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Exercising with DC
01/09/2006 23:36
Steve C.

not registered

01/09/2006 23:36
Steve C.

not registered

Exercising with DC

I was just diagnosed with DC. My only symptom is a lump in my left palm which appeared 2 weeks after I bought a $1000 rowing machine and started working out.

Is there a connection or is it coincidence? I was also diagnosed with high blood-sugar levels (120) that my Dr. says is due to insulin resistance. He recommended reducing sugar intake and exercising the large muscle groups which is why I bought the rower. I read threads here that indicate that there might be a connection to my DC.

What is the current thinking on excersizing? Would weight-lifting glovess make a difference. (I have no discomfort when excersizing.) On the relationnship between DC and insulin resistance? On stretching my fingers?

BTW, I began posting here a week or so ago under the name "Steve". After reading thru the older posts, I found another frequent poster named Steve. I will now use "Steve C." to avoid confusion.

01/30/2006 23:27
Troy Lane

not registered

01/30/2006 23:27
Troy Lane

not registered

Weight Lifting And DCD

I have the agressive form of the dis-ease. It had rendered me almost immobile attacking my feet first at the age of 18. I had balooned up to 427lbs because It was so painful to walk on the nodules. After I had gone thru several Drs I found one who finally helped me help myself by giving me some type of pain relief, although I still had to grit my teeth and double up my fists-(which BTW I can hardly do now)I am down to 285lbs, I have a Bowflex and I work hard on it even though it causes me alot of pain due to the nodules on the knuckles and in the hands. I have read more than once that you can go your whole Life and show no symptoms of this disease, you can have one or 2 that dont cause you really any grief, or you can have it like I do-full blown. It is my understanding that an impact to an extremity can aggravate and stimulate growth. I have instructed my ex-wife to keep my Son away from sports and other physical activities. I have been suggested to by Drs that amputation of my right foot should be done, due to the reoccurring nature of this disease and the multiple surgerys I have had. I would suggest to you to sell your rowing machine, and find you a swimming pool- low impact to the joints and the extremities. I am looking at losing my feet so i figured if I have great upper body strength it will help me out down the road. Good luck to you.

01/31/2006 23:41
01/31/2006 23:41

Troy, I also have Dupuytren's plus Lederhose although my symptoms are nothing like yours. I know quite well from reading these forums over the years that Lederhose can be excruciating. With regard to loss of a foot, it's a terrible alternative, and I have no first-hand knowledge of such things but it occurs to me that in time you might indeed be better off with a well-constructed prosthesis. I've actually seen people running on them and looking good in the process. Good luck in whatever decision you make.

01/31/2006 23:02
Randy H.

not registered

01/31/2006 23:02
Randy H.

not registered



I am very sorry to hear the extent of your condition. Many of us here firmly believe that trauma can trigger and/or irritate the disease. And certainly someone in your position meeds to take that more seriously than others. I have returned to lap swimming as my main form of exercise. If you have the swimming ability to get a good workout, you *can't* loose. Banishing you son to no sports or physical activities is a quite a curse in itself. Perhaps he'll take to the water and become an avid swimmer.

02/01/2006 23:50
02/01/2006 23:50
Dups & even Mild Trauma

It's just unpredictable and probably varies from person to person. I first noticed a lump in one arch over 5 years ago. I haven't changed my activites at all, I still run, walk or bicycle every day, and the lump is only slightly larger after all that time. I have DC in both hands and I don't 'baby' them either. The question of whether trauma (or micro-trauma), or the scarring after surgery, exacerbate these conditions has never been settled and I certainly think it's possible that they do in some cases.

02/01/2006 23:28
Randy H.

not registered

02/01/2006 23:28
Randy H.

not registered

Dups & even Mild Trauma

Jim, Troy:

It's probably *is* on an individual basis, but I'm 100% *positive* my disease was triggered by abuse I put my hands through pretending a was a conga player rather than a drummer. My fingers would literally be *bleeding* after a session due to the vibration of my fingernails against the other fingers. My hands would ache for hours afterward. I did wonder if I could damage my hands somehow. Little did I know.

The Dups showed up within months. Had I had "normal" hand cellular chemistry, nothing would have happened. At the very least, Troy's son needs to be aware of the real danger he faces.

coincidence   understanding   Exercising   excruciating   reoccurring   unpredictable   alternative   recommended   well-constructed   connection   blood-sugar   fingernails   micro-trauma   weight-lifting   relationnship   excersizing   disease   resistance   extremities   activities