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Get a proper diagnosis
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03/26/2005 23:25

not registered

03/26/2005 23:25

not registered

Get a proper diagnosis

My 80 year-old father has DC on both ring fingers, he's been diagnosed. As a 34 year old female, I have noticed a sensitive lump developing in my palm along my rt pinky finger tendon. I'm convinced it's DC, my dermatologist friend agreed. I have rock climbed heavily for 14 years now and I'd like to continue but I'm worried about the possible link between hard gripping and DC progression.
At roughly stage 0, what can I do to limit this progression? Massage? Stretching? More use or less?
I'm so young for this, I fear my hand (s) will be useless for later years...

03/26/2005 23:50

not registered

03/26/2005 23:50

not registered

Get a proper diagnosis

Hi and welcome to the Forum,

There is an abundace of information on this site that will answer your questions. I think it most important that you see a proper 'Certified Hand Surgeon' for a diagnosis before you label your hands has having DC.

Take care and Happy Easter,


03/26/2005 23:03
03/26/2005 23:03
Dupuytren~sq~s information

Dear JW,

Google 'Dupuytren's Faqs Facts' to get the most comprehensive summary of information about Dupuytren's (prepared by Dr Eaton). The postings on this site are interesting too, although a lot of them tend to harp on and on on the same themes!


03/26/2005 23:50
03/26/2005 23:50

You say, " I'd like to continue but I'm worried about the possible link between hard gripping and DC progression."

From my experience you are very correct. There can be a correlation, whether from hard physical work or athletic endeavors using hands/grip.

03/27/2005 23:20

not registered

03/27/2005 23:20

not registered

really young and skeptical

I'm a 27 yr. old female... not the most likely candidate for this huh? I play guitar for many hours each week and I had surgery last year to release trigger finger and remove a sheath cyst. I have developed a lump in my palm now that's near the tendon that was operated on, the index finger. I went to have it checked out today and the hond surgeon really thinks it's Dupuytren's. My parents both have cyst-like lumps in the palms of their hands and my dad's fingers do draw up. Neither one has ever heard of this disease. My older brother (42) went to this same Dr. a month ago and this is what the Dr. believes he has. It wasn't until I mentioned this that the Dr. thought of it as a diagnosis. So, I don't know what to think of this.
As much as I am gripping the guitar pick for hours etc. and given how young I am, I'm really interested to know what in the world I can do to reduce the effects of this as well.

03/27/2005 23:33
jim h

not registered

03/27/2005 23:33
jim h

not registered

Not licking the prognosis

Personally, I discount the link with 'hard gripping'. I don't think anything that you do with your hands - short of damaging them - will affect the progress of Dupuytren's one way or another. As a younger guy I played the bass guitar for quite a number of years, and that's hard work for the hands. 10 years after I quite, I got Dupuytren's. But wait - I also got Ledderhose, a related condition of the foot, at about the same time. So I don't think there's any connection. I certainly wouldn't let it discourage me from playing the guitar.

03/28/2005 23:51
jim h

not registered

03/28/2005 23:51
jim h

not registered

female w/ DC

The progress of these conditions is completely unpredictable. When I first noticed the lump under my arch, and started reading about Ledderhose, I was depressed too. That was about 7 years ago and nothing has happened since - the lump is still there, hardly any larger. I continue to walk and run without significant discomfort. As to the future, who knows but I think that antifibrotic drugs are going to be working for us in a few years.

04/23/2005 23:57
No Name

not registered

04/23/2005 23:57
No Name

not registered

Another Fake Posting?

It is impossible for any reasonable person to believe anything in the last posting and it sure looks like another fake doctor-bashing posting. Get real!

DC does not look like arthritis and these conditions cannot that easily confused. Did you make this diagnoses yourself?

You need to be a little more honest on what your doctor really said about PT. No doctor would rule out PT if it can help a real condition. Sounds to me like you are trying to self-diagnose.

Doctor bashing is silly and juvenile.

04/23/2005 23:33
Randy H.

not registered

04/23/2005 23:33
Randy H.

not registered


I hear you No Name,

It is a bit of a stretch that your initial MD would not know Dups when He sees. Also, if you had OS by any decent hand surgeon, the current standard proactive is to remove *all* the diseased tissue in your hand, certainly including *everything* in the palm. Are you saying this is Dups in a completely different aria of the palm and there was *nothing* there before? While true that younger females statistically have a more aggressive cases, two months after OS is a stretch.

Nevertheless, injectable Collegenase is held up in FDA trials, at least two years away. The only other option currently is NA, which some believe is not appropriate in aggressive cases because of it's higher rate of recurrence. However, that opinion usually comes from surgeons who currently are *not* doing NA for *any* cases.

I've always found Second and Third opinions worth the money. (You'll get plenty of *free* non-medical, though sometimes "opinionated", opinions here at least)

04/23/2005 23:12

not registered

04/23/2005 23:12

not registered


I have arthritis in my hands (and many other joints). I also have Dupuytren's Disease is both hands. Arthritis draws my fingers down like early Dupuytren's Disease does. Relaxed my fingers are all about 30 degrees bent or so. I can still lay them flat on a table, but I can feel more resistantance from the arthritis than the DD fingers now.

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dermatologist   arthritis   Acetyl-L-Carnitine   comprehensive   recommendation   surgery   information   unpredictable   Dupuytren~sq~s   self-diagnose   believe   predisposition   dermofasciectomy   doctor-bashing   inappropriate   disease   resistantance   Dupuytren   Surgeon   diagnosis