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DC caused by physical stress.
10/12/2002 23:39
John S. Winnie

not registered

10/12/2002 23:39
John S. Winnie

not registered

DC caused by physical stress.

At age 55 I had minor nodules on left hand with 15% contracture of ring finger. Decided to run some marathons. Ran New York, Chicago, Jacksonville and Disney in 96 and 97. One day noticed nodules on both feet. Since then quite running but nodules still there and hurt when stressed.(8 mile walk) etc. Last year the left hand was hurting with 20 nodules. The right hand was perfect. The left hand has had DC for almost 20 years. So I reasoned that I could just use my right hand for heavy lifting for the next twenty years. So I spent two weeks working on my sailboat and doing all the carrying with the right hand instead of the left that I usually use. Loaded three hundred gallons of water with six gallon container carried right handed. Several days later I noticed one severe nodule and at least five minor nodules in the right hand! So Now I've stopped abusing my hands and my feet and the nodules seem to have stabilized.
Based on this limited survey of one, (me), it seems that these damn nodules can occur spontaneously by overworking and abusing your hands and feet. Has anyone else agree with this premise?
I have read two years worth of postings and it appears to me that no one is even close to understanding this disease let alone finding a cure. Is anyone approaching a non surgical cure? Right now, I'm just holding the status quo and no longer abusing the feet or hands. What is your experience?

10/17/2002 23:04
10/17/2002 23:04
Hand stress makes it worse

You're right that using your hands can cause new problems and make the older ones seem to grow. I don't have much choice in what I'm having to do - refinish 3 old houses, scrape & paint them. But my right hand is now much worse, even after surgery got rid of everything for a year. I've noticed that those plastic bags they put things in at the grocery really cause problems so I try to remember to ask for paper. Worst part is I'm an organist.

10/17/2002 23:59
jim h

not registered

10/17/2002 23:59
jim h

not registered

where to buy high potentcy Vit E oil/cream in uk?

I noticed the lump in the arch of my left foot about 4 years ago. Saw messages from people about how they'd been really laid up by it and were becoming couch potatos as a result. Decided - the hell with it, I'm going ahead doing what I always do and see what happens. I walk, bicycle or run every day. The lump has increased slightly in size - maybe - but nothing else has happened. Oddly, it seems like it hurts just a little in the spring when I resume running, then as I keep running the discomfort goes away.

I'm 51 and have had DC surgery on both hands.

The answers to this disease just aren't out there. Obviously there are some unknown factors in its progression.

Obviously   marathons   stabilized   everything   contracture   problems   experience   understanding   increased   Jacksonville   spontaneously   progression   discomfort   nodules   noticed   overworking   abusing   running   container   approaching