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newly diagnosed and need advice
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12/17/2009 13:56
12/17/2009 13:56
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Thanks Lori, I'll talk to my GP about RT, your experience sounds very encouraging - the best news in the last 24 hours, to be sure. I have spend more time researching DC and it sure is a puzzle. I remember my grandmother's hands (good Irish stock) and they were a mess later in her life (in 70's and 80's) - very deformed, but arthritis seemed to be the main problem. Didn't seem to slow her down, however. My mother also suffered from arthritis and other joint and tendon problems in her hands and waists - but I can't discuss with her either. I am going to follow up with my GP, it is the best way to get the health care system working for you in Canada. I don't really want to wait until I am become a surgery candidate.

Thanks again, Murray



No problem about the questions. I can't say for sure if any activity brought it on. I used to play several musical instruments (bands in my 20's & 30's), I have and continue to work on houses and do a lot of physical labor. I play golf and tennis. I believe the combination has brought it on early. When I was diagnoised and did research into my family, I discovered my aunt and grandmother had it, but developed it into their late 70's early 80's (they believed it was arthritis). So who knows?

I finished my RT in August of this year. If you go and look under "pictures of my hand from MRI to now" you can see pictures of my hand from beginning to after radiation. My hand has improved since that last picture and if I were to take a picture now you would not see anything at all. It is amazing. The only side effect that I have is a little dry skin. I have regained most of my hand flexability back. I still have a hard time gripping something, unscrewing lids, grasping heavy objects that touch where the cord is, I will get a little twinge that reminds me all is not like it used to be. I am pleased with the progress my hand has made. It has improved much more than I expected. My only expectation was to stop the growth, but not only did it stop the growth but it dramatically improved my hand.


12/18/2009 07:07
12/18/2009 07:07
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

I live in western Massachusetts, so Boston is the only option for RT. My primary and I talked about in briefly. Does anyone have any experience with the program listed on the right at Mass General? I'm sure other people must have had Dups develop quickly. I've gone from asymtomatic to nodules, cords, contracture, (slight) and pads in 2 months, assoc with pain, burning, numbness, cold sensitivity, weakness, blah, blah, blah. Old news to many of you, I'm sure. I would love to hear from others with fast moving disease. Anything folks are willing to share is appreciated, and I will be happy to answr questions and contribute as I can for others. Thanks

12/18/2009 16:20
12/18/2009 16:20
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice


Mine moved quickly. I had a sore spot in my palm for about 2 months, then a knot in January and by the time I got into see the hand specialist (4-6 weeks later) I had a cord, puckering, pulling and dimpling. My GP did not know what it was and I was having pain in my arm, shoulder, and my hand so bad that it would keep me up at nght. It was the pain that sent me to the doctor, I figured I had a callus in my palm. A heated mattress pad helps a lot. My hand ached with the cold so I worer a fingerless glove and that helped keep it warm. After RT my hand does not ache but it does feel the cold so I continue to wear that glove.

If you have any questions please ask.


12/23/2009 02:34
12/23/2009 02:34
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Thanks Lori. I saw a hand surgeon today, and he thought it might not be dups, but instead might be: trigger fingers + carpal tunnel + Raynaud's + mild arthritis + loss of fat vs calluses from writing. I did tell him that my hand looked nothing like this 2 months ago, and that since I'm left handed, calluses from writing probably wouldn't appear on my right hand. Although it would be nice if he were right, it seems like far too many things to try to explain something that can be explained with 1 diagnosis, esp. since I have Lederhose's. At any rate, it's much too early for anything but RT which I'm going to start trying to find out more about after the holidays, so I'll just see what he thinks on my next visit. If the cords and nodules are more pronounced, perhaps he'll rethink his diagnosis. If it does cont. to worsen and he doesn't change his mind. I guess I look for someone else. I went to him because he's an old friend, even though I knew he sometimes does this sort of thing. He's very good technically, but sometimes not so good otherwise. Now I'm regretting it a bit. I'll just wait and see. thanks again.

12/23/2009 04:58
12/23/2009 04:58

Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Australia Calling,Hi Linda-Your hand surgeon has opened a pandora's box of might-bees for you! Firstly you can carry out some simple tests yourself to identify Carpal tunnel.(check on the web) You would know if you have trigger finger when you make a fist and try to open the fist the trigger finger will remain closed and suddenly release.An upper limb and hand surgeon informed me that patients with dupuytrens were at risk of trigger finger. Mine occurred after surgery but after my radiotherapy a couple of years ago it disappeared. You did mention cords ,nodules in the previous posting and also that you have Morbus Ledderhose.Any knuckle pads on the back of the hand? Do you have any relatives that have dups? Maybe a second opinion is not a bad idea and start with the simple ultra sound. We all remember calluses from writing in the school years. Finally it makes no difference if you are left or right handed for dupuytren. In my case it developed on one hand and did appear on the other until I had surgery .

Edited 12/23/09 07:23

12/23/2009 06:46
12/23/2009 06:46
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Yes, I have pads on my knuckles. These are what the doc was calling "writing calluses", and although I know handedness does not effect dups, I thought it unlikely that I would have calluses from writing on my right hand when I am left handed. No, my hand does not open back up from a fist, I can keep it closed just fine, it's opening it I have trouble with. My hand certainly LOOKS different than it did 2 months ago, lumps and bumps and tough stringy stuff; I can't spread my fingers apart, (no Vulcan greeting for me), and my ring finger has started trying to cross over my middle finger. I spoke with 1 of my coworkers today and she said she wouldn't have chosen this doc because of these very issues, but, he will admit it if he's wrong, and who knows, in spite of the Ledderhose's, perhaps I HAVE 17 separate things wrong with me rather than 1 or 2 that fit together with the Ledderhose's. I'll keep you guys posted.

12/23/2009 11:41
12/23/2009 11:41

Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Australia Calling. The diagnoses of having Ledderhose and knuckle pads is a strong indicator of dupuytrens especially when you mention the factor of your little finger deforming or contracting. I would not waste time get a second opinion from a Hand Surgeon/Plastic Surgeon. From your description you have a indicator to Trigger finger.(Easily Corrected) I was always advised not to wait too long with the contraction especially if it is occurring in the joints.Contraction can occur in the web between the fingers. Regards.

Edited 12/23/09 13:44

12/25/2009 02:23
12/25/2009 02:23
Re: newly diagnosed and need advice

Thanks again for the advice. I have to call this hand surgeon again after the holidays. I also am having a nerve conduction study. If after that he doesn't change his mind, I'll get a 2nd opinion right away. Thanks for everything.

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