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Dr Eaton just got back from NA need help in writing letters to LA hand surgeons
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01/23/2005 23:18

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01/23/2005 23:18

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Dr Eaton just got back from NA need help in writing letters to LA hand surgeons

Dr Eaton was nothing less than a mirracle (I was his 750th patient)almost painless took approx 25 mins ..its now ione week after the operation and my little finger is almost perfect.
I want to write to the top 2 surgeons who dismissed NA and called it snake oil.Im hoping that at least one of them will now reconsder their position and perform NA on other patieants here in LA rather than cut their hand wide open for the major surgery .Im not too good at writing so if somneone could draft a leeter I will send it to the inorder to help others .



01/23/2005 23:19

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01/23/2005 23:19

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One of our other posters said it cost $19,000 US for a DC surgical operation.

That means $1,425,000 ($19,000x 750 patients) has not been spent on surgery.

Kinda makes me warm and fuzzy all over.

The Observer.

01/23/2005 23:37
Randy H.

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01/23/2005 23:37
Randy H.

not registered


Sample Letter:

Dear Dr. Dups Surgeon,

There must be some good explanation as to why you routinely refuse to listening to your patients when it comes to NA. It can't be the money. There is this Eaton fellow who is getting $700 per finger! It takes him about 30 minutes and he doesn't even have to leave his office. He doesn't even need to pay an assistant. No......really! He's a real hand surgeon and he's sticking needles in peoples hands with no scalpel. I'd be glad to pop on over and show you how he fixed my hand.

You are a highly trained expert in your field and read all the Journals, go to Symposiums, and listen to all the other highly trained experts. And, over they years, everything on Earth has been tried to stop this disease and you know everything there is to know about all of them. You are, after all, "The Expert". It must be that you believe that if you and your colleagues don't know about it..............it can't exist. I mean, if 30 people showed up in your office with before and after pictures of their NA experience you would suspect mass Alien Abduction before considering the idea that NA might be of benefit. It looks more like you are all suffering from a case of Group Hypnosis. Well, I'm hoping all we need to do is Deprogram a few of you and we can break the spell. To that end I'd really like to come on by and show you my hand if you can ignore that humming in you head for just a minute.

Just kidding. You are dong exactly the right thing.

01/23/2005 23:57

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01/23/2005 23:57

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Your post had me in stitches Randy - especially the last part, '...if you can ignore that humming in your head for just a minute...' It's so true.


01/24/2005 23:02

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01/24/2005 23:02

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Well done Randy. I really enjoy your writing. You hit it right on the head.


01/24/2005 23:47
Randy H.

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01/24/2005 23:47
Randy H.

not registered

Go For It!


Howard (a fine British fellow) and I talked at length about his experience with both the Good Dr. E. and the LA Surgeon that generally refers to anything new as "Snake Oil". (That's how I knew it was Dr. Xxxxxxxx.) Been there, done that with him. (He was 100% right about Veraprimill though)

So.....Howard and I have devised a proper letter to our favorite LA Knife Crafters. To be honest, if ever you loose a finger or two and can sort them out of the garbage, Dr. Xxxxxxx is the man you want to see. Just come in with your finger(s) on ice in a cooler and you'll leave with them attached and functioning. Yes, he may well walk on water. Sadly, however, he is as just as likely to respond to the following as he would to my previous attempt at humor:

Dear Dr. Xxxxxxxxxx,

In regard to my recent NA procedure I feel a moral obligation to both patients and the caring surgeons who treat them. On January 12/27/05 Dr. Charles Eaton performed NA to correct a 90 degree PIP contraction of my left pinkie. The results could not have been more striking. As you can see from the enclosed photos, my hand has almost returned to normal. I have absolutely no nerve damage and experienced only very slight pain as a result of this amazing procedure. I am not an unusual case. I have read the personal testimonies of many many others who have had similar results. I have my hand back without suffering any of the normal trauma of surgery. This is an immense breakthrough for the treatment of this disease.

Now that over 750 such procedures have been successfully performed in the US, it is amazing to me that it is taking so long for leading edge surgeons to take a serious and unbiased look at NA. I have no idea how NA could have anything other than an excellent reputation. Anything else is simply misinformation. I realize NA is a huge departure from the now traditional invasive surgery you perform. However, should the assertion be correct that NA is both safe and effective (as well as minimally invasive), your future patients deserve to know that a proven alternative exists. I believe a serious investigation of the facts by someone of your caliber will show that NA is exactly what I am saying it is. To this end I am available for your through reexamination of my hand, which as you know, previously had a 90 degree contraction.



We shall prevail........eventually.


01/24/2005 23:20

not registered

01/24/2005 23:20

not registered


Hello to everyone

Firstly thanks for the great BB, I have had this desease in both palms for well over 10 years, Iam 40. However this is only recently started to deform my hands. Anyway there is plenty to read on this subject.
The problem I have is that this desease has shown up dramatically in the second join of all my fingers except the thumbs. This started to occur 15 years ago. That is to say the upper (back of hand)area over the second knukkle. These areas have reduced the way I can close my fingers making it impossible to touch the palm of my hands with the fingers. Last week I had one removed for analysis and found that it is the same substance as the Dupuytren in the palms.
Now my question is is it possible to treat these areas with NA? Has anyone else had it done and what info is out there on this part of the hand.
By the way also have the dupuytren in the foot under the arch, for the moment less of a problem.


01/24/2005 23:46

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01/24/2005 23:46

not registered

The whole enchilada

Dear Randy,

I like your idea of letter writing but wonder if we could do it on a larger scale ie: American Association for Hand Surgery www.handsurgery.org

Their mission statement includes the following '...highest quality of hand care through the development and sponsorship of educational programs related to the hand...'

Perhaps asking them to address NA from an 'educate their members' stand point. Responses like 'snake oil' makes a doctor look like an out-of-touch fools and patients need a proper answer to their questions about NA. Particularly when

1)the global medical community is publically accepting of NA (quotes from NICE),

2) there is a qualified hand surgeon in the states who performed over 750 of such procedures,

3) It is regularly performed in x number of countries (list them)

4) many american insurance companies are now paying for it (list them only if they have a separate code for NA) if you put the code for something the doctors have previously used then the impact of this statement migh not be as strong, and finally,

5) there are many many testimonies as to the success rate of the procedure - including our own.

Each person who sends the letter could send before and after photos of their own hand. Getting 50 letters with separate before/after pictures might be eye catching.

The American Accociation for Hand surgery could just be a first start. The letter could be carbon copied to the other associations/societies that they list on their website.

What do you think?


01/25/2005 23:43
Wayne Vogen

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01/25/2005 23:43
Wayne Vogen

not registered

cost analysis

Just trying to correct the message saying that 750 people saved $1,425,000, in previous posting. I know it is hard to type with this problem, but the amount would be $14,250,000. Makes a difference.

01/25/2005 23:18
01/25/2005 23:18

It is also misleading and incorrect information. If it matters.

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previously   different   successfully   breakthrough   DUPUYTREN   Particularly   Surgeon   misinformation   patients   dramatically   surgeons   procedure   anathesiologist   contraction   procedures   reexamination   investigation   associations   testimonies   surgery