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04/19/2005 23:09

not registered

04/19/2005 23:09

not registered


i heard the feciectomy is the best way? but now i do not know. i want to hear more about good results from surgery. anyone?

04/19/2005 23:32
Me Again

not registered

04/19/2005 23:32
Me Again

not registered

the only answer is Dr. Eaton

Sean, Here's you chance......

04/19/2005 23:17
Randy H

not registered

04/19/2005 23:17
Randy H

not registered

the only answer is Dr. Eaton

all other doctors are idiots...do you hear me? all other doctors are idiots...you are getting very sleepy.

04/19/2005 23:53
Sally Jetson

not registered

04/19/2005 23:53
Sally Jetson

not registered

Megan, Thank you!

Well, I just saw Megan's pictures and my Lord, I'd never have known she had surgery! She is the 5th person with these kind of results. I've been putting off the the surgery so that I could have all of the facts, but now I am convinced. Thanks!

04/20/2005 23:57
Randy H.

not registered

04/20/2005 23:57
Randy H.

not registered

Word for Word!!! Nothing More.

Dear Troll,

Yes I am getting sleepy. It's now 2:00 Am in LA.

You made a *serious* mistake. You failed to use a single *asterisk*, as I do on nearly *every* post I ever make. Now, of course you will do so in your attempt to discredit me further. But, never mind. I have a plan for you, havig already assuming that I, like Francis before me, would become a target. Give me a week or so and you will be shown for the fraud you are. I will post this *exact* message *every* tine you use the handle "Randy H."

Dude, you are *toast*.

One question remains for me. What is your motive? Sorry, that's probably too hard a question for an obvious anti-social.

I will not post again on this site until I can offer evidence of authenticity. Until then, all posts under the name "Randy H" are Trolled.


Other than a repeat of this this *exact* message, word for word, I will not post again until this evidence is in place. It may be a week or so. Until then, will *not* post anything other than a repeat of this mesage, again, word for word. Other than that, it's not me.

Troll, you are one *sick* individual. But I'm ready for you, trust me. This will not stand.

You loose pall. By for now.

Randy H.

04/29/2005 23:38
Randy H

not registered

04/29/2005 23:38
Randy H

not registered

This time I mean it, Troll

I won't be scared by your *tactics*...Eatonists, we will prevail.

Dear Troll,

Yes I am getting sleepy. It's now 2:00 Am in LA.

You made a *serious* mistake. You failed to use a single *asterisk*, as I do on nearly *every* post I ever make. Now, of course you will do so in your attempt to discredit me further. But, never mind. I have a plan for you, havig already assuming that I, like Francis before me, would become a target. Give me a week or so and you will be shown for the fraud you are. I will post this *exact* message *every* tine you use the handle "Randy H."

Dude, you are *toast*.

One question remains for me. What is your motive? Sorry, that's probably too hard a question for an obvious anti-social.

I will not post again on this site until I can offer evidence of authenticity. Until then, all posts under the name "Randy H" are Trolled.


Other than a repeat of this this *exact* message, word for word, I will not post again until this evidence is in place. It may be a week or so. Until then, will *not* post anything other than a repeat of this mesage, again, word for word. Other than that, it's not me.

Troll, you are one *sick* individual. But I'm ready for you, trust me. This will not stand.

You loose pall. By for now.

Randy H.

05/04/2005 23:59
Gerry Widen

not registered

05/04/2005 23:59
Gerry Widen

not registered


Builder Bills post shows that the skill of the person doing the procedure is as important as which procedure you decide to have done. I myself when my fingers start to curl will go the NA route but I think the key here is if you opt for OS make sure you find someone that knows what they are doing. Do your homework.

05/04/2005 23:02
05/04/2005 23:02

Builder Bill,
It is good to hear your success with a fasciectomy. Keep doing the stretching exercises for quite awhile. They can be done while doing just about anything. Also, for me it was extremely important to keep the incision moist 24/7 with a hand lotion. Are you wearing a night time splint? My finger was at 85 degrees before surgery and now three years later still at 0 degrees contraction and no sign of Dupuytrens or scars. I also had very little pain.

05/04/2005 23:09
Senor Ultimo

not registered

05/04/2005 23:09
Senor Ultimo

not registered

yeah right

There is no 'builder bill'.

05/05/2005 23:43

not registered

05/05/2005 23:43

not registered

Builder Bill

I never saw that coming.

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Aponeurotomy   Fasciectomy   dupuytren-online   surgery   invasive   illnessconditions   message   recurrence   procedure   information   too-good-to-be-true   surgeon   traditional   incomprehensible   Builder   articlekey=15603   saintlukeshealthsystem   patients   digitalnaturopath   surgeons