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07/23/2005 23:48
07/23/2005 23:48

Dr. Eaton will do what is correct for you. If you need a fasciectomy rather than NA, you would most likely get a fasciectomy. I had a fasciectomy 3 1/2 years ago with excellent results. I have 0 degrees contraction and you can't tell that I have ever had Dupuytren's. My finger was contracted at 85 degrees previous to the surgery. There are thousands per year with successful results. There are some with not so successful results and they are prominent on this forum. The choice is yours. If you want to have NA, go for it. Dr. Eaton wouldn't be doing it if weren't successful. A fasciectomy can be successful, also.

07/23/2005 23:46

not registered

07/23/2005 23:46

not registered


If you have taken the time to read a significant number of posts on this site then there should be no reason other than suspecting the legitimacy of this site to avoid NA.
And that is understandable. I certainly wondered when I first came upon this site. Testimonials nowdays can be found for everything, and who can you trust? But anyone can post here. Posts are not edited, and they are not changed. They are not deleted. Anyone can say anthing. Did your post appear exactly as you wrote it?

The fact is there is overwhelming support for the efficacy of NA by those who have undergone it. Don't you think that those who have had bad experiences would be posting here as well.
Good luck!

07/25/2005 23:32

not registered

07/25/2005 23:32

not registered


Thanks for all of your responses. After asking my husband to read some of this forum and Dr. Eaton's website, he asked me what they could possibly tell me at the Hand Center in Indy to convince me to have surgery at this point...I cancelled that appointment. Now, I am anxiously awaiting a call from Dr. Eaton's office. I sent my pics 10 days ago and received a response that I would hear within 2 weeks. I am already checking flights and hotels, but afraid there will be some reason that Dr. Eaton might not feel I am a good candidate. From what I have read, I think I am....just tend to be a worrier........and scared to death of any kind of surgery!

07/25/2005 23:05
Steve Abrams

not registered

07/25/2005 23:05
Steve Abrams

not registered


Sherry -

I concur with everything Randy H. has said in this section of the forum. I had NA by Dr. Eaton in January, and to this point am completely satisfied. I do not see any reason to undergo conventional surgery if NA is possible. Dr. Eaton has performed more of these procedures than any other doctor in the U.S.; I highly recommmend him.

Steve Abrams

07/28/2005 23:44

not registered

07/28/2005 23:44

not registered

Apt. scheduled

I got a call today from Dr. Eaton's office and have scheduled an apt. for Oct. (For those of you who asked how far in advance he is scheduling, I could have gone in Sept. However, I am a teacher and wanted to go over my Fall Break. Might as well try to make it a vacation too!)
Due to the severity of my PIP joint contracture, he expects to only be able to correct that about 50%. (Does this mean it would have been better to have done this sooner? I am going to have him look at my other pinkie while I am there since I believe it is starting.) He also expects I will need a splint at night. He expects me to see "noticeable improvement in the position of your fingers". The minute I hung up the phone, I scheduled my flight. Guess there's no going back!

07/28/2005 23:40
07/28/2005 23:40
Dr. Eaton

Does Dr. Eaton still do fasciectomies? Does he leave the choice of NA or a fasciectomy or a fasciotomy, completely up to the patient? Does he discuss all of the options?

07/28/2005 23:36
Randy H.

not registered

07/28/2005 23:36
Randy H.

not registered



Hopefully Sherry will respond as well, but as one who *thinks* he understands the significance of your question, let me say this. The vast majority of Eaton and Zidel's patients come from *so* far away, he would not be the right choice for any other procedure than NA. Post op follow up visits are not reasonable at such distance. Second, patients contacting Eaton for NA are clearly *not* in the market for anything else. Otherwise they would not be considering air travel. Most have already been told a more invasive procedure *is* their only option. And, as stated numerous times, a simple *attempt* at NA under almost any circumstance does not preclude a fasciectomy or a fasciotomy two weeks later by one's local CHS. So, by the time someone ends up in Jupiter, the issue of options is moot.

07/29/2005 23:06
07/29/2005 23:06
Dr. Eaton

Just wondering. I would think he/they would still have a hand surgery practice for people in the 50 mile radius, also.

07/29/2005 23:53
Randy H.

not registered

07/29/2005 23:53
Randy H.

not registered

2 Other Days a Week


Frankly, it seems to me that one of the reasons Eaton has wanted to duplicate himself with Dr. Zidel was so that he could get back to spending more time in what was once his "normal" practice. He is a top guy and needs to stay in practice with more challenging things than poking guys (and gals) with a 20 gauge needle. I'm sure that with those *two* other days a week, should the need arise for a good old fasciectomy, he'd be all about it. But for a top CHS there are *lots* of other things to do than that! He is wise not to stunt his career with exclusivity on something so routine as NA.

His interest in NA is that of advocate. Beyond that, I got the sense he'd rather move on to more fun stuff. Once he changes enough minds, I'm sure he will. For now he seems to have cheerfully accepted the role foisted upon his as pioneer.

07/29/2005 23:19

not registered

07/29/2005 23:19

not registered


I contacted Dr. Eaton only to inquire if I were a candidate for NA. Since he said that I am, I am not interested in traditional surgery and didn't ask about it.

significance   appointment   fasciectomies   surgery   completely   fasciotomy   understands   Testimonials   contracture   circumstance   everything   understandable   overwhelming   traditional   fasciectomy   successful   contraction   improvement   significant   conventional