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06/24/2003 23:47
mary beth

not registered

06/24/2003 23:47
mary beth

not registered

fasciotomy again

Actually posted just thinking that Fasciotomy needs to be
brought to the "top of mind" occasionally. Easy to forget.
Not as non-invasive or as preferable as NA, no doubt. Still
the least non-invasive procedure approved in the US. Also
as I promised, an update on the doctor whose Medical Office
Administrator promised an open minded opinion on different
procedures (better late than never) the doc did not do
fasciotomy. Uh gee, why did your employee indicate you did?
As said before, we have to communicate to the health insur-
ance co's how much of the big ones ($$$) they can save.
Good luck,
Mary Beth

PS Still, still, and still, no response from the frequent
poster whose doc not only discussed but offered to do a
fasiotomy. (After all it's so common, any doc will do one,
Uh, Hello where are they???)

06/25/2003 23:01
06/25/2003 23:01
Casual requests for fasciotomies

Mary Beth, perhaps it is your attitude that no surgeon gives you the answers you want. So far just about every surgeon you have talked with doesn't tell you what you want to hear. Your next response is to degrade them as surgeons and then degrade most (at least the ones you have mentioned on this forum) any other hand surgeon who works on Dupuytren's. Perhaps you know more than the surgeons, but I doubt it. Are you always as eager the start an arguement with them as you are with me? How do you find some level of enjoyment to continually dig for something derogatory? If it makes you feel better, go for it. I guess there are all kinds of people.

Almost all websites mention fasciotomies as well as all textbooks on the subject. They also mention that recurrence is higher with fasciotomies than limited fasciectomies, perhaps that is why some surgeons do not do them routinely or for anyone who asks.

06/25/2003 23:43

not registered

06/25/2003 23:43

not registered


geez what a negative person. mary beth - i think you should ignore his rantings.

06/25/2003 23:08
Mary Beth

not registered

06/25/2003 23:08
Mary Beth

not registered


Thanks John, and I largely do ignore him. Actually I have
never had an argument with any doctor. I have sought, to
no avail with several, an honest and open minded discussion
about fasciotomy. They quickly change the subject. I agree
with Sean on one thing. They are listed on some websites
and in many textbooks. Also are AMA approved. That just
further makes me wonder why these doctors have refused to
discuss this surgery. I know that recurrence is likely.
However in my husband's case, recurrence is strong after
4 faciectomies. One of my best friends is scheduled for a
partial hysterectomy next month. Her Ob/Gyn discussed total
and partial hysterectomies with her, outlined the pros and
cons of both and left the decision to her. How can I be
considered so negative/derogatory for expecting the same
in this case? As far as the doctor that I referenced in my
last posting, I do have a negative view, but it is on his
lack of communication and how he manages his practice, not
on what his surgical skills may or may not be. His medical
assistant and I exchanged numerous emails prior to my
husband's appointment. My requests were made very clear.
We were NOT looking for an appointment to discuss fasciec-
tomy, have a local surgeon who will perform that procedure
as his schedule permits. I made it clear that we were
looking for a doctor to discuss fasciotomy and his assist-
ant made our appointment on that basis. Apparently they
did not communicate very well with each other. The doctor
seemed taken aback when we asked about fasciotomy. He
then said that most doctor's perform the surgeries that they
are most trained and experienced in doing. That's fine, but
why not have said so up front? I guess since he was not
the one that missed a day of work, had overnight expenses,
and took his child out of school for a day, it was nothing
to him. If as many doctors were open minded about discussing fasciotomies as one says, surely a reference
would have been made. The excuse is always that one would
not refer negative/derogatory people to their great sur-
geon. Ha ha, a doctor that would be open minded to explain-
ation and discussion of this would be like a knight on a
white horse to me. Total awe and respect would be given
to this saintly surgeon. Good luck, Mary Beth

06/25/2003 23:43

not registered

06/25/2003 23:43

not registered


I've noticed that the Sean/Gary combine comment on everything except the postings regarding successful NA. His agenda is pretty obvious, denegrate everything not associated with the AMA.

Sounds like, from his recent tantrums, that he is getting pretty frustrated with not being able to control the forum or intimidate other posters.

06/25/2003 23:01

not registered

06/25/2003 23:01

not registered


Can anyone out there name just one US surgeon that routinely performs faciotomy?

06/25/2003 23:27
Mary Beth

not registered

06/25/2003 23:27
Mary Beth

not registered


Jake, sorry I don't know of any doctors routinely performing
fasciotomies but will post any info I receive. Tom, yes
he does appear more frequently at some times vs others. It
has seemed to me that twice when I have posted about con-
tacting health ins. co's re: fasciotomies he has immediately
posted. Ya know, why would a fellow sufferer really care
about other patients having choices. I mean who really cares what the person in line beside them puts on their tray in a cafeteria line? No one is trying to tell him
what to choose. The rest of us are trying to weigh out our
options. My husband's option at this time is to use NA.
Someones else's best choice may be NA, fasciotomy, whatever.
Isn't it overall preferable for all sufferers to be informed
and have choices? I can't imagine that anyone would want to
limit the options of total strangers unless they had a
"vested interest"? Everyone accused the old Gary of being
medically connected, maybe we still have an "Imposter Poster"?

06/26/2003 23:54
Len Buchanan

not registered

06/26/2003 23:54
Len Buchanan

not registered


Mary Beth,
I really didn't think that you were very hostile in your post. As stated earlier, and you stated, why someone would be so negative towards one option vs. another is unimaginable. Whatever works for an individual, whatever their personal preference, should be supported by us all. Any successful outcome, whether it be NA or conventional surgery should be welcomed with cheers by us all. We all have to decide what option is right for us, and for 'Dr. Gary/Sean' or whomever to be so 'anti anything besides surgery' is ridiculous. I hope nothing for the best for your husband and if/when he has the NA please let us all know. My wife and I are looking about a year out for our trip to Paris. Best of luck to us all.

Len Buchanan

06/26/2003 23:22

not registered

06/26/2003 23:22

not registered

the limiter

marybeth, you said:
I can't imagine that anyone would want to
limit the options of total strangers unless they had a
"vested interest"?
I agree with you. Gary/Sean seems to have no life other
than harrassing people. i wonder if he is a spammer and should be reported

07/28/2003 23:02
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

07/28/2003 23:02
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

Dupuytrens Sufferers United

For all who are interested in fasciotomy and the many who
have posted regarding this procedure: found on the other
Dups Forum, a post from 4-12-03 titled Difference? Needle
Aponevrotomy and Fasciotomy posted by Tom. What is most
interesting is the response from Webmaster. Everyone
should read this. Is NA possibly legal in US? Want the
interpretations of others. Thanks! Mary Beth

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