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Scar Tissue after Operation
04/17/2018 19:47
04/17/2018 19:47
Scar Tissue after Operation

I was operated on for Dupetryens four months ago, on my little finger which was severely bent into the palm. The finger is now completely straight but I still cannot bend the finger joints, I can only bend the finger from the knuckle, so the finger is permanently stiff. My consultant has told me this is caused by scar damage at the knuckle. I can manually bend the finger joints with my other hand, due to plenty of physio but this is useless as, much as I try, my brain doesn't seem to connect with the bending of the finger joints. I would be grateful for any comments and is there any chance I will be able to bend the finger in the future? My consultant said he can operate again and set the finger at a permanent angle but this is no use to me as it will still get in the way.

04/18/2018 05:53


04/18/2018 05:53


Re: Scar Tissue after Operation

Hi Londonlad, sorry to hear your story. Assuming you are still doing physio, tendon glide exercises, I would persevere longer. Some people take up to a year to recover good function. I had hand surgery as a youngster, not for DD, but it took 18 months of physio to get the hand good. Is the scarring internal or external? External scarring can be helped with silicone sheets or oil and gentle massage but it takes a while, months. Ongoing swelling or nerve damage would inhibit function and they take a while to recover from too. I would also consider getting a second opinion, maybe there is tendon or nerve damage that is holding you back. Certainly get another view before considering further surgery to fuse the joint(s).

04/18/2018 12:57
04/18/2018 12:57
Re: Scar Tissue after Operation

Many Thanks for your reply, the scarring is internal and the surgeon didnt mention anything about nerve damage, just scarring at the knuckle. He said the finger was so severely bent it was a complicated operation which caused extra scarring. I had zig zag stitches, a pin through the finger to straighten it which was pulled out after a month, and plenty of redness and swelling which has now gone down. Also the finger can feel quite cold or hot, perhaps this is nerve damage.....Can anything be done if there is in fact nerve damage? I do not want an operation to set the finger at an angle. Thanks again.

04/18/2018 15:42


04/18/2018 15:42


Re: Scar Tissue after Operation

Many Thanks for your reply, the scarring is internal and the surgeon didnt mention anything about nerve damage, just scarring at the knuckle. He said the finger was so severely bent it was a complicated operation which caused extra scarring. I had zig zag stitches, a pin through the finger to straighten it which was pulled out after a month, and plenty of redness and swelling which has now gone down. Also the finger can feel quite cold or hot, perhaps this is nerve damage.....Can anything be done if there is in fact nerve damage? I do not want an operation to set the finger at an angle. Thanks again.
Nerve damage often manifests as tingling, pins & needles or numbness. Cold could be poor circulation, a pinched blood supply. Can’t say about heat, usually inflammation. A severe contracture left untreated for a long time can lead to irreversible changes especially in the joints, some in soft tissues which might be helped with physio. I don’t think I would agree to another operation to fuse 5he finger after only 4 months, maybe after 12-18 but IANOD and can't say, which is why a second opinion is probably a good option.

Operation   completely   irreversible   considering   internal   Dupetryens   especially   contracture   straighten   inflammation   consultant   Londonlad   anything   scarring   swelling   severely   knuckle   permanently   complicated   circulation