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needle aponeurotomy in Australia
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01/02/2006 23:23
Terry Sinkinson

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01/02/2006 23:23
Terry Sinkinson

not registered

Congrats Steve

Congratulations Steve,

Like you I am really pleased with the results from DR Eaton. I have tried with no success to get two Surgeons interested in the procedure. I did think I was getting somewhere with Medibank Private encouraging local interest but I think their initial enthusiasm has waned.

If I was a Doctor I think I would be looking very seriously at skilling up on NA for its financial gain! I have nothing but praise for Dr Eaton for taking the plunge and I hope he is making a very good profit from his endeavours.



01/05/2006 23:18

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01/05/2006 23:18

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Oh my gosh Colin that's wonderful! :-)

01/05/2006 23:07

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01/05/2006 23:07

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Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi

01/08/2006 23:39

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01/08/2006 23:39

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NA in Australia

I've just returned from Paris. Dr Lermusiaux did a fine job.
I had a left hand mcp treated; right thumb (only slight); and right foot Ledderhose. These were done in two sessions over two concecutive days.
I was able to walk out of the Dr's surgery each time and go out his door on extensive Paris walks. That was probably at least 8 klms each day - lugging a fairly heavy day pack!. The Ledderhose is large and Dr Lermusiaux had to do it in two stages so I'm so pleased I did not have any discomfort despite the exercise.
NA for Ledderhose does not receive the same attention that Dups does as it is rarer. It doesn't (and can't) involve the hyperextension of tendons. There is therefore no 'snapping' of the cords. Lermusiaux 'knaws' away with the needle breaking the nodule's structure down.
The aim for NA Ledderhouse is to have the body's own antibodies attack the tattered nodule. We are hoping/expect for about a 50% reduction in the nodule size over the next few months.
Dr Lermusiaux advises to suppliment his proceedure with taking a 1mg tablet daily of Colchicine for 3 months. Then a slight reduction thereafter. Colchicine is used for Gout treatment - an anti inflamatory really.
I was going to have OS on the Ledderhose about two years ago but found this site. At that time I had the large nodule and four other small nodules starting on the other foot. Through the various experiences of others here I embarked on a course of cortiszone (only every six months). Now I'm at the stage where three of the four small lumps have completely gone and the fourth almost gone. The large lump reduced slightly and became softer and I now have no discomfort. This is the nodule Lermusiaux treated.
Lermusiaux allowed my/his proceedure to be videoed. It came out really well and I will be showing this to some Medico's here in Brisbane.

01/08/2006 23:30
01/08/2006 23:30

That is such good news and I am so pleased for you. Let's hope the medics in Brisbane take note and get over to Paris for training.
Dr Lermusiaux is so good at what he does. He always takes the time to answer any questions one may have and really seems to care about people. No need to tell you that he does my NA.
Keep up the good work in trying to educate the non-believers in Australia.

01/08/2006 23:16

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01/08/2006 23:16

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Nobody seems to have mentioned the cost of these procedures whether in France or the States?

01/08/2006 23:30

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01/08/2006 23:30

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NA Cost

To Glenn

the cost of these proceedures has been posted on numerous occassions. On average the French Dr's are about 90 to 100 Euro per session. In the USA about $800 - $900 I think.

01/08/2006 23:32
Colin Rankin

not registered

01/08/2006 23:32
Colin Rankin

not registered


My NA treatment from Dr Lermusiaux in Paris was 70 Euro per 20-30 minute session.

Colin Rankin

01/08/2006 23:43

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01/08/2006 23:43

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Dr Lermusiaux

Thanks a lot Marjorie

yes the good Dr is so helpful. I was full of questions and he was so patient and gave answers as fully as he could - and as much as his English allows. I gained so much.
Dr Lermusiaux will also be attending Dr Eaton's medical conference presentation which is schedued later this year.

01/09/2006 23:01

not registered

01/09/2006 23:01

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Dr. Eaton

Geez I'd love to see that presenation. Anyone know if there will there be any patient representation at the conference?


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