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New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??
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06/11/2013 17:35
06/11/2013 17:35
New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??

Hi all,

After some neck/shoulder strain resolved, I started lifting hand weights 3 x weekly (mostly in range of 10 - 17.5 lb) for the past month to strengthen those areas. Sunday, I noticed a nodule in the palm of my right hand, in line with the middle finger, and what seems to be thickening extending from the nodule toward the index finger. Definitely not calluses. The nodule is not painful to touch, and flexion/extension of the fingers is normal. The flexor tendon of the middle finger is more taut than normal and more visible. I've been taking glucosamine/chondroitin for years for my knees.

Emailed my doc (GP) and sent photos, and asked re treatment - heat/ice/stretching/anti-inflammatories, etc. He's suggesting early Dupuytren's, said there are no well-proven therapies, and suggests making an appt if it progresses or causes symptoms. He didn't think I needed to d/c the glucosamine/chondroitin, and didn't suggest that I d/c lifting weights. FYI, I'm 55, female, thin build. Family history re Dupuytren is unknown.


1. Given the location in the palm, & lack of pain, any other likely causes of this?

2. Should I have this checked out now by a hand specialist, or would it be better to wait a few months and see how it progresses? I note from this site that Stage N recommended treatment is radiotherapy, and that it's best used very early.

3. Should I d/c lifting weights entirely - is this likely to make this worse? Or just back off on weight/reps? I now have gloves for padding, which I wasn't using before. I hate to quit when I've finally gotten into a routine and am making progress, but don't want to make this worse if it's Dupuytren's.

5. Does stretching/massage of area do any good? Reading info over the net, it's not clear whether it's helpful, harmful, or of no benefit.

Thanks for any insight/suggestions you can provide.

06/12/2013 04:34
06/12/2013 04:34
Re: New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??

From your description it sounds like DD but it probably requires confirmation from someone who knows DD (probably not your GP). My suggestion is to wait and see how it progresses. For many people, DD progresses slowly or not at all and requires no treatment. There is a lot of debate over the role of trauma, some people are adamant that the disease was triggered by trauma. However, in many development is spontaneous with no clear cause. We all look for triggers but in reality the major predisposing factor is genetic. There is some suggestion that glucosamine etc makes it worse but I am not convinced of the evidence. Incidentally, there is no good evidence that it helps knees either!

Some people seem to keep exercising, rowing, cycling, going to the gym etc with no worsening of the problem. Others find it difficult. I am half way in between; I keep cycling, exercising, gardening etc almost as normal and at times this seems to make my hands ache. However, I believe exercise is very important for overall health and will not give it up.

I have had RT on both hands without any contractions as there is a strong family history (father and 2 brothers with DD). You are correct, if the disease is active and progressing, RT is the only early intervention that seems to work.

I suggest that you get a diagnosis, continue your current lifestyle but monitor your hands closely and if you get increased aching, tingling, itchiness and see cords and more nodules start to appear, consider RT before any contractions.

Good luck

06/12/2013 15:14
06/12/2013 15:14
Re: New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??

Stephenp, thanks much for your reply. That sounds like a very sensible approach to take. I was a bit stressed out at having this pop up suddenly and thinking I might have brought it on with the weightlifting. Hopefully, it will not progress and if it does, I really appreciate the resources I've found on this site.

06/12/2013 17:07
06/12/2013 17:07
Re: New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??

Stephenp, thanks much for your reply. That sounds like a very sensible approach to take. I was a bit stressed out at having this pop up suddenly and thinking I might have brought it on with the weightlifting. Hopefully, it will not progress and if it does, I really appreciate the resources I've found on this site.

I am very committed to weightlifting (not very heavy weights, but still....) I think it's important for my overall health and am not planning to stop unless there's pretty clear evidence that it's harming my hands.

However, since being diagnosed with Dups I take a lot more measures to protect my hands. I have weightlifting gloves with gel pads, but decided they weren't padded enough. So I improvise by slipping an extra gel pad into the glove (palm side). I use gel pads designed to be shoe inserts -- you can get them at any drugstore . I find they fit really well.

I also now use work gloves religiously for any activity that might be at all tough on my hands. Plus, I carry a pair of fingerless yoga gloves in my tote bag in case I need some hand protection while I'm out and about - for opening bottles and that sort of thing. I like the yoga gloves because they have material on the palm that helps with gripping, plus they're very light.

Overall, my philosophy is not to restrict the use of my hands too much -- that would kind of defeat the purpose of trying to keep them functional! But I am much more conscious now about hands being rather delicate instruments that need protection. That never really occurred to me before being diagnosed with this disease. For example, when people are applauding, I kind of fake-applaud now - I don't hit my palms together hard anymore.

You can live well with this disease, it just takes a bit of work. Good luck!


06/12/2013 18:30


06/12/2013 18:30


Re: New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??

I agree with stephenp. Get a diagnosis, and also as he says probaly not from your GP. It could be DD, or not, maybe some injury, cysts, ganglion, bursitis, tendon inflammation, from your new hobby with weights But do start protecting your hands more so than you would normally consider. Gloves for weights, cycling, sports that grip something, driving, gardening, hoovering, ... and on it goes.

06/13/2013 00:17
06/13/2013 00:17
Re: New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??

Thanks Maddie, that’s very encouraging. I did go out and get some gloves for the gym, which seems to help, but they don’t have gel inserts and that might be good to try. I also garden quite a bit, so I’m looking for good well-fitted padded gloves for both activities. Think I’ll start a new thread on women’s gloves and see what the women here have tried.

Did notice that I had some weird tingling in the affected hand after doing some pruning/weed-pulling this afternoon. I’ve also noticed of late that I’ve had more trouble opening jars than I used to – is loss of hang strength a possible symptom in early stages? (Or maybe my DH is just cranking them on too tight!)

Thanks spanishbuddha, I will ask my GP for a referral. I’m with Kaiser here in the states, and will try to find someone in the system who had experience/expertise with DC. Short of that, would it be good to see an orthopedic surgeon, a hand surgeon, or what type of specialist, at this early stage?

06/13/2013 04:58
06/13/2013 04:58
Re: New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??

I forgot about applauding, I too fake applauding. That is the one thing that does aggravate my palms and can be quite painful!

06/17/2013 12:00
06/17/2013 12:00
Re: New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??


I had and still have a loss of hand strength. Actually before I knew I had DD I was beginning to have problems opening jars and loss of grip. I had started dropping things. It was one of the first signs that appeared even before the nodule popped up. After I was diagnosed with DD it began to make sense. I will have tingling and aching if I over use my hand. My entire arm and shoulder will ache for about a day if I do something like using a caulk gun for about an hour. I believe it is the gripping and tightening motion that set it off.


06/17/2013 20:20
06/17/2013 20:20
Re: New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??

Thanks much for your reply Lori. I also had noticed I was dropping things and thought I just wasn't being attentive or not holding on to objects carefully enough. I wonder how common this is? Reading info on the net, there's a lot of descriptions of nodules and cords and contraction, but I haven't come across mention of this type of symptom. Any one else out there experience this early on?

06/17/2013 21:45

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06/17/2013 21:45

not registered

Re: New to forum - diagnosing/treating early Duputrens vs. ??

One of the specialist I've seen along the way said that anything involving trauma to the hands is likely to cause trouble. Eg. Boxing wouldnt't be ideal as a sport with DD. cycling was advised to me as a sport as someone who has LD.
Exercise is a catch 22 - not using you hand is likely to result in conditioning loss, however, it could also be what accelerates the disease. But it's all 'what if'... I say, do what makes you happy.

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