressive rate. I have two nodules on that hand already. I just had a steroid shot about 3 weeks ago to help with of the pain. It is definately less painful, but my doctor said it probably will not stop the progression. He said they are still working on an enzyme, which i figure is the ziaflex. Because of some FDA problem they havent been able to release it. I read on this site it was due to a manufacturing problem. If you have the steroid shot be aware that some pain afterwards is possible. Mine felt strange for about a day with some tingling sensations but went away. Also, I had insomnia for awhile-about a week. Dr. said this was normal after steroid shots. (Happens everytime)
Best of luck

04/06/2009 18:36
04/06/2009 18:36
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Thank you, I will need good luck. Thanks for the update as to your reactions. It is nice to be prepared to know I will/might have pain and insomnia. Neither one I would like.


04/06/2009 22:49
04/06/2009 22:49
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice


Please post how the steroid shots work for you. I have seen very little that indicates that it slows or stops progression, but I'll be very anxious to hear how effective it is.


04/07/2009 01:13
04/07/2009 01:13

Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Hi Lori Australia Calling,
Have you look at 'Other THerapy-Steriods,' At the botton of the page click on words'this web page' and down load the photos.It shows the results over a long period. Regards

Edited 04/07/09 04:16

04/07/2009 14:22
04/07/2009 14:22
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Hi Australia and Flora:

I did look at the pictures and wrote down his recommendations for the procedure and took it with me to the appointment. I had the shot this morning and will document the progress or lack there of. The doctor said he did not believe it would make it go away but he hoped it would slow down its progression. I am to go back for another shot if my finger "locks up" or when it seems to be getting bigger. I am also to try hand therapy with a physical therapist to see if this would help. He and I both agree all I am probably buying is time. . . but I will take it.

I stayed off the computer this weekend where I do a lot of paperwork for work, did not play tennis or work in my vegetable bed too much and noticed the nodule and cord had REALLY reduced in size. The doctor verified this and told me repetitive movement will bother it and inflame it and to stay away from it a much as I can. Yeah right. I am now rearranging my desk to use my left hand a little more, I'll probably get it in my left hand now. HA, HA.

I will update you as time progresses, thanks for caring and being intrested, it means a lot.


04/07/2009 14:42

not registered

04/07/2009 14:42

not registered

Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Hi lori, I think "normal" use of your hand won't bother your Dupuytren's and will help keeping your joints and muscles in order. Typing on a compuuter is certainly OK (I have been doing this for decades and it doesn't bother by Dupuytren's), repetitive hard factory work might cause damage. I am not sure about tennis, you might watch it and see whether it does you good or not. But don't let Dupuytren's spoil your life - that would be the worst thing to happen!


04/07/2009 18:49
04/07/2009 18:49
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice


No I won't let it stop me from living. I was back in the Asparagus bed weeding today. I type all day long and my shoulder and hand started aching with this, the hand feels cold. It is just figuring out how to and how much and staggering the work flow. I am lucky and have flexable hours so it will not be too hard. I play tennis and golf fairly often. I love golf, am a bad player but a past instructor said I had the perfect language for the game so my game can't get any worse.

I noticed in an earlier email a punctuation that appeared German. Are you located there? Also, does this system have spell check? I caught after I sent the last one that I had misspelled iinterest.


04/08/2009 05:39

not registered

04/08/2009 05:39

not registered

Re: newly diagnosed and need advice


... I noticed in an earlier email a punctuation that appeared German. Are you located there?
A: yes, in Bavaria: http://www.dupuytren-online.info/address.html When switching to another language it is difficult to forget what you had leared in your own language for many years ...

Also, does this system have spell check?
A: Unfortunately it doesn't. We are using a versatile forum software that doesn't have this feature.

04/12/2009 16:12
04/12/2009 16:12
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Hi Lori,

I wouldn't let it worry you too much. I had surgery for knuckle nodules in 1983 on my left hand (i'm left handed) and they are still 100% perfect. Then had another op in 1992 for 90 degree bend in little finger of same hand, again still perfect. 1994, same hand 45 degree ring finger same result and on 23 Mar this year thumb and forefinger about 30 degrees each, still on sick leave but both are straight, I've never had a splint, never needed pain relief and have never been off work for longer than 6 weeks. I did find before my latest op that wearing an inner padded glove, recommended to pnematic drill operators, eased the pressure on my palm without restricting movement or feel, they are fingerless.

I expect to have the same op in about 12 to 18 months on the thumb and forefinger of my right hand as its now about 20 degrees but not really bothering me yet. I just look upon it as a minor distraction, I'm 61 and still working in engineering.

Good luck


04/14/2009 13:30
04/14/2009 13:30
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Hi, Flora and others:

An update on me.

I had the steroid shot last Tuesday the 7th at 10am, I also had started taking vitamin D on April 1st after reading in the archives about this vitamin possibly helping.

After the shot I went back to work and my hand felt okay. After about 4 hours my fingers curled in as if around a glass and it was EXTREMELY sensitive/hurt to touch. At around 9pm I could slightly straighten my fingers without moaning and by midnight I was back to normal.

The nodule and cord have reduced in size by 30-40%. When my hand is relaxed you only see a slight bump and no cord. If I tighten and extend my hand you can see the nodule and slightly see the cord. The pulling of my mddle finger is gone. I wish I had taken pictures before the shot, but I have done so now. I am amazed and skeptical but hope this works.

I will update as the weeks and months go by. I am to return for another shot if I see growth.


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