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New Nodules
01/31/2014 04:35
01/31/2014 04:35
New Nodules

After being diagnosed with a single fibroma in my left arch (somewhere between pea and marble sized at this point) I feel 2 more small knots/nodules on my plantar tendon in my arch near the ball of the foot and parallel to the confirmed nodule. I'm not 100% sure they are fibromas, but I it's hard to believe they are not. They are soft, flat, and only palpated when the tendon is stretched. They are slightly tender when pressed and I can feel tightness in the area when I walk

I'm just wondering what peoples experiences are with early stage nodules. I'm very aware of my foot due to discomfort with standing/walking and palpate and massage my feet daily. I'm not sure what else they could be, but due to their location I feel discomfort in that area of my foot when walking.

I'm not sure what else it could be. If they are LD nodules what are the chances the tenderness would subside when the proliferation phase ends (if that is indeed the case). I'm trying to stay on the conservative treatment path yet as time passes I can't help but think RT is necessary. I'm only 33 so I'd hate to jump the gun, yet at the same time I don't want to wait until its too late. I wish there were more doctors familiar with LD where I lived. My primary physician and podiatrist haven't been of help yet. At this point I'm just making educated guesses based on my own research.

Any opinions or experiences are appreciated. Thanks.

01/31/2014 05:35
01/31/2014 05:35

Re: New Nodules

pricklerII; Most people have an overwhelming desire to do something and don't like the "do nothing" option but I still think that "do nothing" is still your best option. Ignore the discomfort and continue as in the past.

A 33 I had already been living with LD for nearly 20 years although I didn't know what it was. Over time the skin over the mass of nodules in the arch of each foot has become as tough as my heals.

It seems to me that, with your feet, the risks of doing something out way the risks associated with doing nothing.

01/31/2014 06:00
01/31/2014 06:00
Re: New Nodules

pricklerII; Most people have an overwhelming desire to do something and don't like the "do nothing" option but I still think that "do nothing" is still your best option. Ignore the discomfort and continue as in the past.

A 33 I had already been living with LD for nearly 20 years although I didn't know what it was. Over time the skin over the mass of nodules in the arch of each foot has become as tough as my heals.

It seems to me that, with your feet, the risks of doing something out way the risks associated with doing nothing.

Thanks for the advice. I'd really like to wait it out and see how my body adapts. My experience is that it does well overcoming and adapting to pain and injuries. The nodules are near the ball of my foot and in a weight bearing area that bothers me with every step. If I have this discomfort now, I could only imagine the pain I'd have to deal with as they grew larger.

I just don't want to miss my window of opportunity to effectively treat the disease and later regret waiting it out. I'm really trying to be patient. It's hard when you're reminded of the disease with every step taken throughout the day. This board has been a savior to my sanity. I appreciate everyone who has taken time to share their experiences.

02/01/2014 06:40
02/01/2014 06:40

Re: New Nodules

Australia Calling. Hi further to your posting How are your hands? Any sign of Dupuytrens? I was diagnosed in 2000 with Ledderhose. Had authordics in the shoes etc. The nodules in the arch were the worst for me when I visited the beach if I stepped on something rough and it contacted the arch I thought I would collapse onto the sand. In 07 I had Rt. and since then no further problem with Ledderhose including dispensed with having to wear authordics. Regards

02/02/2014 03:22
02/02/2014 03:22
Re: New Nodules

Hello, just did one round of RT and not helpful yet. I would not do anything until it is painful enough that you have to and then weigh the options. To the last poster, where did you do the RT for ledderhose and how long till it felt better?


02/02/2014 05:32
02/02/2014 05:32

Re: New Nodules

Hi I visited Prof Seegenschmiedt then in Essen Germany.(He is now in practice in Hamburg) Back in 07 the option of Rt outside of Germany was very limited in the English speaking world . In my case travelling from Australia the Prof was not too fussed about the time between the next session .It was some three months between treatments. He indicated that the extended time was not a bad idea it gave the Rt a chance to do what was expected and on the next visit it gave him a chance to see if the area needed to be expanded in the case of any new nodules. This did happen in my case on one area in the ball of my right foot. I understood you have received one treatment.( was it -15Gy/ 5 days of 3Gy.) If you were treated recently it is early days. Keep up the crème containing urea. Finally it took a good 9 months before I basically was not aware of the Ledderhose Regards/

Edited 02/02/14 07:39

02/02/2014 16:53
02/02/2014 16:53
Re: New Nodules

Hi Prickler,

I am very similar to yourself, not quite 30 and dont know what to do! I have nodules that are actively, growing and quite fast. Ive seen it in the last few months go from flat to easily visible and this new one is a big one in the arch making a right pain!

Such a pain this disease! Just spent hours of walking this weekend and im paying for it, spent hundreds on new shoes (check the other post some helpful answers in there, called what footwear helps a few weeks back)

SEPH - I do understand where you are coming from, and i would love to leave mine alone ( have so far, except spending on the shoes and waiting for orthotics to be ordered) but how long do you leave it? Like i said, my nodules are active and big! How long does it take for the skin to harden? What if it keeps growing? Although i do know where you are coming from as the one thats on my right foot is around a year old and has just stopped growing and HAS gone a little firmer/hard and only causes minimal problems, but whos to say it wont start growing?

Prickler, im afraid i cant really help much but these guys can offer thier advice! My plan so far is to try orthotics, try shoes , try and wait until its ridiculous then give in and go the RT route. I think! But ive been researching lots of options , always keep an eye on it.


02/05/2014 06:24
02/05/2014 06:24
Re: New Nodules

I do have confirmed dupeytrens in my right hand going on 6 years with the nodule symptoms, yet no contraction. Just recently the LD has been giving me problems with my foot. I'm going to see my primary physician tomorrow for evaluation of the new bumps on my foot along the arch, within a few centimeters of the already confirmed marble sized fibroma. The new bumps are near the ball of the foot and cause pain when walking due to their weight bearing location. I'm starting to wish they are some sort of wart, blister, callus, or infection because I'll have hope they'll go away on their own or with minimal treatment. they are still small and not obviously a fibroma, I just cant figure ot what else they could possibly be on my own.

I have pain and difficulty walking 1/2 of the time and a noticeable discomfort the other 1/2. Everyone around me thinks I'm over reacting. I try and explain that I lived with the hand fibroma for 6 years before even visiting a doctor because unless I'm in severe discomfort I usually assume by body will take care of its self. I'm in so much pain at times and the anxiety is killing me that I'm desperately searching for a solution. I'm not usually one to over react but this whole situation is getting worse by the week and I'm trying to get it under control to preserve my quality of life.

02/11/2014 03:03
02/11/2014 03:03
Re: New Nodules


I am uncertain of where you live. If you are not ready to go for RT then perhaps try topical transdermal verapamil 15% gel.
This topical medication shrank my 2 nodules. It is tedious to apply as the consistency is of vaseline and must be applied morning and night. It takes a full 12 months.I had good results in the 1st 3 months. PDLABS is the pharmacy that has the patient on it. if ordered from any other compound pharmacy the chances of working as good are slim.

Anyway its just a suggestion


hope this helps

experiences   proliferation   transdermal   discomfort   overwhelming   conservative   Nodules   effectively   contraction   opportunity   something   associated   nothing   treatment   appreciated   authordics   Ledderhose   Seegenschmiedt   centimeters   walking