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Swollen Hand
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05/09/2012 12:53
05/09/2012 12:53
Swollen Hand

I am trying to find out if my swollen hand is due to Dupuytren's or something else. I was diagnosed several months ago and am considering RT. The nodule in my hand is tender and my palm feels itchy and crampy. After reading many posts on this site, I am still wondering about the swelling. Of the two doctors I've seen, one said swelling is normal and the other said it isn't usual. So, I am reaching out to find out if other people also experience swelling. It gets worse with more active use of the hand, and therefore is worst late in the day. Advil helps a lot. If I try not to use the hand at all, it doesn't swell up.

Hoping others out there will share if they also have swelling of their DC hand.

Thanks so much. This site has been extremely helpful thus far. Quite an amazing resource.

05/09/2012 13:28
05/09/2012 13:28
Re: Swollen Hand

The only "swelling" generally associated with Dupuytren's would be nodules or dermal pits that resemble a callus. I have never heard of whole hand swelling. You might have something else going on in your hand besides Dupuytren's.

05/09/2012 19:28
05/09/2012 19:28
Re: Swollen Hand

I had tingling, aching, burning, crawling, coldness, etc.. No swelling of the hand. I don't rememeber anyone mentioning swelling, but......who knows. Everyone of us seems to have a different combination of symptoms. The only common thread is DD.


05/10/2012 04:08
05/10/2012 04:08
Re: Swollen Hand

I had the same symptoms as Lori and no swelling of the hand.

05/10/2012 04:50
05/10/2012 04:50
Re: Swollen Hand

My right hand, maintains it's "Dupuytren's gone wild" status by exhibiting a plethora of symptoms beyond those seen in its lefty
counterpart. Swelling is one of these symptoms. The swelling increases when the hand is used extensively for hard labor and is accompanied by itching, and rapid growth rates for the bands and nodules. There were several times this last summer when the right's three middle fingers could not be fisted down to the palm. (I have had six surgeries on the hand picking up three grafts along the way. Surgical activity can disrupt and change circulatory patterns and I suspect, induce swelling.) I am now self medicating with aspirin, hoping Mr Hoffman's discovery will work on my hand as well as my head.

05/10/2012 22:55
05/10/2012 22:55
Re: Swollen Hand

Richard, Love your sense of humor! Hang in there!

05/23/2012 21:30
05/23/2012 21:30
Re: Swollen Hand

I developed Dupuytren's very soon after trigger finger surgery in December, 2010. I had pretty major swelling from the surgery, and it has NEVER gone down, even after a fasciectomy a year ago. There's a bit of swelling in the other hand, too. Found out a couple of weeks ago that I have some form of inflammatory arthritis, complete with damage to the bones in both hands.

Moral of the story: It may be something else, especially the first people who responded here say they did not have any swelling.

Second moral of the story: Just because you have seen a hand specialist or two doesn't mean they would have told you about other potential problems. Seems like most of them wouldn't recognize rheumatoid arthritis if it walked up and bit them in the butt.

05/24/2012 00:35
05/24/2012 00:35
Re: Swollen Hand

I have had Dupuytrens in my right hand since immediately after Joint replacement surgery on my osteoarthritic right thumb three years ago. No swelling, though, just lumps, bumps and cords. I am told that trauma (surgery) can bring on DD as well as heredity. None of it in my family. Two years ago, successful NA on two fingers at Dr. Eaton's in FLA and Ziaflex injection two days ago on a cord contracting my right thumb. It is purple/black, has a blood blister, but I can stretch an octave on the piano. I am told by surgeons that my left thumb would benefit from the joint replacement surgery, but I don't want to risk repeating this experience with DD. Not a good thing for a cellist/pianist. Sometimes surgery causes more trouble than it cures.

05/27/2012 22:09
05/27/2012 22:09
Re: Swollen Hand

I have tightness in the palm of my right hand but no swelling. Sometimes my hands feel like i'm carrying a couple of dumbbells a round when my hands are just hanging next to my side. They feel heavy. Do you think that maybe they are tight and heavy but not really swollen?

05/28/2012 01:24
05/28/2012 01:24
Re: Swollen Hand

I'm seeing more and more advantage to wearing a night splint. I was away for a little over a week and forgot my splint. After about 4 days, my hand ached and felt tighter across the palm. It feels better now that I'm wearing the splint again. Can't really say for sure that not wearing the splint is the cause and aching, tighter hand is the direct effect, but I believe it is. This is one time that I noticed it, so if I miss wearing it again for several days, I'm going to see if the same thing or other symptoms happen again.

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experience   counterpart   observation   symptoms   Dupuytren   instructions   fingers   accompanied   inflammatory   replacement   swelling   Swollen   surgery   something   accidentally   osteoarthritic   extensively   Unfortunately   testimonials   corresponding