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08/30/2002 23:32

not registered

08/30/2002 23:32

not registered


when i was 40 my shoulder froze and was not responsive to physical therapy as it should have been. a few years later the other shoulder froze. i now have fairly good range of motion, though there is constant pain, if i pay attention to it, and my mechanics are poor.

several months ago i noticed an odd sinewy band on my finger - somewhat distressing because i love to create music. my fingers are fairly stiff - but i put that down to being 46...... though that isn't ancient.

and for the last 12 years i have had a mysterious bump on the arch of my foot, and then also on the other arch. sometimes it is red and sometimes not. sometimes it is painful, sometimes not. and the size varies.

i have been taking mysoline for the last 25 year and i am convinced that is the cause of all these minor ( well, the shoulders weren't minor!) ailments over the last decade or so. it just makes sense to see if that is the cause.....

my neuro dismissed my concern that my shoulders were frozen because of mysoline.

last night i was reading the rare side effects of mysoline in preparation to an upcoming visit to the neuro. i looked up dupuytren's for the first time and i think i have it. i'm fairly sure about the origin of these mystery bumps on my feet also.

aside from calling these mysoline ( or phenobarb) side effects, is there a name for these syndromes occuring together? i'm really happy i found this site, because it has helped me integrate these symptoms and to trace them to a single cause. i am going to enlist the help of my GP to present my case to the neuro - he's a very curious intellectually, (and he was wondering about those bumps on my feet, but i brushed him off as i saw someone about them a decade ago and he said we could excise them if they were problematic....) so i know i will be able to discuss things with my GP and try to sort out what is happening.

the thread on mysoline is a few years old - and i have read that. but nayone who has imput on the issue - i would really welcome your comments.

09/17/2002 23:12
09/17/2002 23:12
dpuytrens/frozen shoulder

I am a 57 year old female just diagnosed with Dupuytrens. It came as a shock because I thought I had injured it while grabbing a handrail to keep from falling down more than the 4 steps that I had. I did not notice any problem with it for a few weeks after that though and then I just noticed that it was swollen and had a few little bumps like seeds under the skin. It is my little finger and now that I have been diagnosed it seems like that is what it must be. Is your finger swollen? Is there not any recommended hysical therapy? I am responding to your post particularly because I also had frozen shoulder a few years ago but had physical thereapy and I worked hard on it and it is 100% normal now. I can't believe same can't be done for this. I also notice bumps under skin on arches of both feet. They are not painful and when I asked the doctor during physical last week she said she thought they were just ganglion cysts. Now I am wondering.

09/17/2002 23:58
Gary Evans

not registered

09/17/2002 23:58
Gary Evans

not registered


First, my doctor didn't know I had Dupuytren's in my feet (Ledderhose disease)until I told him. Don't stress your arches by doing things like walking (or running) in the sand barefooted or going up and down stairs barefooted.
Second, in my experience, the less you stress DC, the better off you are. And that includes physical therapy. I would say don't do it. This isn't a muscle or ligament problem, it is diseased tissue that reacts when it is insulted.

This is my experience, hopefully someone else will have suggestions.

09/17/2002 23:55
09/17/2002 23:55
dupuytrens and frozen shoulder

As I understand it the frozen shoulder was adhesions, like scar tissue, that built up around my shoulder joint and required tearing it apart or my shoulder would be eventually totally immobile. It wasn't a muscle or tendon problem although it felt like one. Can someone answer if swelling of the finger is normal? That is how I first noticed something was wrong with my finger and as I stated in my first post I associated it with the fall I had down the stairs. Now that I read some of the other posts my mother's ancestors were of English origin, no way any Scandanavian. I resemble my father's side of the family with dark hair and eyes and a more olive skin than fair. No family history of it.The only thing I can come up with is that I was taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C for years to ward off colds. No Glucosamine chondroitin use or hand creams. I am just blown away by this.

03/04/2003 23:52
03/04/2003 23:52

Please visit the following Ledderhose site where most of your questions should be answered.


Good Luck

Ledderhose   particularly   barefooted   Dupuytrens   intellectually   physical   chondroitin   Scandanavian   sometimes   preparation   Glucosamine   distressing   experience   shoulder   problematic   because   recommended   mysoline   suggestions   Dupuytren~sq~s