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07/24/2000 23:29

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07/24/2000 23:29

not registered


Was just diagonosed with the disease, and am looking for information on the matter. I'm, white, German decent, and have just develoved a lump in my hand 2 months ago. Am curious as to how fast it can develope into a worse situation. I'm 56 yrs. old, and the doctor said I was young to get it.

03/13/2001 23:21

not registered

03/13/2001 23:21

not registered


I haven't figured out why the postings show such old dates. This one to which I am responding was posted last June.
Never-the-less I shall reply since I read if for the first time today.

I am not a doctor or even nurse. My own opinion on how fast dupuytren progresses is that it is entirely individual. Some progress fast others very slowly.

Personally I developed one lone nodule when I was 38 and never any progression until several nodules developed in the other hand at age approximately 50. The ones in the other hand then went on to develop faster than the original one.

It seems, personally to me, that trauma may play a part. I believe a doctor I respect actually mentioned that to me once. Anyway, for whatever it is worth, I would suggest being gentle with hands that tend toward Dupuytrens. I have a very large hilly landscape and, I believe now, abused my hands in the process of using tools to clear it off. Rakes and hoes and shovels tend to jab right into the palm and that is where the nodules for me started.

03/24/2001 23:33
Annette Neff

not registered

03/24/2001 23:33
Annette Neff

not registered

Progression of Dupuytrens

Hi, folks!

Geez, I've asked around my peers and friends, and my mom and I are the lone ones that have the disease.

My mom had it appear in her late 40's with a small lump in her right hand. She's now 61, and a slight contracture of her right ring finger is all she has. The lump in her hand has a barely pronounced pit, but it is there.

Well, I've got the golden "crap" as one says. I'm 39 years old, and have had countless surgeries to correct deformities, including open heart surgery. Now I've got Dupuytren's in my right hand, too. Wheeeee!! I'll have that hand cut up, and get it right for me, I hope. At age 39.

Wish you gals/guys best of luck to you!


03/29/2001 23:23

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03/29/2001 23:23

not registered

White female age 59

I too was just diagnosed with Dupuytren's disease and am interested in learning all I can.

04/04/2001 23:34
04/04/2001 23:34
RE: Progression in females

I am under the impression that the progression varies greatly. I've seen two hand surgeons and both have told me
that I have a very aggressive form of Dupuytren's. I started with two small lumps in my right palm about 15 months ago and already my hand has curled to the point
where you always look like you're about to play the piano or type on a keyboard. It started in my left hand two
months ago and is rapidly constricting my pinky. I'm 48 and have no known relatives with this - never even HEARD of it till I was diagnosed and cannot blame it on any trauma to the hand. I'd be interested to hear from other women on the course of this. Kristen

04/05/2001 23:23

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04/05/2001 23:23

not registered


Dear Kristen,
I am a white female 59 yrs.old. At 40 I was diagnosed with this disease. I had surgery to remove the lumps, but by a vascular surgeon and not a hand surgeon. The "DR." did not prescribe and therapy after. I now have 2 hooked fingers, pinky and ring on my right hand. I was told this was an alcoholic, older male disease. I now have learned to live with this deformity. A hand surgeon at N.E. Baptist Hos. wanted to break my little finger and fuse it in a semi-open position. He claimed had never seen this severity in a woman of my "young" age.
Good luck. I manage to work aroud this problem. I still manage needlework, beading and driving a motorcycle.

04/08/2001 23:36

not registered

04/08/2001 23:36

not registered

Dupuytren~sq~s in both hands and feet

At 35 I realized that the lump in my right hand was becoming bigger, that was in 1992, in 1997 my right hand was operated on, and a zig zag scar left.

Of course I was asked if I was an alcoholic, I do not drink
and was told just how bad it was.

Late 1997 my left hand developed lumps and now also my right again.

My right foot has had a lump removed and now both feet again have dupuytren's.

I have a 26 year old daughter and 17 year old son and pray that they do not get it.
I would like to know from anyone just how painful there hands are, as mine ache.

I am adopted so do not know my background.

the doctor has told me that I must wait another two to three years before another surgery.
As they do not like to cut untill your hands are bent.

please contact me
thanks christine

04/21/2001 23:28

not registered

04/21/2001 23:28

not registered

Female w/Dupuytren~sq~s & Lederhose~sq~s

I've had it in my foot since I was 2 yrs. old. I'm 54 now and 3 surgeries later and they say there is nothing more that can be done. If they operate again 'my foot will collapse'. Not sure what that means. I have damage to the medial nerve and am permanently walking with a cane, due to the pain. But, I'm still walking! I want to know if anyone else has had to go to this extreme. What kinds of shoes (brands) are the most comfortable? Has anyone found orthotics helpful, I haven't and thought maybe there might be something out there that would work for me. I am also getting hammertoes on that foot. Sometimes ice packs help and other times a nice warm foot bath.

I also have an extreme case of dupuytren's contracture on my hand. After 3 surgeries it too is finished. Little finger has contracted down to the palm. Doc says next one is amputation. Would love to hear from others that have gone through this. I have the classic knuckle pads and frozen shoulder problems, and had surgery for a trigger thumb.

I've broken all the rules here... got it as a child, female, tea-totaler, no epilepsy, no diabetes, but it is inherited in my family. My father had it and my brothers both have it.

Thanks for listening!

04/21/2001 23:21
04/21/2001 23:21
progression in women

i feel for you, i also have it, but not to that extent, my mother, sister, maternal grandfather, maternal aunt. my mother had the worst case, with two surgeries. i have ha one, on my little finger three months ago and am afraid it is already back. my mother's stopped progressing about 10 years ago, when she started taking cholesterol medication. that is all of our common link by the way. i wanted to put off cholesterol medication, but i have started as of 2 weeks ago. my mother's was in the 500's sister's 300,(5 yrs mine 289. found a website that supports theory.


so, bottom line, have you had your cholesterol checked?

good luck,

04/21/2001 23:14
04/21/2001 23:14
progressions of dupuytren in females

i found some interesting sites with your problem

for the shoulder

... These patients are often pre-diabetic with raised serum cholesterol and tri-glycerides.
They may have Dupuytrens disease in the palms. Early cases may respond ...
www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~sgrange/peoc/shoulder1.htm - 11k

for the feet

Heel Spurs, plantar fasciitis, heel pain, heel spur
... children with heel spurs Chiropractor chiropractors cholesterol chopat cho-pat heel
strap ... Theodore dress shoes duck feet dupuytrens duration dyna dyna slipper ...
heelspurs.com/searchlog2b.html - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

good luck pz

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