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Today is the Day.....
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02/12/2011 21:32
02/12/2011 21:32
Re: Today is the Day.....


I was so thrilled to have the brace off for a little while yesterday. Perhaps it was my downfall, because I was terribly uncomfortable all night---couldn't find a suitable position. Got up once and retaped it, and finally took it off at 6AM for a few hours. I wore the brace most of the day, just having taken it off to go out to dinner. The palm is quite black and blue, but no other significant changes from yesterday. Here's hoping for a better night's sleep!

02/13/2011 18:47
02/13/2011 18:47
Re: Today is the Day.....

Hang in there - I really felt way better on day 9.

02/14/2011 01:56
02/14/2011 01:56
Re: Today is the Day.....


Thanks, Ellen---am trying to hang in there. Right now I've got the splint off and it's pretty good, except it is trying to contract back so I will resplint it. I've noticed that when it gets very uncomfortable if I unsplint it, move my finger for a moment and then put the splint back on, it helps. Swelling seems a little less today. Tip of my finger is very numb though.

What did the doc say at your appt. on Friday, Ellen?

02/14/2011 12:56
02/14/2011 12:56
Re: Today is the Day.....

Thanks for asking, Marigal!

Dr Pess has suggested that I wear a "dynasplint" at night (don't ask me what it is - the PT guy wasn't in the office that day, and I have yet to google it). I think it has springs, but not sure. Apparently they had to get a pre-approval from my insurance company (BCBS) before they can fit me for it.

The interesting thing is that when I asked about the finger trying to go back to a bigger contracture without the splint, he said that there is "joint memory" (akin to muscle memory). My PIP joint is the problen in the finger that had the injections - so it's trying to contract again. Hopefully the new splint will work.

The new skin where the blister was is very tender, and I still have some slight bruising (a nice shade of yellow/green) on the back of my hand, but that's it. The doctor suggested Vitamin E oil on the new skin to toughen it up.

My take on this whole thing? In the future, even though I've had improvement with the Xiaflex, I'm going to stick with the NA, and only do the Xiaflex as a very last resort. For me, the Xiaflex proccess/healing was very involved - and I would think twice before I did it again.

02/14/2011 20:01
02/14/2011 20:01
Re: Today is the Day.....


I went to work today not wearing the splint, and did fine. Putting the splint back on is somewhat uncomfortable, but since I'm sure it's necessary this early out I'm trying to do all that I can.

Ellen, thank you for your candidness in your last response. I'm not sure about what the NA is---my choices were surgery or wait and try the Xilaflex. I was told that both would give me some improvement, but how much wouldn't be known until afterwards. I thought the shot would be less invasive. The finger was contracted at about a 90 degree angle. Now---even with the swelling---it's much straighter, although the outer knuckle is just a knob. I do not go back to the doctor for another 2 weeks, so I guess I'd best reserve judgment as to how successful the doctor thinks this has been until then. I did not have the blister you had, and my discomfort was localized to the finger and palm only---nothing up my arm, etc. like you experienced. I was told not to drive for a day---I didn't, but could have, I think. When the splint is off, I can almost type as before---with it on, it's in the way, but I can use three fingers pretty well.

I will continue to track my daily progress in the hopes that my experience may help someone else, like your diary helped me.

02/15/2011 19:27
02/15/2011 19:27
Re: Today is the Day.....

Marigail - I'm so glad that you're better - and that you didn't have the blister complication that I did. Sounds like you are on the road to recovery! I have decided to recover with a trip to Cancun in March. The beach heals anything!

02/15/2011 21:53
02/15/2011 21:53
Re: Today is the Day.....


I like your personal healing method. Have a great time in Mexico!


02/15/2011 23:06
02/15/2011 23:06
Re: Today is the Day.....


Ellen, our methodology for recovery is much the same!! I'm going on a cruise through the Panama Canal next month!! My doctor already has told me that IF I need a second injection, it can wait until after this trip. I'm hoping I won't need it......

Last night I had to end up taking the splint off around 1AM---it was really, really bothersome. I've decided that if I am splinted for 10 hours during the 24 hour period that would be the same as sleeping (or in my case TRYING to sleep) with it. I will start the night with it too....and see how it goes.

Today I attended Yoga class, and managed quite well (no splint), so I continue to be encouraged. The only time I get intense discomfort is when the splint is on, and it comes on suddenly and in waves and I have to remove it---if only briefly---for any relief. Has anyone had anything like this happen? The interior of the hand looks pretty good---knuckle still very swollen and the tip of the finger feels numb.

02/17/2011 17:43
02/17/2011 17:43
Re: Today is the Day.....


It is still somewhat uncomfortable, but nothing I can't handle. I still can't manage to sleep with the splint, so have been splinting during the day. Unless there is a significant change between now and my doctor's visit, I will not bore you with how I am doing. However, I certainly shall report after my doctor's appointment on the 28th.

03/02/2011 20:13
03/02/2011 20:13
Re: Today is the Day.....


My doctor was delighted. The finger has straightened interiorally to about 85% straight. He said that the knuckle needs to be stretched. Since I'm going away in a few weeks for a few weeks, he will check it again early in April and see what the next step---if any---there will be. The finger still feels funny, but it is better than it was.

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night---couldn   prescription   good---knuckle   significant   contracture   straightened   briefly---for   appointment   Improvement   uncomfortable   only---nothing   swelling---it   before---with   tomorrow   complication   pre-approval   straightening   Discomfort   injection   manipulation