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Diet helps?
10/05/2005 18:17


10/05/2005 18:17


Diet helps?

At least for some people a diet seems to be helpful. Here is a comment that someone (Dave) posted elsewhere:

"I also find the most important thing in keeping the discomfort down for both the pads and the Dupuytren's is diet. If I stay away from anything that makes you swell (eg: fatty foods, salty foods, beer, processed carbs, etc.) it is hardly noticeable. ... Certain foods like those I mentioned are by nature inflamatories. Avoiding them not only makes my Dups feel better but my other joints as well."

Though this is just anecdotal evicence it might still be worth a try as this diet is certainly not unhealthy and, different to other therapies, has no side effects.


12/21/2005 21:58

not registered

12/21/2005 21:58

not registered

Diet Helps

To the person mentioning that diet helps, what kinds of foods are you talking about when you say processed carbs? I am not into the health food thingy so need to ask. Could you tell me specific foods in that category plus other things nto to eat? Thanks for the info!

03/04/2006 14:14
03/04/2006 14:14
Vitamin K

I have Dupuytren's painfully in my left hand for about six years, and started getting it in my right hand, very depressing. I started the Rosedale Diet about two months ago, and he recommends rather high doses of some supplements. One is Vitamin K, for prevention of osteoporosis, 2000 mcg per day, vs 100 mcg as the recommended dosage on the bottle. I have osteopenia, so although I won't go up to the 8000 mcg per day he recommends for osteoporosis sufferers, I plan to go up to 5000 mcg per day, but am easing myself into it. I started taking 1000 mcg per day a few days a go, and then went up to 2000 mcg per day two days ago. Amazing difference in my left hand. Pain about gone, freedom of movement amazingly different. There are references to Vitamin K, and conncective tissue diseases online, if you want to search around. Best of luck, all! David

03/10/2006 08:14


03/10/2006 08:14


Vitamin K

To explorer: K1 increases blood clotting, therefore I would be reluctant to take 2,000 mcg daily, about 20 times the recommended dose (and the recommended dose includes what you intake with food anyway). Reducing the nodules and getting a stroke in return does not sound like a good deal. At least I would think you should consult with your doctor before taking such a high dose.


recommended   prevention   reluctant   supplements   osteoporosis   mentioning   discomfort   started   different   references   depressing   conncective   processed   recommends   difference   Vitamin   Dupuytren   inflamatories   osteopenia   noticeable