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Has NA gone wrong
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07/06/2004 23:34
07/06/2004 23:34

FACT: Many more problems caused by traditional surgery with the hand and fingers slit wide open and visual.

Surgeons still have the nerve to denegrate NA as a "BLIND procedure; therefore it must cause damage".


Nuff said.

07/06/2004 23:56
Randy H.

not registered

07/06/2004 23:56
Randy H.

not registered


Yes, mysteriously all these docs seem to be in lockstep in their rampant ignorance of NA. But is sounds like you may have a slight crack in the door here. First, it's no wonder that the *one* case the Dr. is referring to had reoccurrence. If you are going to do invasive surgery, you've got to rip out *all* the diseased tissue. Otherwise the trauma will inflame what remains and it will grow.

With NA, not so. It is so very noninvasive by comparison. You also might suggest that it's no more invasive than the injections BioSpecifics is working on. The medical community seems to be in favor of this approach, so why not NA. It simply does mechanically what the injections do biochemically.

It sounds like Eaton is going to be on TV again. Someone needs to record this and make DVD's available for any doctor willing to look at it. My ex-surgeon flatly refused to look at *anyting* regarding NA, but if you have one who is, we need to take every opportunity to help bring the vale off these guys eyes.

07/06/2004 23:05
Randy H.

not registered

07/06/2004 23:05
Randy H.

not registered


Jerry, the facts don't back you up on the financial aspect here. Eaton charges $700 for about 30 minutes of work. He doesn't need to leave his office. His additional expense are some needles. That's over **$1,000** per hour. Good money if you can get it. We'd all be glad to pay it so how can you think money is the objection?

07/06/2004 23:07

not registered

07/06/2004 23:07

not registered


Why would you go to a hand surgeon, given your attitude toward surgery and NA?

07/06/2004 23:42
07/06/2004 23:42
Why hand surgeon


The total billings for my hand SURGERY was in excess of $20,000.00 including 6 months of useless therapy.

My NA'd hand cost $400.00 PERIOD; No after care required. I swam and did everything the following day.

The issue is MONEY and possibly ignorance.

07/06/2004 23:00

not registered

07/06/2004 23:00

not registered

Why hand surgeon

I was already going to a hand surgeon for trigger fingers when this was discoverd. I was just having a follow up visit, and brought up the NA to him in that visit. He said come back when I can't lay my hand flat. Of course, I will not do that. I will go to Florida.

07/06/2004 23:49
Randy H.

not registered

07/06/2004 23:49
Randy H.

not registered

Facts -Surgery vs Needle Aponeurotomy

I believe my surgeon personally received about $1,400 for the 45 minute surgery he did at the UCLA med. center a year ago. When you add his travel and prep time, his actual take is equivalent to Eaton's. My guess is that Eaton figured this out and set a price that is equal to his time operating. All the other costs are for the three other doctors standing around, the hospital, the therapy, etc. **$20,000** is excessive, however. Mine was about $12,000. Maybe you *did* get sucked into a cash cow machine!

The change will come when the consumer (us) is educated about their options and votes with their pocket book. Eaton will soon be overrun. My belief is that when that happens others will step up. Even if the going rate goes to $1,000 per hand, those in the know will pay out of pocket if necessary. No, I think it's ignorance, some arrogance, some "Not Invented Here" syndrome, and the inertia of a nearly 200 year old tradition. Time will tell.


Take good before and after pictures of your hand and send to your close minded doc. We should all be doing that.

07/06/2004 23:49
George Barbarow

not registered

07/06/2004 23:49
George Barbarow

not registered

Facts -Surgery vs Needle Aponeurotomy

The patient suffering with Dupuytren's IMHO has to choose'
the old procedure involves incising the palm of the hand as well as making a zigzag incision in each affected finger.
These incisions are stitched and the nad is splinted for several weeks. Then the patient undergoes physical therapy to attempt to regain use of the hand and fingers.
This surgery takes several hours and the patient is in pain for some time after the procedure. The costs of this surgery and post op treatment will be several thousand dollars. How much more would you pay to not have to go through the hours of surgery, the weeks in splints and the physical therapy ?
Needle aponeurotomy can give immediate release of the fingers will little or no discomfort at a cost of less than $1000 and it can usually be accomplished in less than
thirty minutes.
See: http://www.angelfire.com/rings/dupuytrens/

07/06/2004 23:28
07/06/2004 23:28


You are absolutely correct.

07/06/2004 23:27

not registered

07/06/2004 23:27

not registered


You know, I do , well respect my hand surgeon/plastic surgeon. He did trigger finger operations on me, and left NO scars. I however, think, he is still in the majority of these, good doctors, that have not, moved on, to learning more. I have had several surgeries by plastic surgeons, and another one was a eye orbit plastic insertion, from a blow to the eye... again, no scar, and perfect surgery. I do think, and HOPE, these good doctors will move on, into this new world. I think, this is like anything else in the past, that is in it's virgin stage, as far as the medical community is concerned, and , in a very short time, will take off, as the thing to do. The best all of us can do, is make sure of that, by Talking and voicing it out. Get it out there, to doctors, and if possible, to publications.
I can't imagine, at this point, making the choice, to go, and have this surgery done. Even the hand surgeon said " I would put this off at all costs as it is very bad" DUH. Go figure the options, of the path of the least damage. That would be NA.

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complications   dupuytren-operation   biochemically   semi-endorsed   treatment   surgery   jack-hammering   procedure   STONYBROOK-REMEMBER   ~dq~Miraculous   this------------   surgeons   operations   Dupuytren~sq~s   surgeon   Traditional   irreplaceable   understand   injections   Aponeurotomy