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RT in Colorado?
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08/07/2014 18:18

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08/07/2014 18:18

not registered

RT in Colorado?

Thank you to everyone for the information and the thoughtful feedback found on this site.
I am newly diagnosed with DD. I'm interested in getting RT in Colorado and understand there is a doctor who does this in Denver. I live 5 hours from Denver, so it is a long commute. If anyone has had this procedure in Colorado, I would be grateful to know how it went for you.
Thank you, again.

08/08/2014 16:33
08/08/2014 16:33
Re: RT in Colorado?

Hi Susie. I am in Colorado and as well and very interested in starting RT. Plan to contact Dr. Kavanagh in Aurora to see what my options are. Fingers crossed-while I still can.

08/11/2014 16:23

not registered

08/11/2014 16:23

not registered

Re: RT in Colorado?

Hi Tracylee,
I hope it goes well for you! I look forward to hearing about it, if you decide to do it.
All the best, Susie

08/14/2014 23:30
08/14/2014 23:30
Re: RT in Colorado?

Went to see a hand specialist in Boulder to discuss RT and found out I have trigger finger as well as DD in the same hand. Had cortisone injected for trigger finger and gave him info re. Radiologist in Denver. He will contact him and then I have another visit in 3 weeks to make a plan. He def. wasn't keen on RT but was open to looking into it.

08/15/2014 23:18

not registered

08/15/2014 23:18

not registered

Re: RT in Colorado?

Hi Tracy, I'm sorry you are also dealing with trigger finger, along with this diagnosis.
I have an appointment with Dr. Kavanagh in Denver in 2 weeks. I went to see an orthopedic specialist who told me there was nothing I could do until I required surgery in the future. He doesn't believe in or recommend any alternative treatment to surgery, including massage, stretching, topical liniment, or RT. It was pretty defeating.
Onward to the next chapter... I'll post any news after I've had my appointment in Denver. I am going to try the topical iodide, DMSO, and Vit. E in the meantime.
Sending lots of healing your way,

08/16/2014 13:55
08/16/2014 13:55
Re: RT in Colorado?

Hi Susie. Sounds like you are a few steps ahead of me! I see the surgeon again 8/12 and look forward to hearing the results of his conversation with Dr.Kavanagh. Did you get an appt. without a referral? Best of luck with the appointment. So glad I met you on this forum!

08/17/2014 17:00

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08/17/2014 17:00

not registered

Re: RT in Colorado?

I did get an appt with Dr Kavanagh without a referral. As it turned out, my insurance didn't require a referral and he is in network with them. I offered to get one from my primary care provider, as I know she would be open to me finding help, but Dr K's staff said they would take me as a self-referral.
I'm glad we have the support of each other and this forum!
Good luck with your next appointment.

08/25/2014 22:13
08/25/2014 22:13
Re: RT in Colorado?

I know you have your appt. in Denver coming up soon and want to wish you well. I see my hand surgeon again on the 2nd and am curious to hear if Dr. K's info and opinion on RT had any impact. Looking forward to hearing how your visit goes and whether you decide to move forward with treatment. -Tracy

Edited 08/26/14 01:14

08/25/2014 23:47

not registered

08/25/2014 23:47

not registered

Re: RT in Colorado?

Hi Tracy,
Thank you so much for your kind message. I really needed it today. My appointment with Dr K is on Friday 08/29. I'll update you after my visit with him.
I am a massage therapist and esthetician and have been in this profession for many years with a busy practice. Lots of heavy hand use, but who knows if that is a factor. If this progresses, as it seems to be doing at a rapid rate, it will impact my life, but it will also shorten my career. I know there are so many things to be grateful for in this life, but this diagnosis has me working hard to keep a good attitude, lately.
I will be thinking of you and always appreciate your thoughtful messages.
Glad we share this great and beautiful Colorado, too!

08/27/2014 23:44
08/27/2014 23:44
Re: RT in Colorado?

Hi Tracy,
Thank you so much for your kind message. I really needed it today. My appointment with Dr K is on Friday 08/29. I'll update you after my visit with him.
I am a massage therapist and esthetician and have been in this profession for many years with a busy practice. Lots of heavy hand use, but who knows if that is a factor. If this progresses, as it seems to be doing at a rapid rate, it will impact my life, but it will also shorten my career. I know there are so many things to be grateful for in this life, but this diagnosis has me working hard to keep a good attitude, lately.
I will be thinking of you and always appreciate your thoughtful messages.
Glad we share this great and beautiful Colorado, too!

Good luck with your treatment, whatever path you choose. Hopefully, RT can arrest your DP without surgery.

The scientific research on hand use effects on DP development is mixed and even contradictory. The prior thinking tied DP to hand use and traumas, but more recent studies find the link of hand use so weak as to be inconclusive.

What is known is that untreated DP can certainly interfere with hand use, which I can imagine is potentially career ending for you. It has certainly limited my father's use of one hand which was treated unsuccessfully with multiple surgeries.

Again, good luck.


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potentially   thoughtful   interested   certainly   self-referral   appointment   dupuytren-online   Colorado   unsuccessfully   development   appreciate   progresses   treatment   esthetician   thinking   crossed-while   inconclusive   diagnosis   contradictory   conversation