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03/13/2007 08:00


03/13/2007 08:00


Frozen shoulder

Hi Phil, glad to hear that your treatment in Essen is proceeding well! For frozen shoulder it is sometimes sufficient to get a cortizone shot and a little exercise to remove the blockage. I guess it depends on why and how strongly the shoulder is frozen. "Frozen shoulder" is a symptom oriented description, it might have a variety of root causes. We provide a few comments on our web site, though a little hidden under "The disease" -> "IPP and others" ...



Hi Nigel et al-and thanks for great diary of your treatment in Essen-I too have found the treatment there to be first class.I return march 24th for my second 5 sesions of radiotherapy-and it looks from your posting that I`d better take my hand cream.Did you try aloevera or vitamin E?I had virtually no side effects after the first 5 treatments except for slightly drier skin which I doused with Vit E ,Aloe Vera and Zinc and Castor Oil--That seemed to work well.The treatment sems to be effective with the lumps reduced in size and the cords softened-but I`ll wait for Prof Seegenschmiedt`s assessment.Also,I agree with you on the good value of such a proven treatment at 400 euro`s.I tried for a referall from my UK GP -but he said it wasn`t possible-so like you I`ve paid for the treatment myself-it has been a lot cheaper than the 60 or so acupuncture treatments I tried before discovering radiotherapy.By the way have you been getting symptoms of Frozen Shoulder-mine started a couple pf months ago in my right shoulder? ...

03/13/2007 08:47
03/13/2007 08:47
Re: Radiotherapy

Hi Wolfgang

I would have originally preferred to have had the treatment in England. However, having been to Germany 4 times now I feel much richer for the experience. Since the disease was treated early and having good results so far, I feel more like I have been on holiday than to hospital. I have really enjoyed visiting Cologne, Dusseldorf, and Essen and having met so many nice people in Germany, and experienced trains and buses running on time, am happy to visit again should Professor Seegenschmidt require it.

thanks once again for all your hard work Wolfgang


03/13/2007 17:21
03/13/2007 17:21
Re: Radiotherapy

I had a NA procedure performed by Dr. Denkler on both hands yesterday and during the pre-consult I mentioned my intention ro follow up the NA cord release with radiotherapy in Essen.

Dr. Denkler highly approved this complimentary treatment as a way to halt the future progression of the disease. As the cost of the actual radiotherapy is about equal to a future NA procedure (except for travel - but then I love traveling to Germany).

With regard to post-radiotherapy skin treatments aloe vera and other remedies that are used for UV skin damage may be helpful except they only deal with the outer skin layers. The urea in any topical treatment is to assist with penetration of the skin of the elements being administered and provides no value by itself.

I would suspect that DMSO properly applied (must be done in a very hygienic manner) would help as it assists cells with the removal of cell waste and assists with reducing internal scare tissue in joints. More information is available in book form - DMSO by Dr. Moton Walker. Initial research goes back to the 1960's and the pioneering work of Dr. Stanley W. Jacob at the University of Oregon Medical School.


03/13/2007 21:38
03/13/2007 21:38
Re: Radiotherapy and complications

Another short note based on comments make by Dr. Denkler during my visit yesterday for NA on my hands. I had already done some research ant felt that at my age of 56 even if I developed cancer 20 years from now as a result of radiotherapy, it would not really matter. If I am alive at age 76 I would still have treatment options.

Sr. Denkler mentioned that the risk of complications are greatly reduced with Dupuytrens as no organ tissue (though technically skin is an organ) is radiated as compared to most other uses of radiotherapy. So I view radiotherapy as relatively low cost, low risk, minimal time away from work, and high rate of success form of treatment.


03/13/2007 22:00
03/13/2007 22:00
Re: Radiotherapy and complications

Another short note based on comments make by Dr. Denkler during my visit yesterday for NA on my hands. I had already done some research ant felt that at my age of 56 even if I developed cancer 20 years from now as a result of radiotherapy, it would not really matter. If I am alive at age 76 I would still have treatment options.

Sr. Denkler mentioned that the risk of complications are greatly reduced with Dupuytrens as no organ tissue (though technically skin is an organ) is radiated as compared to most other uses of radiotherapy. So I view radiotherapy as relatively low cost, low risk, minimal time away from work, and high rate of success form of treatment.


04/04/2007 20:06
04/04/2007 20:06
Re: Radiotherapy

Hi Phil here just back from Essen after completing the last 5 treatments of radiotherapy for my left hand.The side effects have been easily tolerable-just slightly drier skin and a feeling of tenderness on the treated sites.The hospital staff were extremely friendly and the whole experience was enjoyable.The Hospital Dept were able to recommend good accommodation close to the Town Centre and a few tram stops away from The Alfied Krupps Hospital.Amazingly,I was able to play a couple of `Gigs` while in Essen with no discomfort or impaired movement to my hand.I`m now hopeful that the dupuytren`s in the left hand will cease to progress,leaving me free to pursue my musical carrer.I`m back in Essen before Autumn and again in December.This is to monitor both hands and feet to check the effectiveness of the treatment so far undertaken and the possibility of treatment for the right hand.In my own mind,there is no doubt that Radiotherapy should be the first option for people with Dupuytren`s followed by N/A if needed.Surgery is definitely something I have sought to avoid.Thanks again this forum and Wolfgang in particular for making us aware of this possibility.I will update the forum with my experience of this treatment
as it unfolds.

04/05/2007 06:50
04/05/2007 06:50
Re: Radiotherapy

Hi Phil

Glad to hear all went well. The main obstacle I felt was organising the first visit. Once you've been once and become comfortable with getting around, etc, the next time is easy, and something to look forward to if you can include some sightseeing, etc. The return flight from East Midlands to Cologne was about £40 and lodgings about £14 per night so it is not expensive and, as you say, compared to surgery eminently preferable.


04/05/2007 11:30
04/05/2007 11:30
Re: Radiotherapy

Thanks for reply, Nigel,how`s your hand doing now after the Radiotherapy?My left hand feels fine I had no problem with blistering-just a bit of dry skin qnd tenderness on the treated areas.I got a feeling quite a few Brits will be following us on to Essen!!

04/05/2007 11:53
04/05/2007 11:53
Re: Radiotherapy

Hi Phil

My hand is doing fine. I finished treatment January 2006. The cord in my palm is nice and soft. The 2 nodules are still there but there is no pain now and they have not changed. The skin around the little finger is drier than it used to be but a price well worth paying. I would recommend radiotherapy in Essen to anyone, especially if they are in the early stages.


04/05/2007 13:46
04/05/2007 13:46
Re: Radiotherapy

I had my one month follow up for my radiation for my feet. It's been maybe 10 months since my hands were finished. Everyone is amazed at how great this has worked out. Like my hands the skin on my feet is alittle drier than before but that's all. They didn't even get red like my hands did for a bit. The doctors in Essen knew what to expect but I'm the first for my doctors here. So everyone is new to this. They want me back in 6 months but I think it's just to admire their work

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disease   medical   nodules   Dupuytren   surgery   treatments   kerstanX=Xkrupp-krankenhaus   Wolfgang   experience   Alfried-Krupp-Krankenhaus   information   available   Denkler   Radiotherapy   Germany   hospital   treatment   Seegenschmidt   effects   radiation