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Xiaflex TX in Chattanooga this week
12/13/2012 17:51
12/13/2012 17:51
Xiaflex TX in Chattanooga this week

I just had my 4th treatment in the last 13 months since I discovered my Dupuytrens. This week we used Xiaflex on a very small cord between my PIP and MCP joints on my right hand-middle finger. Dr. injected me on Monday and broke the cord yesterday. As usual the worst part was the numbing. The finger straightened right up and I could feel a tear at the base of my finger and in the palm also. So success for now. 12 months ago he did a NA procedure on this hand and probably did about 50 cuts and he really worked on this finger then but it was starting to contract again, in November 2011 he injected Xiaflex in my left palm and did NA on it last June. After my first Xiaflex treatment he sent me to PT but I really didn't think they did much other than make me a hand splint for sleeping so I asked him if this time could I get the Fixx glove and try it. My question is which one and will it support the PIP joint and keep it straight. My doctor knew nothing about the glove but was willing to let me try it. I thought it might be more comfortable than getting another night splint and since it costs me $75. to go to PT I might just as well spend $100. on the glove. Dr. said I could go back to riding horses in 3 days and just to splint it at night. Thanks so much for all the information I'm getting from this forum. I also have LH in both feet but other than half marble size lumps on my arch they are no problem yet but because of the information I'm getting here I feel that if they do start giving me problems I will know what steps to take. Linda Norton (63 yr. old female)

12/13/2012 18:08


12/13/2012 18:08


Re: Xiaflex TX in Chattanooga this week

Hi Linda,

congratulation for your successful treatment! You probably are getting used to it ... Was the NA for the same finger that now had Xiaflex injected or is always different fingers?

Further to your question: I have tried two versions of the Fixxglove, the original one which is made of soft leather with the metal plate on the top side of the hand, and the new Fixxglove, which is made of a washable material and has the metal plate on the palm side. I found both easy to put on and take off (just a second or two to do either) and both are comfortable to wear. Both support three fingers (middle, ring and small one) and PIP and MCP of each finger.

Personally I prefer the new version of the Fixxglove because the metal plate on the palm side is not rubbing on my still a little bent PIP joint and the glove is washable. For both versions I found it important to bend the originally straight metal plate in order to adjust to my remaining finger contracture. That makes it more comfortable to wear. I would not attempt to put pressure on the joint during the night but rather let it stay as it is. The glove just avoids that the finger curls at night.


... My question is which one and will it support the PIP joint and keep it straight. .... Linda Norton (63 yr. old female)

12/13/2012 22:40
12/13/2012 22:40
Re: Xiaflex TX in Chattanooga this week

Yes, the NA last December was on my palm and the same middle finger. Everything seemed fine until about 2 months ago and my finger started contracting again. Thanks for the information on the Fixx glove, I'll order one and try it. Linda

Fixxglove   getting   straightened   comfortable   Chattanooga   injected   Personally   Dupuytrens   question   information   Xiaflex   contracture   discovered   treatment   congratulation   successful   hand-middle   straight   contracting   Everything