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Can Glucosamine and/or Condritin promote Dupuytrens??
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10/02/2003 23:11
10/02/2003 23:11

I have Dupuytren's Contracture. This was a shocking revelation as I am an American, I live in Dublin, Ireland and am 55 years old. I also have arthritis.
After a few questions I found that my two female cousins, ages 60+, also have this and it is quite rare in women...almost 10-20% of the total population with this genetic disorder. (We were the only ones that I know of so far in my family )
I first queried my Irish ancestors...nothing, so then the German half came into question. The cousins are from the German half of my family and only had the folding after midlife. Also, my father at age 88 has shown a little finger fold just recently. What a strange thing!
Do you have any family connection to this disease? It's genetic and I wondered if you had the same type of findings?
Mary Scheib-Hatfield

11/19/2003 23:57

not registered

11/19/2003 23:57

not registered


I am 41 and was first diagnosed with DC when I was 17, when a small itchy lump formed in the tip of my left pinky. I have had 3 operations, when I was 18, 20, and 24. The last two operations also had skin grafts.
The surgeon was one of the top Orthopedic's in Australia.
After the first op. I was told the chance of re-ocurrence was 26%. I used a splint, however DC returned with avengance and I had a much worse condition within 3 months.
After 2 more op's the same result, and in the end the surgeon suggested amputation. I declined, as I wanted to look at other options first.
My finger gradually bent right over to the almost closed position, however the last 16 years it has not gotten any worse or better, and the DC was contained in the finger and had not formed in the palm.
Just recently an aggressive lump has formed in the palm on the tendon, and is very agressive, growing in size in a few weeks. I had recently changed my diet including an increase in Vitamin C and other antioxidents and vitamins, however do not take any medications and have not at any stage of my life.
It may be coincidental, however I am very keen to try some alternative remedies rather than have another operation!


11/19/2003 23:21
jim h

not registered

11/19/2003 23:21
jim h

not registered

Gucosamine and dupuytren

Part of the DC "lore" is the belief that vitamin C stimulates progression. I'm not aware of any hard evidence to support that assertion but vitamin C is definitely involved in collagen production, so I don't take large supplemental doses.

11/19/2003 23:47

not registered

11/19/2003 23:47

not registered

Gucosamine and dupuytren

Just got back from the doctor today. I have lumps in my left hand and it is very painfull. She tells me that it could be Dupuytren. I never hear of this before. Funny I started to take Glucosamine only about a month ago. I have had an episode of Rhumatoid arthritis more than ten years ago and lately when one of my joint in my left hand started to hurt, I started to take large doses of Glucosamine and Chondrotin. My nodules are just getting bigger and more painfull. I am not sure if it started before or after the Glucosamine. Now the doctor has given me Vioxx to try to releave the pain and swelling. Is this wrong to ??

Tonight I have been looking to find out about this disease and I found this topic.

Scarry, why does the healt organisation do nothing about warning people about this supplement.

04/02/2004 23:02
04/02/2004 23:02
Dupuytrens and Glucosamine/Condritin

I began taking Glucosamine-Chondroitin combination 900 mg. daily about 4 months ago. I was diagnosed with DC this week.
Wish to thank all of you who listed G-C as a precursor (cause?) of DC. I will stop taking G-C. Thanks!

05/01/2004 23:19
05/01/2004 23:19
don~sq~t take them

What is the reommmended dosage for Glucosamine/Condritin?>
There are so many choices, I'm confused.

05/01/2004 23:19
05/01/2004 23:19
don~sq~t take them

What is the reommmended dosage for Glucosamine/Condritin?>
There are so many choices, I'm confused.

05/01/2004 23:18
Mary Beth

not registered

05/01/2004 23:18
Mary Beth

not registered

don~sq~t take them

Many on this forum have reported more aggressive Dup.
growth after beginning to take glucosamine and chondrotin.
The consensus seems to be to avoid them and excessive
vitamin C.

05/02/2004 23:46
Jane Westberg

not registered

05/02/2004 23:46
Jane Westberg

not registered

Glucosamine Condritin

A month ago I was diagnosed with Dupuytrens Disease. I realized that the development of my first nodule began a few months after I began taking GLucosamine Condriton, so I've stopped taking the glucosamine. Unfortunately the condition has progressed quite rapidly in my right hand. I had been taking glucosamine for about 8 months.

Is any research being done on the relationship between glucosamine and Dupuytrens?

By the way, I'm of Viking (Swedish and Norwegian) descent.

Jane Westberg

05/03/2004 23:09
Tom M

not registered

05/03/2004 23:09
Tom M

not registered



I don't know that there has been any research that provides a conclusive link between glucosamine and Dupuytrens, but if you look through the postings on this site over the last several years you will see overwhelming anecdotal evidence. Of course, every person seems to vary in how they respond to various triggers, and in the aggressiveness/passiveness of the disease. But, it would seem prudent for anyone with Dupytrens to avoid glucosamine.

Tom M

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connection   disease   Condritin   Dupuytrens   condition   Glucosamine   Dupuytren~sq~s   supplements   Vitamin   surgery   Chondroitin   diagnosed   noticed   between   arthritis   collagen   Contracture   stopped   started   Dupuytren