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Widening the web
10/22/2012 07:17
10/22/2012 07:17
Widening the web

Off to surgeon today for a graft in the thumb to index finger web on the right hand. Already had the lefty done the same way. The grafting site is the same one that I tried Xiaflex on 1.5 years ago. The xiaflex improved the spread of the two fingers.... I loved hearing the cords pop... but the contraction continued and now my thumb and index make a 45 degree angle. The cord is atop the webbing linking three nodules along the web to a large one at the palmar base of the thumb. The cord and nodule formation along the right webbing is very similar to that that formed along the left. I've given up on plain faciectomy as the disease comes back with a vengence, and now I insist on dermofaciectomy with full thickness skin grafts. My five previous grafts all have worked, and stopped the contractures at the site of their placement. Recovery times .... a week to remove the bandages and stitches a bit longer. Do my own physical therapy for several months, and the swelling is gone in about a month. Side effects: Typing one handed for a while, hairy palms, and possession of ready made teaching tools for the instruction of future medical personal.

10/28/2012 09:10
10/28/2012 09:10
Preparing for a penta-procedure induction

Just had two procedures done simultaneously, a dermofaciectomy with skin graft, (DF/SG), in webbing between right thumb and index finger, and a NA on a prominent band and large affiliated nodule on the same thumb. I was glad to get a gander at the NA technique… here is what I saw… The large (pea sized) nodule rested at the palmar base of the thumb, and fibers radiated from that nodule in all directions. The largest of these fibers had developed into a thick cord running up the (lateral) side of the thumb to a smaller nodule at the thumb’s DIP. The surgeon first needle-cut the inch long lateral cord in three places. He then needle-cut the fibers radiating from the large nodule, by going around and under the nodule removing the nodule’s tethering. The NA took 5 minutes, the DF/SG took 1.5 hours.

No pain, the axial block for the DF/SG took care of that. Sadly, I am not able to see the final work o’ the needle as the grafting bandages cover the area.

This NA has provided a fourth procedure for my procedure list, (now F, DF/SG, X, NA,) and I need only to experience RT to join the prestigious 5 procedure club. Better plan a trip to Hamburg soon for my induction "ceremony".

10/28/2012 14:15
10/28/2012 14:15
Re: Widening the web

That is very interesting. Just curious, was any tissue removed after the completion of the NA? What was the reason (if no tissue was removed) for not removing the diseased tissue since you were "open" at the time?

10/28/2012 16:47
10/28/2012 16:47
Re: Widening the web

Good Question. The two areas are about 1 inch apart, one in the middle of the webbing and the other on the lateral side of the thumb. I asked for the graft on the first site to release the thumb to index contracture. The nodule and cord at the second site had not yet caused a contracture. During the pre-op I asked the doctor if he would like to try a NA on the cord... he agreed. I did not ask for a faciectomy or a DF/SG on the second site. ( All my previous faciectomies have rapidly led to recurrance, so I only ask for grafts.) I chose not to ask for double graft and try NA for a change. We shall see if the NA leds to recurrance. I hope NA will become an option for me.

10/28/2012 17:43
10/28/2012 17:43
Re: Widening the web

So the way I picture your procedure is that you had a fasciotomy with a skin graft ("NA on a prominent band and large affiliated nodule on the same thumb). I would be interested in knowing why the diseased tissue was not removed, especially since the area was opened. It seems that diseased tissue is a force in the recurrence of Dupuytren's.

Widening   prestigious   technique…   recurrance   contractures   dermofaciectomy   needle-cut   procedures   faciectomy   instruction   interesting   affiliated   interested   simultaneously   especially   procedure   penta-procedure   contraction   faciectomies   contracture