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RT Research Project:Your Results of RT
04/11/2012 05:46
04/11/2012 05:46
RT Research Project:Your Results of RT

I've been researching RT because i am new to the DD community and am in the very early stages of the disease and plan to get RT.
I'm a 68 yr old American man of Italian parents living in San Francisco. I've visited Radiation Oncologists Dr Chang at Palo Alto and Dr Gottschalk at the Univ. of Cal in San Francisco (UCSF). They are both highly qualified and excellent Radiologists and have performed RT for DD a number of times. I've also contacted Dr S in Germany.
So what's this all about??
In order to make an informed decision It seems important to see more quantitative results of the people who have received RT from all sources.
It would be nice to know

Year of DD onset
Date of RT
Where it was done
Stage when the RT was done (What was you condition)
Was the whole hand radiated or just sections
How many Gray
What are the results
Add any pictures or reports or anything you think will help

Most of the threads appear to be populated by a few people and perhaps there are more people out there that haven't contributed. So out of almost 2000 registered members, there maybe more people out there that can pipe in.

So here we go...


PS This can also be done with the other treatment options...

04/11/2012 14:49
04/11/2012 14:49
Re: RT Research Project:Your Results of RT

You are right about the fact that only a few of us consistently comment. I guess the rest check in now and then, occasionally make a comment and are moving on with their lives. I keep up with the forum because I am eternally grateful for it and the advice it contains. If I can help one person to avoid what I had to go through to find a doctor then all my time on this forum is worth it.

Age at onset 53
Sex female
Year of DD December of 2008 with a red spot in palm, nodule in Janury of 2009
Date of RT July and August 2009
Where it was done Southeast Radiation and Oncology in Charlotte, NC
Stage when the RT was done (What was you condition) nodule and a cord.
Was the whole hand radiated or just sections no if you to the DD site for treatment you will see my hand as as example of how RT is done in the US. I only had the cord and nodule area treated. They treated about 1 inch around the entire area
How many Gray 3x5 with a 6-8 week separation
What are the results wonderful. The nodule is entirely gone, cord recessed into my palm, and DD has not progressed. I am in remission
Add any pictures or reports or anything you think will help go back into the search forum and around February 2009 under "pictures of my hand from MRI to now" will show you the before and after pictures.

Hope this helps,


04/20/2012 15:54


04/20/2012 15:54


Re: RT Research Project:Your Results of RT

Wishing you success with your insurance company! I am sure there are more on our forum that had to fight it through.


OK, I just got the first notification from my insurance company an they said that they would not cover RT for Dupuytren's. Their reason was that it is considered "experimental". So, I guess I'll start making phone calls to see where this will go. It is too bad because my hand (a newly formed nodule right on the surface and a developing cord - no contracture) is in the perfect status for RT and changing quickly.

04/20/2012 17:23
04/20/2012 17:23
Re: RT Research Project:Your Results of RT

My secondary insurance, Anthem Blue Cross, said they would pay if they were my primary insurance. Medicare is my primary and ABC pays based on their coverage. If it isn't covered by Medicare, they don't pay. Medicare paid for the radiation, the big ticket item, but not for the radiologist. Makes no sense, but I have documentation that Medicare paid for the actual radiation treatments. That should help in justification.

Others have succeeded in getting RT covered when after it was initially denied by their insurance. I'm sure they will post. Maybe this should be on a separate thread with the title about insurance coverage or so it can be easily searched. This is probably going to be a battle for every individual insurance company. I hope to have Medicare coverage clarified on all parts of the billing after my upcoming RT at LLUMC.

04/20/2012 20:46
04/20/2012 20:46
Re: RT Research Project:Your Results of RT

I'm in Berlin and will be going to Hamburg tomorrow and will see Dr. S on Monday April 23.

Somehow i feel like i'm in a strange movie...... sort of like being in Oz and i'm off to see the Wizard. It all seems to be happening so fast but i needed to come here so as to get to the bottom of my condition. There is still some second guessing on my part because from my perspective, my Dup is very mild. Nevertheless, I'll be in Hamburg till April 30 and am staying at the Hotel Commodore.

So if anyone else is in town, give me a holler!! Just connect here, or with a personal message,
Much Obliged

04/21/2012 07:49


04/21/2012 07:49


Re: RT Research Project:Your Results of RT

Enjoy Hamburg. Great city to visit. Let us know what the ProfS says about your condition and treatment.

notification   Radiologists   Nevertheless   treatment   Radiation   experimental   occasionally   Research   pictures   insurance   quantitative   Oncologists   Project   Medicare   contracture   consistently   condition   documentation   Results   justification