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Time needed to regain function
01/28/2005 23:45
01/28/2005 23:45
Time needed to regain function


I had surgery on my hand in mid-October for severe contracture of little and ring fingers. After the operation, I had a pretty swollen hand for a couple of weeks which took care of itself.

But, I have not regained full use of these two fingers and since its going past three months. So far, no signs of the dupurtrens returning, but range of motion has not improved since the 2nd week. I'm doing PT, but not seeing much change.

I want to ask if anyone has had experiences with postopt recover where full use has not returned. Is there is a time limit when you can no longer expect improvements? Nearly three months without change is not encouraging. Would welcome any thoughts or suggestions.


01/28/2005 23:05
Randy H.

not registered

01/28/2005 23:05
Randy H.

not registered

full range recovery


I understand your concern, but three months is well within the time frame for full range recovery. When you get to 21 months post op and your hand is still in pain and not functioning well because of stiffness, then you will have some urgency to the question "Is there is a time limit when you can no longer expect improvements?" It is my intent to set the record. As my *other* hand is now at 35 degrees contracture, I only sleep well because I know that NA will give me a good chance at keeping at least one decent hand. I, like others, apparently don't respond particularly well to the knife.

I am grateful for the tireless efforts of the many many people on this forum who have worked for years to get as may people informed abut NA as possible. You know who you are. Thank You.

The Zealot :)

01/28/2005 23:17
01/28/2005 23:17

I'm guessing that you are not pushing your PT as much as you should. I felt the same way at first until my surgeon explained that the nerves were not affected and the tendons were not affected. He said I would not do any damage by really stretching and manipulating the fingers. Within a week after that my hand responded from the extra effort. My hand now is as good as it was before Dupuytren's.

01/28/2005 23:33
01/28/2005 23:33


Thank you for your response. I was advised to expand PT just last week, which I have been doing. But some of your comments were the same as my doctor - almost word for word. Thanks for the encouragement, I'll give it more time.


stiffness   responded   mid-October   manipulating   experiences   understand   encouraging   contracture   stretching   apparently   particularly   recovery   Dupuytren   affected   suggestions   improvements   explained   dupurtrens   encouragement   functioning