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Radiation Therapy advice needed
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02/03/2012 15:13
02/03/2012 15:13

Re: Radiation Therapy advice needed

Hi Jessie,
Does Dupuytrens run in the family.Prof.Seegenschmiedt mentions in his book to adopt ' wait and see in the first instant.'I am not sure at your age if Radiotherapy is the way to go . I am no doctor but in my case Dupuytrens started when I was 35yr and no surgery until I was 50.Yr. I had RT in 2007 .Sometimes the disease remains dormant for years. You have to feel comfortable with your decision.

Edited 02/03/12 18:44

02/03/2012 19:51
02/03/2012 19:51
Re: Radiation Therapy advice needed

I also have to agree with Lori and Flojo. I got my diagnoses and started calling around to all the oncology radiology doctors in my area. Had a small list that i called and 20 minutes later found my doctor. He was 20 minutes from my house. I feel very lucky to have found him. So had DD about 6 months before i seen doctor and a week later i was on my way for treatment and 10 days later i was done. Smartest thing i ever done and would do it again. It has been 23 months since treatments and its still in remission. Very happy. Where are you located? Hope this helps.

02/03/2012 19:53
02/03/2012 19:53

Hi Jessie
It is soooo difficult to make an informed decision on whether RT will have a long term effect relating to cancer (particularly in relation to treatment on younger patients). There just doesn't seem to be a huge range of research available that looks at the long term affects. Dr S in Hamburg doesn't seem to have had many (or any) problems but I think his follow ups only go back 13 years, so there is nothing conclusive long term.


Ironically I am booked in to see Dr S in Hamburg in two weeks for RT but I cannot make myself pay for the flights as my mind constantly switches from go to don't go.(it seems every 10 minutes) ...

Hi Anthony,

Have you decided yet ?! To go or not to go that is the question (free from Mr. Shakespeare !)

You are a believer of science and statistics .... So you may follow me an my questions for YOU:

Credibility of Research & Studies !?

> Did you find a surgical series in Dupuytren's Disease with follow-up longer than 5 years ?

> Did you find follow-up period longer than 5 years for any other treatment modality ???

> To believe it or not:
RADIATION THERAPY provides the LONGEST FOLLOW-UP evidence of all therapies so far ... !

What are the risks ??

> Possibly CANCER ! Have you found any report about that after radiation of the hand ? And ...

> Do yOU protect YOUR HANDS from sun-light througout YOUR LIFE - thta's a much higher risk to get cancer there !

> Do you NOT USE your hands to steer a car through western type traffic : MUCH MORE DANGEROUS ! Stop driving ...

> Do you use YOUR HANDS to EAT TOO MUCH ! Overweight produces CANCER ! Stop doing it ...

> Do you use YOUR HANDS to DRINK ALCOHOL or HOLD A CIGARETTE ! Stop doing it ...

There are many more risks about your hands and "DANGEROUS EXPOSURES" rather than some radiation dose which helps you to avaoid hand surgery which has an overall risk of complications and side effects of 15% OVERALL!

LIFE IS SURELY RISKY and RADIATION is only a izzy bizzy PART of it

Believe in the benefits and argue with the Prof. Seegenschmiedt if you are going to meet him !

Edited 02/03/12 21:54

02/03/2012 23:11
02/03/2012 23:11
Re: Radiation Therapy advice needed

Hi Anthony,

I had my consultation with Prof S 3 weeks ago.......I too was concerned about the cancer......so I grilled him......for my circumstances he had some data which added up to 0.5 percent risk increase....he emphasized the low dose for the treatment......30gy........from memory cancer patients would often be given 55gy.......in soft tissue.....which would be more suseptable for cancer than hands and feet.......Prof S. Was more concerned about the affects of radiation drying out the skin.

The point Larry makes regarding everyday life activities increasing cancer risks is very powerful to me......prof s. Also touched on these things such as the exposure airline pilots get.....etc....

We all have to way up the pros and cons regarding our condition......and the treatment that we are happiest to pursue.....for myself the prospect of advanced stage dups and ML was far more frightening than the seemingly small increase risk with cancer......I am very pleased to have made the decision to spend money I don t have to travel to Germany and meet with him.......even if my treatment fails.......I will still feel that I invested in the best statistical chance that I had for a favorable outcome......BUT!!!!!.......I am not you.......you may see it all very differently.......

I will continue watching these posts and wish you the best....whatever you choose...

And for Jessie........I think you have had some great advice on this thread.......from people that have been dealing with this for a long time........I hope you can formulate a plan that you are happy with.....I wish you the very best...


Hi Jessie
It is soooo difficult to make an informed decision on whether RT will have a long term effect relating to cancer (particularly in relation to treatment on younger patients). There just doesn't seem to be a huge range of research available that looks at the long term affects. Dr S in Hamburg doesn't seem to have had many (or any) problems but I think his follow ups only go back 13 years, so there is nothing conclusive long term.


Ironically I am booked in to see Dr S in Hamburg in two weeks for RT but I cannot make myself pay for the flights as my mind constantly switches from go to don't go.(it seems every 10 minutes) ...

Hi Anthony,

Have you decided yet ?! To go or not to go that is the question (free from Mr. Shakespeare !)

You are a believer of science and statistics .... So you may follow me an my questions for YOU:

Credibility of Research & Studies !?

> Did you find a surgical series in Dupuytren's Disease with follow-up longer than 5 years ?

> Did you find follow-up period longer than 5 years for any other treatment modality ???

> To believe it or not:
RADIATION THERAPY provides the LONGEST FOLLOW-UP evidence of all therapies so far ... !

What are the risks ??

> Possibly CANCER ! Have you found any report about that after radiation of the hand ? And ...

> Do yOU protect YOUR HANDS from sun-light througout YOUR LIFE - thta's a much higher risk to get cancer there !

> Do you NOT USE your hands to steer a car through western type traffic : MUCH MORE DANGEROUS ! Stop driving ...

> Do you use YOUR HANDS to EAT TOO MUCH ! Overweight produces CANCER ! Stop doing it ...

> Do you use YOUR HANDS to DRINK ALCOHOL or HOLD A CIGARETTE ! Stop doing it ...

There are many more risks about your hands and "DANGEROUS EXPOSURES" rather than some radiation dose which helps you to avaoid hand surgery which has an overall risk of complications and side effects of 15% OVERALL!

LIFE IS SURELY RISKY and RADIATION is only a izzy bizzy PART of it

Believe in the benefits and argue with the Prof. Seegenschmiedt if you are going to meet him !

Edited 02/04/12 09:48

02/04/2012 09:40
02/04/2012 09:40
Re: Radiation Therapy advice needed

I am 24 and received my first round or RT in Germany by doctor S about 3 months ago, I am due to see him again soon for my second round of RT. The nodules in my hands looked just like yours did.
It is up to you whether you get the RT or not since there is a higher risk of cancer, especially at such a young age, but according to Dr. S and some of the members here the chances of getting cancer are very low. Dr. S told me that there is a 0.5-1% increase within the first 10 to 20 years.
From my personal experience, I am glad that I had the first round of RT done because I have noticed the two main nodules (mid hand under ring finger, one on top of the other) in both my hands slightly shrank. However, my left hand is worse than my right hand is, and even though the nodules did shrink, my ring finger feels like it is being pulled in by a cord more so than ever.

02/04/2012 11:33
02/04/2012 11:33

Re: Radiation Therapy advice needed

Hi that is good to here .I have not seen any posting from any younger forum members. Are you female . My daughter is in her mid thirties and I was of the belief she should not have RT until around 40 for Dups.

02/04/2012 20:32
02/04/2012 20:32
Re: Radiation Therapy advice needed

Hi Jessie,

Larry laid out the risk of cancer from RT compared to other risks in life. Weigh the risks for yourself. One other factor is that RT for Dupuytren's is controlled to go only as deep in the tissue as the Dupuytren's disease goes. I don't think it gets to the bone because of how they control the depth.

Does it seem to be progressing really fast or slowly?

Just so you know, when I made my decision, I didn't know for sure but it seemed to me to be the thing to do. Now, I'm glad I did because it effectively stopped new nodules in the area irradiated. I was getting new nodules every few days or at least weekly until I had RT.

You are researching and finding out all you can. You'll make a decision that is best for you. You do the best you can and that's all you can do no matter what the decision or situation is.

02/04/2012 20:44
02/04/2012 20:44
Re: Radiation Therapy advice needed

I totally agree with Flojo.

02/06/2012 15:25
02/06/2012 15:25
Re: Radiation Therapy advice needed

Lori -

which radiation therapist did you see in Charlotte? I am in Winston Salem. Would really like to get a local consult. but it is hard to go to someone without as much experience as they have in Germany. How are you doing now? do you think your RT helped?


02/06/2012 16:00
02/06/2012 16:00
Re: Radiation Therapy advice needed


I saw Dr. Anthony Crimaldi from Southeast Radiation and Oncology in Charlotte. They have a satellite office in Mooresville where I actually had my treatment. When I went for some of my treatment's I saw a Dr. John Konefal in Mooresville at Lake Norman radiation and oncology. Both of these doctors have treated DD and know what they are doing. Mooresville is not that far away from Winston-Salem. I ended up going to the Mooresville office because if I went for all of my RT and to see Dr. Crimaldi in Charlotte they considered it a hospital visit. I have a huge deductilbe for hospital visits. BCBS treated the visits to the Mooresville office as a doctors visit and I had to only pay a $30 co-pay. I went to the Mooresville site for both rounds of RT. They are great at that office.

I am doing fine after my RT. It has been over 2 years now. No new DD. The RT stopped the growth in my right hand and I have gained back most of the use of that hand. I still have a little dry skin at the treated area but you can only see that in the winter.

For me, RT was the right choice and I have not regretted the decision.

By the way when I looked up Southeast's web site they have satellite offices in Albemarle and Salisbury. I do not know if anyone at those sites has treated DD. but you could always ask. If not I imagine Dr. Crimaldi would be willing to help you find someone at those offices to help you.

Let me know if I can answer any questions for you or be of help.


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Hamburg   disease   progressing   decision   Mooresville   experience   seegenschmeidt   Dupuytren   treatment   because   treated   Dupuytrens   conservatively   complications   Germany   nodules   Radiation   contraction   Seegenschmiedt   Therapy