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Needle Aponeurotomy in Toronot with Dr. Paul Binhammer
02/18/2005 23:00
02/18/2005 23:00
Needle Aponeurotomy in Toronot with Dr. Paul Binhammer

I have DC and have seen Dr. Binhammer in Toronto recently. He plans to perform the needle aponeurotomy in April on my right pinky which is at ~ 40-45 degrees contracture. I have a nodule in the finger. No nodules in my palm or other parts of the hand.
Has anyone seen Dr. Binhammer and been treated by him. What are your experiences and advice please.

02/18/2005 23:09
A fellow Canadian

not registered

02/18/2005 23:09
A fellow Canadian

not registered

Read on McDuff

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Dr. Helena Spacek is the only Paris-trained NA practitioner in Canada. She is an md working as a 'Physiatrist' at the 'Institute de Readatiation de Montreal'. The Institute is quite respectable and is affiliated with the University of Montreal.

You may find a definition of Physiatrist under the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

I contacted her office a couple of years ago and found them to be pleasant, that they take OHIP (with an MD's referral from your home province)....BUTtttttt.....she does not have an email address and will not look at pictures of your hands before the appt so in my opinion.....a blind trip to Montreatl could be a major waste of an airplane ticket and time...and we do not see any posts from her patients about her work....whether or not it's because she is an MD or because she does not have many DC patients...I don't know....I do know that she took a lot of flack and rejection from the medical community in Quebec....so I don't even know is she is still doing NA.

None-the-less for people living within driving distance...ya...I'd consider it.

As for Dr. Binhammer...Dave has had him posted as an NA practitioner for *years*....even includes a newpaper article that Dr. Binhammer gives about NA......I've checked with the inventors of NA in France and they have never heard of him...and....there has not been a single compliment about his work posted here in all that time.......

So friend....like my subject line says...'Read on McDuff' there is a tonne of information and debate about self-taught NA practitioners over the last year on this website. READ IT....then make your decision.

Personally, I had the same options and went for someone who was tried and true.....whose credentials for performing NA were clear and am glad for it.

France and Florida are not that far.....

A fellow Canadian

02/19/2005 23:49

not registered

02/19/2005 23:49

not registered

google alert on dupuytren~sq~s and cancer

I tried in vain to contact Dr. Spacek and in the end gave up. As far as Dr. Binhammer and his staff....well arrogant only begins to describe the attitude. I had my gp contact him in Oct. '93. In april '04 his office contacted me and had an appointment set up in 8 days. Not an impossibility but tedious travel from here(Creston, B.C.). I declined the appt. and while the office said they would contact me at the next availability, still nothing. If you worry about the cost of paying it yourself... well consider that you are your own best investment and that the Cdn. medical system sucks.

I made the trip to Florida over a year ago. It is actually easier from here than what T.O. is. Great vacation and 3 straightened fingers, palm nodules and finger nodules nearly gone...I reccomend that you don't waste your time with these two dead ends.

dupuytren~sq~s   Association   experiences   impossibility   Binhammer   availability   Physiatrist   None-the-less   credentials   practitioners   Readatiation   practitioner   appointment   information   Paris-trained   self-taught   respectable   Aponeurotomy   straightened   Rehabilitation