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01/03/2006 23:14

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01/03/2006 23:14

not registered


I appear to have Dupytrens which is affecting my knuckles - they are swolen etc I am having corrective surgery next week. My brother also suffers with it in his palms and feet as does my father. I don't really know alot about it though - can anyone explain a little more to me.... ;o) cheers

01/03/2006 23:32
01/03/2006 23:32


Think twice before you have the "corrective surgery". If what you have are knuckle pads (nodules forming on you knuckles), they do have a tendency to return and worse than ever. Before the dupuytren's manifested itself in my palms, I first had the knuckle pads and a plastic surgeon removed three. They all came back worse then ever. The two others I left alone are much better.

01/05/2006 23:47
J Ann

not registered

01/05/2006 23:47
J Ann

not registered

Knuckle DC


When you say you have DC in your knuckles do you mean knuckle pads or nodules on tendon under the knuckle?? I do have DC under my knuckles w/ nodules on tendon that spirals down my fingers. I have had surgery twice this year already on the same finger it returned within months after the first surgery. It did lock up my knuckle and had to have a knuckle release with ligaments re-done.. I have been told NA is not a option for me because of the location of the DC.. I have had a lot of swelling and fever in my hand since the last surgery. I am 37 years old
J Ann

01/08/2006 23:07

not registered

01/08/2006 23:07

not registered

Knuckle Pads

I've have recently been to Dr Lermusiaux and I showed him my knuckle pads. I first noticed them when I was 12 years old. He said nothing really suitable can be done about the condition - leave then alone!.
He said that in Holland statistics have been done on knuckle pads v. DC. He told it was something in the order of only 4% of the people who have Pads have DC.
So apparently Pads are very common and not a heavy indicator that one will advance to DC.

01/10/2006 23:59

not registered

01/10/2006 23:59

not registered

not knuckle pads either

J Ann, I also suffer with nodules on the tendons under and through my knuckles. At first the doctor didn't think that was what it was so he did exploratory surgery on one knuckle, my middle finger on my right hand, and had also had a tumor, d/c removed from the palm of the same hand. The nodule in the knuckle came back d/c which the doctor was very surprised about. He also said at the time the cords were forming from the tumors in my palm growing towards my fingers. That surgery was four years ago, and my hands have gotten worse. I have numerous nodules in my palms, in every knuckle(the middle knuckle) of each finger, and also have cords going into two fingers and my thumb. I am ready to have surgery done to correct/replace the knuckles, and to remove the fascia.

01/19/2006 23:07
J Ann

not registered

01/19/2006 23:07
J Ann

not registered



thanks for the response I was beginning to think I was not gonna find anyone with info that could help me. Mine is not knuckle pads it is under the knuckle like yours
J Ann

01/20/2006 23:16

not registered

01/20/2006 23:16

not registered


Hi Peggy
I may be confused here, are you saying that your DC is growing from the palm side of the knuckle, through the joint (ie inside the joint), and up to the pad - the topside? Or is it like an envelope around the outside of the knuckle?
It's just that I've never heard of DC growing in joints.

01/23/2006 23:58
J Ann

not registered

01/23/2006 23:58
J Ann

not registered


My DC started on the tendon inside my knuckle joint pulls my finger down due to de-mobilizing my joint. At its worst before my 1st surgery it was visable on the side of my finger because the nodule was larger than my knuckle. My doctor said it spirals up or down my tendons of the fingers. Most nodules are in fingers small strand in palm.I was told that NA was not an option for the type of growth I have
J Ann

01/24/2006 23:35
01/24/2006 23:35

Joann - I also have knuckle pads from DC, and Have had NA with Dr Eaton. Spiral cords in pointer and middle fingers of both hands, as well as cords in palm. Palmar cords were not touched - but spiral cords in fingers NA'd 3X with great results. Knuckle pads (Called Garrod's pads) still there, but not a problem. Perhaps you should send pics to Dr Eaton?

01/24/2006 23:31
Randy H.

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01/24/2006 23:31
Randy H.

not registered

Reality Check

To my knowledge, no CHS (who doesn't do NA) has *EVER* refereed a Dups patient to someone else to perform NA. Therefore the words "you aren't a candidate" are *meaningless*.......No one is a candidate in their eyes.

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impressive   exploratory   significant   manifested   splitting   fingers   Lermusiaux   surgery   impenetrable   recurrence   nodules   difference   statistics   de-mobilizing   knuckle   corrective   candidate   meaningless   something   KNUCKLES