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Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?
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12/14/2007 21:44
12/14/2007 21:44
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Well. now I eat a lot of raw foods and grain and fiber rich foods, I eat a little white meat no red. No fried or fast food. Before I still ate pretty good but did eat fast food some and more processed food. I also exercise ( cardio and weights) 5 to 6 days a week for 60 to 70 mintues a day. ( to regain strenght I had lost and maintain flexability)

12/24/2007 15:08

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12/24/2007 15:08

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Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

It is sad to see all the people suffering from DC. Until I had my first lump I never heard of it. Interestingly my DC has been arrested a couple of years ago, and I am positive it will not return. T.Colin Campbell makes a good point in his book, The China Study. While many people blame genetics for problems like DC, cancer and diabetes, Campbell points out that this is correct only when the problematic genes express themselves after the organism has been subjected to a diet not consistent with our evolution, primarily fruits, leaves and vegetables. Interestingly, DC like all the other degenerative diseases will not be found in populations eating plant based whole foods. Years ago my first search of internet on DC turned up a suggestion from a clinic that strict vegetarianism is the best treatment. I have been a vegan now for 2 years. Low fat, low protein and high carb. I am 142 lbs and very athletic for my 54 years. I no longer need viagra or any other medicines. I strongly recommend to anyone who has Dupuytren's to start with the lowest common denominator. Eliminate animal products from your diet. Go low fat. Study John McDougall and Campbell's China Study as well as Dr. Doug Graham. It won't cost you anything. If it doesn't stop your DC from progressing it would be amazing. There is no question that same diet will give you a new life of happiness and health and solve most other health problems. Now all that is left is to get rid of the scars. I would like to try the Santyl collagenase ointment topically for a few months. There are some other oral enzyme products that make claims. Maybe worth trying. I find it strange that nobody mentions Santyl on the forum. Anybody tried it?

12/26/2007 21:39
12/26/2007 21:39
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

The mention of Santyl collagenase ointment has got my attention.

Can we get some discussion on this going or should we post a discrete topic on Santyl collagenase ointment?

Is this available from a dermotologist? Is it very expensive?

Has anyone else had results using it?

12/26/2007 22:36

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12/26/2007 22:36

not registered

Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Those are all good questions, Joe. When you read the information about Santyl it appears to be the same active ingredient as the injectable collagenase. If I can get past inertia I would ask my local doctor for a tube and start using it. Apparently, it is used to dissolve away scar tissue on burn victims, etc. I honestly don't see why you would have to inject an enzyme directly into a DC scar when the skin should allow it to pass through. The main thing to consider is the low cost, the directness of the application so near the lesion, the minimal side effects, etc. It is hard to resist trying it under those circumstances. Naturally, there is not much money in this treatment using an old drug, and most doctors want to suggest something more aggressive probably. However, I already cured myself of the disease with the vegan diet. You don't see too many doctors advising that either. Now, it is time to clear up the remnant scars even though they do not bother me much. I usually go for check up in Spring and will ask for scrip on Santyl. In the meantime, if anybody knows more or intends to try same then please share. Thanks, Joe, for acknowledging question. Maybe we are on to something.

12/28/2007 14:35
12/28/2007 14:35
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Getting back to the original topic, I too eat very well. No red meat or pork, lots of vegetables and fish. Breads and grains too. I do drink one glass of red wine every evening. I was eating one egg every morning but now have stopped due to a high cholesterol number recently. Interestingly though, about the time my DD appeared, I started with high blood pressure. It went up from a consistent 125/90 to 150/110. The increase was rather quick and no reason was found. Lisinopril 15mg, (ACE), controlled it and recently it has gone back down some so only 10mg Lisinopril keeps it under 125/85. I have started running a lot and lifting weights, cut out some sugar, lost a few pounds. Currently, I'm 5'7" and 162 pounds.

I have always used my hands a lot, lifting, wrenches, tools, etc. My right hand has nothing, left is my DD hand. I keep my skin very soft by using lots of Bee Bar every night. I also lube up with vaseline before and dirty work is done such as working on a car.

My next series of Kenalog is next week and I will ask the doc for some Santyl creme. I do know that some transdermal patches use ethanol to deliver it through the skin.

12/28/2007 15:38
12/28/2007 15:38
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Hi Joe-while agreering diet is an important factor in all disease including Dups-there must be other factors at work as well.I have a friend who has been vegan since his early 20`s and yet he has dups in both hands.I have been trying to persuade him to go for the least invasive treatments.My friend`s stone age diet has not prevented him developing the condition.He is also tee total so it can`t be blamed on alcohol.As for myself,I, have dietary adjustments along the lines you suggest-but despite this and 60 sessions of acupuncture-I found it necessary to go for radiotherapy in Essen Germany for my left hand.This has stabalised the condition for the last 10 months and I`m able to continue my profession as a Musician.Keep us posted on your success with diet
and any relevant studies supporting your argument-We`ll all live longer and healthier without thse fast and processed foods!!!!

12/28/2007 15:40
12/28/2007 15:40
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Hi Joe-while agreering diet is an important factor in all disease including Dups-there must be other factors at work as well.I have a friend who has been vegan since his early 20`s and yet he has dups in both hands.I have been trying to persuade him to go for the least invasive treatments.My friend`s stone age diet has not prevented him developing the condition.He is also tee total so it can`t be blamed on alcohol.As for myself,I, have dietary adjustments along the lines you suggest-but despite this and 60 sessions of acupuncture-I found it necessary to go for radiotherapy in Essen Germany for my left hand.This has stabalised the condition for the last 10 months and I`m able to continue my profession as a Musician.Keep us posted on your success with diet
and any relevant studies supporting your argument-We`ll all live longer and healthier without thse fast and processed foods!!!!

12/28/2007 18:57

not registered

12/28/2007 18:57

not registered

Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Joe and Phil,

I doubt any studies have been done to prove that DC is caused by eating meat necessarily or drinking alcohol. However, T. Colin Campbells book, The China Study, shows clearly that degenerative disease is not found in populations that eat whole plant foods with nearly zero animal protein. I highly recommend reading it for insight on that point. alcohol is poisonous to living cells. Man's evolution was unhampered by alcohol because it was a creation of "modern" man just like a lot of our eating habits. I suggest seeking the most basic approach that is consistent with eating habits of the higher primates who haven't adopted any habits even in moderation that can cause. So, why did Phil's friend the vegan get DC? In The China Study you will see reference to The Nurses Study in which it was concluded that reducing fat didn't give any positive benefit to the nurses in avoiding breast cancer. The problem with the study is that the two groups that were compared BOTH ate too much fat and nowhere close to the 10-15% fat level healthy primates, including humans, should be eating. These fats should be only from the plant sources. The average vegan is really not that healthy. Typically, the try to emulate the standard American diet, and they succeed in eating 45-65% fat because they use too many nuts and other high fat foods. The source of fats is good, but the quantities are way too high. Our vegan friend ate animal products for 20 years too, so if it isn't for the fact that his diet may still include too many refined and fatty foods, it could be that he had a lot of animal food proteins integrated into his body. It takes time for these to dissipate.

I am not saying I have to be right on this, but there is a reason my DC has gone into remission, and these are the point s that I suggest are relevant after 40 years of study in human and plant nutrition.

I suggest other authors too such as Dr. Ruth Heidrich and Dr. Doug Graham as well as Dr. John McDougall. Best of luck. Please let me know if Santyl works out for you, and I will do the same..

12/30/2007 01:22
12/30/2007 01:22
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

When you say it has gone into remission, what exactly do you mean? My lumps and cords have been static for the past few months.

12/30/2007 05:39
12/30/2007 05:39

Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Australia Calling. The issues of Alcohol, Epileptic Disorders ,Smoking and Diabetes ware examined in the Erlangen University Hospital Germany. A retrospective analysis of 2919 operated hands from 1956 to 2006.(Published July 2007 )found risk factors slightly higher than in the normal population. They did not cause MD. What we eat and drink might be a link .I have not heard the term of remission being used for MD. I would like to quote from recently written book from Prof. Seegenschmiedt "Radiotherapy for non-Malignant Disorders" " The clinical course of MD and ML is depenent on the individual disposition. Both disorders may spontaneously regress or progress or progress slowly , sometimes being interrupted by phases of stagnation; in some cases they can even rapidly progress causing contracture...."The reality is there is no know cause or cure at this stage.This disease is very complex. The issue of fats , meats etc have been raised. It is interesting that MD is unknown to the Mediterranean or Asian population who now eat plenty of fast fatty foods .
In my case I was diagnosed with the disease which remained dormant for 15 years and since then I have had 15 surgeries including skin grafts in the past 15 years. Food for thought.

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